5 research outputs found


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    La prevalencia de enfermedades crónico-degenerativas como obesidad y diabetes mellitus tipo 2, entre otras, ha aumentado; esto debido a cambios en el tipo de alimentación y estilo de vida de la población, dentro de ellos, se ha incrementado el sedentarismo y el consumo de alimentos con alto contenido calórico, lo que ocasiona ganancia de peso corporal, por ello, se han buscado alternativas para reducir el consumo energético proveniente de la dieta; en este sentido, la población utiliza en alimentos y bebidas sustitutos del azúcar no calóricos como sucralosa y estevia, que son los edulcorantes no calóricos (ENC) más utilizados. Las investigaciones sobre los efectos que pudieran tener en la salud se enfocan en la toxicidad o en efectos relacionados con su metabolismo. Sin embargo, el efecto local que tienen sobre el funcionamiento del sistema inmunitario de la mucosa intestinal; su asociación con cambios en la composición de la microbiota intestinal y las hormonas relacionadas con la absorción y regulación de la glucosa a nivel de intestino delgado, son campos poco explorados. El objetivo del estudio es conocer los cambios en la microbiota intestinal, causados por el consumo crónico de edulcorantes, en ratones CD1. Aún se desconocen los efectos en la salud humana relacionados con la cantidad ingerida y el consumo por tiempo prolongado de los ENC a nivel de la mucosa del intestino delgado, por lo que proponemos iniciar con el modelo murino. Se utilizarán 54 ratones CD1 machos: un grupo basal (se sacrificará a los 21 días de edad, n=6), 2 grupos se trabajarán durante 6 y 12 semanas con los siguientes tratamientos (n=6): a) Control sin edulcorante, b) Sacarosa, c) Sucralosa, d) Estevia. Se alimentarán con dieta normal y agua ad libitum. Se administrará cada edulcorante vía oral diluido en agua durante 5 horas por día. Se determinará Índice de Masa Corporal, consumo de alimento y agua y glucemia. Los cambios en la microbiota serán abordados con un enfoque metagenómico, mediante secuenciación masiva de amplicones obtenidos a partir de DNA extraído de sólidos intestinales de cada ratón.UAEM, el autor

    Chronic consumption of sweeteners increases carbonylated protein production in lymphocytes from mouse lymphoid organs

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    Artículo derivado de un proyecto de investigación para evaluar el efecto del consumo de edulcorantes sobre el sistema inmunitarioBackground: The prevalence of overweight, obesity and diabetes mellitus has increased in Mexico, therefore, sucralose and stevia are being used as alternative non-caloric sweeteners to reduce energy intake. Moreover, poorly balanced diets can lead to the formation of carbonyl groups, a marker used to determine oxidative damage to proteins. Increased presence of carbonylated proteins in CD1 mice chronically consuming sweeteners, may point them as causing oxidative damage. Aims: To determine whether the continued use of natural and artificial sweeteners increases the presence of carbonylated proteins in lymphocytes of lymphoid tissues in CD1 male mice. Methods: The present study was conducted with 72 CD1 newly weaned (21-day old) male mice, fed with standard lab diet and water ad libitum; mice were hosted in cages in groups of 4 under controlled temperature conditions (19-21°C), and light/dark cycles of 12/12 h. Weight and food intake was quantified weekly. Three groups of mice were randomly conformed: a) Baseline (21-day old, newly weaned, n=8); b) 6-week of treatment (63-day old, n=32); c) 12-week of treatment (105-day old, n=32). Groups b and c were divided into 4 subgroups each (n=8): i) Control (CL) without sweeteners; ii) Sucrose (SUC); iii) Sucralose (SUCL), and iv) Stevia (ST). Body weight, food, and water consumption were measured, and BMI was calculated from those values. Lymphocytes from Peyer's patches, peripheral blood and spleen were isolated, and from these cells carbonylated protein concentration was quantified. Blood glucose was also assessed. Results: Mice in SUCL and ST groups had lower weight gain and BMI compared to those that consumed SUC. The SUCL group consumed more food and the ST group decreased food intake, as compared with SUC and control groups. ST group drank more sweetened water, compared to the other groups. The percentage of blood lymphocytes and the carbonylated proteins concentrations were higher in the SUCL group. Conclusions: The chronic consumption of sucralose, caused an increase in food intake. In addition, the percentage of lymphocytes circulating in blood was elevated, as well as the concentration of carbonylated proteins in these cells

    Relationship between prolonged sweetener consumption and chronic stress in the production of carbonylated proteins in blood lymphocytes

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    Artículo derivado de un proyecto de investigación para la identificación del efecto del consumo de edulcorantes sobre el sistema inmunitario.Introduction: Modern lifestyles have changed eating habits, encouraged physical inactivity, and increased stress in daily life. These living conditions cause elevated concentrations of carbonylated proteins like biomarker of oxidative stress. The expression of this proteins represent irreversible damage to structural intracellular proteins in cells and extracellular matrix. It is not clear whether a rise in the concentration of these proteins is the origin or consequence of diseases. Objective: To determine in a healthy young mice model the possible correlation between prolonged sweetener consumption and the presence of chronic physiological stress, evidenced by the production of carbonylated proteins in peripheral blood lymphocytes. Methods: Sixty-four 21-day-old CD1 male mice were divided into two groups, stressed (with immobilization) and unstressed. Each group was divided into four subgroups: Control or experimental with a 6-week administration of sucrose, sucralose or stevia. Body mass index, food intake, number and concentration of carbonylated proteins, levels of glucose and peripheral lymphocytes in blood were evaluated. Data were analyzed with ANOVA. Results: Compared to the unstressed control, the glucose concentration was elevated in all stressed subgroups (F = 13.41, p < 0.01), with greater weight found in the stressed sucralose supplemented subgroup (F = 77.58, p < 0.001). The blood level of peripheral lymphocytes was above the control in all subgroups (F = 19.97, p < 0.01), except the decrease observed in unstressed sucrose supplemented subgroup. Carbonylated protein concentration in peripheral blood lymphocytes was high in all subgroups (versus the control) except in unstressed animals suppelemented with stevia (F = 51.16, p <0.01). Conclusions: Stress plus sucralose increased number of lymphocytes and carbonylated proteins concentration. The physiological stress with or without sweetener consumption generated increase in carbonylated proteins concentration. Stevia did not modify lymphocytes and carbonylated proteins

    Chronic Consumption of Sweeteners and Its Effect on Glycaemia, Cytokines, Hormones, and Lymphocytes of GALT in CD1 Mice

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    Background. The consumption of sweeteners has increased in recent years, being used to control body weight and blood glucose. However, they can cause increased appetite, modification of immune function, and secretion of hormones in the GALT. Objective. To assess the effect of chronic sweetener consumption on glycaemia, cytokines, hormones, and GALT lymphocytes in CD1 mice. Material and Methods. 72 CD1 mice divided into 3 groups were used: (a) baseline, (b) middle, and (c) final. Groups (b) and (c) were divided into 4 subgroups: (i) Control, (ii) Sucrose, (iii) Sucralose, and (iv) Stevia. The following were determined: body weight, hormones (GIP, insulin, and leptin), lymphocytes CD3+T cells and CD19+B cells, IgA+ plasma cells, and cytokines (IL-4, IL-5, IFN-γ, and TNF-α). Results. Sucralose reduces secretion of GIP and glycaemia but does not modify insulin concentration, increases body weight, and reduces food intake. Stevia increases the secretion of GIP, insulin, leptin, body weight, and glycaemia but keeps food consumption normal. Sucralose and Stevia showed a higher percentage of CD3+T cells, CD19+B cells, and IgA+ plasma cells in Peyer’s patches, but only Stevia in lamina propria. Conclusion. Sweeteners modulate the hormonal response of cytokines and the proliferation of lymphocytes in the intestinal mucosa