50 research outputs found

    Liapunov Stability and the ring of P-adic integers

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    It is well-known that stable Cantor sets are topologically conjugate to adding machines. In this work we show are also conjugate to an algebraic object, the ring of P−adic integers with respect to group tramnslation. This ring is closely related to the field of p-adic numbers; connections and distintions are explored. The inverse limit construction provides a purely dynamical proof of an algebraic result: the classification of adding machines, or P−adic integers, up to group isomorphism. 

    Computability, Noncomputability, and Hyperbolic Systems

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    In this paper we study the computability of the stable and unstable manifolds of a hyperbolic equilibrium point. These manifolds are the essential feature which characterizes a hyperbolic system. We show that (i) locally these manifolds can be computed, but (ii) globally they cannot (though we prove they are semi-computable). We also show that Smale's horseshoe, the first example of a hyperbolic invariant set which is neither an equilibrium point nor a periodic orbit, is computable

    Positive definite matrices and differentiable reproducing kernel inequalities

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    AbstractLet I⊆R be a interval and k:I2→C be a reproducing kernel on I. By the Moore–Aronszajn theorem, every finite matrix k(xi,xj) is positive semidefinite. We show that, as a direct algebraic consequence, if k(x,y) is appropriately differentiable it satisfies a 2-parameter family of differential inequalities of which the classical diagonal dominance is the order 0 case. An application of these inequalities to kernels of positive integral operators yields optimal Sobolev norm bounds

    Real and complex variable positive definite functions

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    nuloIn this paper we present an overview of the implications of our previously derived results for positive definite kernels on the general theory of positive definite functions. We begin by exploring the consequences of a set of differential inequalities on the global behaviour of a smooth positive definite function of one real variable. Then we propose a natural extension of this study to the complex variable case and derive consequences of positive definiteness for meromorphic functions

    Um número primo de viagens

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    Recensão sobreTreze viagens pelo mundo da MatemáticaCarlos Correia de Sá, Jorge Rocha (Eds.)Universidade do Porto Editorial, 2010 Treze viagens pelo mundo da Matemática é uma obra a todos os títulos notável e singular. Talvez a melhor forma de a caracterizar em poucas palavras seja citando o que um dos autores afirmou na sessão de lançamento: “Este é o livro que eu gostaria de ter lido quando era novo”. É um livro simultaneamente encantador e informativo, inspirador e provocatório. Uma obra-prima

    Computability, noncomputability and undecidability of maximal intervals of IVPs

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    Let (α, β) ⊆ R denote the maximal interval of existence of solution for the initial-value problem dx dt = f(t, x) x(t0) = x0, where E is an open subset of Rm+1, f is continuous in E and (t0, x0) ∈ E. We show that, under the natural definition of computability from the point of view of applications, there exist initial-value problems with computable f and (t0, x0) whose maximal interval of existence (α, β) is noncomputable. The fact that f may be taken to be analytic shows that this is not a lack of regularity phenomenon. Moreover, we get upper bounds for the “degree of noncomputability” by showing that (α, β) is r.e. (recursively enumerable) open under very mild hypotheses. We also show that the problem of determining whether the maximal interval is bounded or unbounded is in general undecidable

    Em defesa do rigor na investigação em História da Matemática — a propósito das “Reflexões” de Luís Saraiva sobre o livro “Matemática em Portugal – uma questão de educação”

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    Em [1] Luís Saraiva elabora um texto crítico sobre o meu livro “Matemática em Portugal – uma questão de Educação” [2]. Sucede, porém, que o referido texto está semeado de incongruências, de contradições internas, e até de extrapolações com desconhecimento de causa que não posso deixar de refutar – o que farei nas páginas que se seguem, agradecendo a oportunidade que para tal me é concedida pelos Editores do Boletim da SPM

    Robust simulations of Turing machines with analytic maps and flows

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    In this paper, we show that closed-form analytic maps and ows can simulate Turing machines in an error-robust manner. The maps and ODEs de ning the ows are explicitly obtained and the simulation is performed in real time

    Terá Buffon realmente lançado agulhas?

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    O problema da agulha de Buffon permite obter aproximações aovalor de através da realização de experiências físicas ou computacionais no espírito do Método de Monte Carlo. É muito frequente a atribuição desta ideia ao próprio Buffon. Mostra-se neste artigo que não só não existe qualquer registo histórico neste sentido como é extremamente improvável que Buffon tenha alguma vez considerado uma abordagem experimental ao problema da agulha. Essa concepção errada deriva provavelmente de um mal-entendido histórico que se identifica a partir dos textos originais