11 research outputs found

    La ocupaci贸n de ingenieros en la industria manufacturera nacional

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    Equilibrio Monetario, Inflaci贸n y Balanza de Pagos: La Cuenta de Capitales

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    This paper complements an earlier work by explicitly analyzing the role of the Capital Account in a small open economy with various degrees of openness. The surplus of said account is assumed proportional to the nominal interest rate differential, adjuste

    Equilibrio Monetario, Inflaci贸n y Balanza de Pagos

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    This paper presents a simplified framework to study the behavior of small open economies with various degrees of openness and under different exchange rate regimes. In order to simplify our results and their policy extensions, the variables are measured

    La Pol铆tica Econ贸mica de la Apertura al Exterior en Chile

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    This paper presents a detailed description of the trade liberalization process initiated in Chile in 1974. It begins by analyzing the economic policy of followed, since the 1930's, the main characteristic of which was a model of import substitution associ

    Ense帽anza de la ingenier铆a en la Universidad de Chile

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