1,701 research outputs found

    An Examination of Standards-based Practices in College Algebra in the First Two Years of College

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    Instructional practices in mathematics courses at two-year colleges include lecture as the predominant instructional form in 78% of two-year colleges, with class sizes averaging about 26 students (AACC, 2005). The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) indicates that there is a need for change in the practices of mathematics teachers because students are not being served well by the traditional pedagogical approaches (Burrill & Hollweg, 2003). The standards-based reform movement has had a positive impact on pedagogy but there are ongoing issues of alignment of teaching strategies to more student-centered practices (Barrington, 2004). This study examined the standards-based teaching practices of college mathematics faculty in the first two years to answer the research questions: What alignment exists between two-year college mathematics instructor’s knowledge and the instructional standards published by the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges in Beyond Crossroads? What are the components that characterize the instructional practices of two-year college instructors? What relationship exists between the alignment of Two-Year College mathematics faculty instructional practices with Beyond Crossroads? An interpretative qualitative methodology with an embedded survey was applied to examine how the American Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges standards are currently being aligned with instruction in the first two years of college. An analysis of the data revealed that standards-based teaching strengthens instructor delivery and accommodates diverse learning styles. Mathematics faculty use technology as a teaching tool and use a variety of student-centered activities to engage students to help them make meaningful connections. Findings from the study suggest there exist a strong relationship between the American Mathematical Association of Two Year College standards and instructor practice in the first two years. The findings indicate that mathematics faculty struggled in changing their instructional practice to meet the needs of their students. Furthermore, findings suggest that those invested in the mathematics education in the first two years constantly adjust their teaching through professional development opportunities. Additionally, mathematics faculty modified the curriculum to customize their instruction to align with standards-based teaching practices as their knowledge and awareness of standards develops as a professional

    Bluetooth Low Energy Indoor Positioning System

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    Robust indoor positioning systems based on low energy bluetooth signals will service a wide range of applications. We present an example of a low energy bluetooth positioning system. First, the steps taken to locate the target with the bluetooth data will be reviewed. Next, we describe the algorithms of the set of android apps developed to utilize the bluetooth data for positioning. Similar to GPS, the algorithms use trilateration to approximate the target location by utilizing the corner devices running one of the apps. Due to the fluctuating nature of the bluetooth signal strength indicator (RSSI), we used an averaging algorithm to smooth the data, increasing the reliability in the calculated target location. The system produces target coordinate locations relative to the distance from the corner applications in the room containing the target; under ideal conditions, the corners can be up to around 80 meters apart. The system produces accurate target locations 85% of the time, as in the calculated location of the target is within about 40 cm to the actual location of the target. This was found in the test environment of a rectangular room of 2.5 by 3.5 meters. The relative coordinates were found to be about 40 cm apart, with about 20 cm of error per coordinate set for this system\u27s scale. The system is able to track typical walk speeds and relative movement between the different corner devices efficiently and accurately enough to provide useful information for real world situations

    Cyber Infrastructure Protection: Vol. II

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    View the Executive SummaryIncreased reliance on the Internet and other networked systems raise the risks of cyber attacks that could harm our nation’s cyber infrastructure. The cyber infrastructure encompasses a number of sectors including: the nation’s mass transit and other transportation systems; banking and financial systems; factories; energy systems and the electric power grid; and telecommunications, which increasingly rely on a complex array of computer networks, including the public Internet. However, many of these systems and networks were not built and designed with security in mind. Therefore, our cyber infrastructure contains many holes, risks, and vulnerabilities that may enable an attacker to cause damage or disrupt cyber infrastructure operations. Threats to cyber infrastructure safety and security come from hackers, terrorists, criminal groups, and sophisticated organized crime groups; even nation-states and foreign intelligence services conduct cyber warfare. Cyber attackers can introduce new viruses, worms, and bots capable of defeating many of our efforts. Costs to the economy from these threats are huge and increasing. Government, business, and academia must therefore work together to understand the threat and develop various modes of fighting cyber attacks, and to establish and enhance a framework to assess the vulnerability of our cyber infrastructure and provide strategic policy directions for the protection of such an infrastructure. This book addresses such questions as: How serious is the cyber threat? What technical and policy-based approaches are best suited to securing telecommunications networks and information systems infrastructure security? What role will government and the private sector play in homeland defense against cyber attacks on critical civilian infrastructure, financial, and logistical systems? What legal impediments exist concerning efforts to defend the nation against cyber attacks, especially in preventive, preemptive, and retaliatory actions?https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/1527/thumbnail.jp

    Arms Control and European Security

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    The following three papers comprise one of the panels from a conference on U.S.-Russia relations that SSI co-sponsored with the Carnegie Council at Pocantico, NY, from June 1-3, 2011: Carnegie Council\u27s Program on “U.S. Global Engagement: A Two-Year Retrospective.” The papers offer three contrasting looks at one of the major issues in today’s arms control agenda, namely the future of the Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty (CFE). The three papers were written by leading experts in the field from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Russia and provide a revealing glimpse into the very different assessments that are being made by those three governments and the difficult issues involved in attempting to regenerate the process that led to the original treaty in 1990. These three chapters also implicitly contribute to a better understanding of the intractabilities facing the major players in any effort to advance not only arms control but also European stability.https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/1549/thumbnail.jp

    Access to Contraceptive Services during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Perceptions of Choose Well Hospital Partners

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    Introduction: Contraceptive decision-making is individual in nature and access to high-quality contraceptive care, including counseling and the full range of contraceptive methods, can help individuals achieve their personal reproductive goals and prevent unintended pregnancy. The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted provision and utilization of contraceptive counseling and contraceptive methods. Long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) methods, such as the contraceptive implant and intrauterine devices (IUDs), were particularly affected by the pandemic because they require placement by a health care provider in a clinical setting. Choose Well (CW), an ongoing statewide contraceptive access initiative in South Carolina, launched in 2017 and continues through 2022. CW aims to implement best practices of contraceptive care via training and funding for IUD and implant methods. This study examined the perceptions of access to contraceptive counseling and implant and IUD methods during the pandemic in 2020 among CW hospital partners. Methods: Data were collected in 2021 via key informant interviews with partners (n=9) at CW implementing hospitals to assess perceptions of CW activities in 2020, the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. A semi-structured interview guide was used, and interviews were recorded, transcribed, and consensus coded. A codebook was developed based on the interview guide. Data from select questions of interest related to perceived access to contraceptive counseling, access to LARC methods, and the impact of the pandemic on contraceptive care services were analyzed for this study. Coding was conducted with NVivo software version 1.6.1. Results: Findings show that there was continued provision of contraceptive services during COVID-19 at CW partner hospitals, including an increase in access to contraceptive counseling and LARCs in 2020. The most prevalent facilitator for increased access to contraceptive counseling and LARCs at CW partner hospitals was having key personnel available such as physicians and Obstetrics (OB) navigators. Expanded access to outpatient sites was also noted as a facilitator of contraceptive counseling. Advertising and wide-spread patient education, buy-in and engagement from staff were additional facilitators for the increased access to LARCs. Considering the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, patients wanting to quickly leave the hospital and challenges with staffing contributed to an overall decline in access in some hospital locations. Challenges with staffing included not being able to receive training and nurses being overworked and overburdened. Conclusion: While COVID-19 has posed challenges to contraceptive care service provision, most individuals perceived an increase in access to contraceptive counseling and LARCs at CW partner hospitals. Hospital partners have continued to provide contraceptive services during COVID-19. The findings suggest the success of the CW initiative in increasing access to contraceptive services, particularly during COVID-19 through key facilitators. Staffing positions such as OB Navigators should be funded and maintained to increase access to contraceptive care services in hospital inpatient settings. Coordinating care between hospital inpatient and outpatient settings is similarly important for widespread patient education about contraceptive care services

    A Critical Investigation into the Information Communication Technology (ICT) Architecture Supporting Virtual Universities

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    Abstract A critical investigation into the information communication technology (ICT) architecture supporting virtual universities confirmed that service oriented architecture (SOA) is the ICT architecture supporting virtual universities. The study was motivated by the desire to have an in-depth understanding of the ICT architecture supporting virtual universities after considering an upwards trend in a large number of organizations interacting in real time over real, large geographic distances creating a virtual world. Using published work, the study established that different technologies and protocols, such as Service Oriented Architecture SOA, Remote Procedure Call RPC, Transport Protocol TP, Simple Object Access Protocol SOAP, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SMTP and Extensible Markup Language XML , are being used and can be used to support a third generation virtual university. The study established strengths and weaknesses of SOA and virtual universities who offer all services in an integrated way such as e-learning, specialized virtual centres for developmental educational courses, libraries and administrative functions, interactive environments for asynchronous and synchronous communications and collaboration

    Factorizations of Elements in Noncommutative Rings: A Survey

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    We survey results on factorizations of non zero-divisors into atoms (irreducible elements) in noncommutative rings. The point of view in this survey is motivated by the commutative theory of non-unique factorizations. Topics covered include unique factorization up to order and similarity, 2-firs, and modular LCM domains, as well as UFRs and UFDs in the sense of Chatters and Jordan and generalizations thereof. We recall arithmetical invariants for the study of non-unique factorizations, and give transfer results for arithmetical invariants in matrix rings, rings of triangular matrices, and classical maximal orders as well as classical hereditary orders in central simple algebras over global fields.Comment: 50 pages, comments welcom

    Orbital and physical parameters of eclipsing binaries from the ASAS catalogue - IX. Spotted pairs with red giants

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    We present spectroscopic and photometric solutions for three spotted systems with red giant components. Absolute physical and orbital parameters for these double-lined detached eclipsing binary stars are presented for the first time. These were derived from the V-, and I-band ASAS and WASP photometry, and new radial velocities calculated from high quality optical spectra we obtained with a wide range of spectrographs and using the two-dimensional cross-correlation technique (TODCOR). All of the investigated systems (ASAS J184949-1518.7, BQ Aqr, and V1207 Cen) show the differential evolutionary phase of their components consisting of a main-sequence star or a subgiant and a red giant, and thus constitute very informative objects in terms of testing stellar evolution models. Additionally, the systems show significant chromospheric activity of both components. They can be also classified as classical RS CVn-type stars. Besides the standard analysis of radial velocities and photometry, we applied spectral disentangling to obtain separate spectra for both components of each analysed system which allowed for a more detailed spectroscopic study. We also compared the properties of red giant stars in binaries that show spots, with those that do not, and found that the activity phenomenon is substantially suppressed for stars with Rossby number higher than ∼1 and radii larger than ∼20 R⊙