1,645 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana tanggungjawab hukum investasi asing dalam perjanjian pinjam nama (nominee) dan bagaimana tanggungjawab hukum perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup dari investasi asing dengan perjanjian pinjam nama atau nominee yang dengan metode penelitian hukum normatif disimpulkan: 1. Tanggungjawab hukum perusahan asing yang melakukan perjanjian pinjam nama atau nominee, sangat berimplikasi terhadap investasi modal asing dalam program pembangunan dan  pelaksanaan hukum penanaman modal di Indonesia, dalam proses perjanjian tersebut di kategorikan sebagai tindakan bertanggung-jawab yang dilakukan oleh para pihak,  karena apabila tidak mengikuti persyaratan perundangan yang berlaku, maka perbuatan investasi asing tersebut merupakan perbuatan yang melawan hukum. 2. Perjanjian Pinjam Nama (nominee), harus memenuhi persyaratan dalam perjanjian sebagaimana yang diatur dalam Pasal 1320 KUHPerdata yaitu sepakat mengikatkan diri dan cakap. Pengertian cakap yaitu cakap hukum (bekwaanheid) yang dapat diartikan para pihak mengetahui konsekuensi hukum apabila tindakan yang dilakukan melawan hukum. Kecakapan/cakap yaitu: sanggup dan mampu melakukan sesuatu; serta mempunyai kemampuan dan kepandaian untuk mengerjakan sesuatu. Dalam melaksanakan perjanjian ada 3 (tiga) faktor yang mempengarui sehingga mempunyai kecakapan bertindak dalam hukum yaitu: Faktor Psikologis (kejiwaan); Faktor Fisiologis (keadaan fisik) dan Faktor Lingkungan Hidup.Kata kunci: investasi asing; nominee; pinjam nama

    Effect of level of feeding and age upon feed digestibility

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    A digestion trial was conducted to study the effect of age and level of feeding on the digestibility of feed. The 36 Holstein heifers used were part of a growth experiment in which an attempt was made to calculate the total digestible nutrients (TON) required to obtain 0.8, 1.2, and 1.6 pounds average daily gain (low, medium, high). The digestibility values were determined by either the total collection or chromic oxide indicator method, using a diet of two parts hay to one part grain mixture. Feed allowances were based on average TON values of corn (75%) and hay (50%). Three age levels, 7-, 14-, and 19-months, were investigated to compare age effects on digestibility of feed at each of the three feeding levels. Twelve heifers at each age level were divided into low, medium, or high level of feeding. There were no significant differences (P\u3e.05) between the digestion coefficients of energy, crude protein, organic matter, or in TDN at any one of the three levels of feeding, but crude fiber digestibility was significantly lower at the low level of feeding. Significant differences (P\u3c.05) were noted in the digestibility of crude protein, crude fiber, organic matter, energy, and in TDN between the 7 month-old heifers and both of the older groups

    Using Topside Journal Entries to Conceal Fraud

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    Attitudes to wealth in Old French didactic and courtly verse (1150-1300)

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    This thesis examines the attitudes to wealth as depicted in two contrasting literary genres: didactic verse sermons and courtly verse romances. A preliminary chapter briefly outlines the historical background, its relationship with contemporary literature and with the prominence of wealth as a literary theme. Part One, devoted to the didactic works, begins with an appraisal of the sources of the Old French attitudes to wealth, and of their mode of expression. Consideration follows of the treatment of avarice in medieval verse sermons. Thereafter the relationship between man and wealth is studied from two standpoints. Firstly man is viewed as a moral type, usually the evil rich man. Chapters Three and Four resume the opinions of the didactic poets on wealth and on man as a social type in all his different roles. Part Two, centred upon the courtly works, examines avarice as a literary topic, and goes on to consider the more dominant theme of courtly liberality. This leads to a careful analysis of the gift theme wherein are demonstrated the complexity and significance of giving and accepting gifts in courtly romance. A critical survey of attitudes to wealth embraces also attitudes towards poverty, and a study of the ways of amassing wealth includes the approved courtly remedies for poverty. Wealth is overshadowed only by the theme of love in the romances. Accordingly the thesis ends with a study of the conflicting attitudes to wealth in relation to love found in courtly society and in its heroes. The General Conclusion assesses how far the two literary genres differ and coincide regarding attitudes to wealth, and seeks to establish why.<p

    Sing to the Lord a new song : Memory, Music, Epistemology, and the Emergence of Gregorian Chant as Corporate Knowledge

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    Following the Christianization of the crumbling Roman Empire, a wide array of disparate Christian traditions arose. A confusion of liturgical rites and musical styles expressed the diversity of this nascent Christendom; however, it also exemplified a sometimes threatening disunity. Into this frame, the Carolingian Empire made a decisive choice. Charlemagne, with a desire to consolidate power, forged stronger bonds withRome by transporting the liturgy ofRome to the Frankish North. The outcome of this transmission was the birth of a composite form of music exhibiting the liturgical properties ofRome but also shaped by the musical sensibilities of the Franks—Gregorian chant. This Frankish project of liturgical adoption and the appearance of Gregorian chant raises two important questions: How did the Carolingians transmit and incorporate Roman chant, and why did they feel drawn to this tradition in the first place? This thesis utilizes musicological studies by scholars like Leo Treitler and Anna Maria Busse Burger, epistemological arguments by analytic philosopher Richard Fumerton, and memorial scholarship by Mary Carruthers and Maurice Halbwachs to provide an analysis of Gregorian chant’s emergence. My investigation into the medieval art of memoria reveals that chant was transmitted through the use of the principles of music theory as mnemonic devices. Modal theory itself becomes a mnemonic by creating an abstract musical location in which the singer and listener can meet. Further, the impulse that drove this project was the desire for a collective memory that would resolve underlying tensions of group identity within 8th- and 9th-century early Christendom. This desire finds its resolution in modal theory itself because the musical location of chant is also a public location where corporate identity is articulated. Finally, I interpret both musical and memorial functions of chant via epistemic scholarship, showing that they both exhibit a remarkable structural similarity to the principles of acquaintance epistemology, thus unifying the questions of “how” and “why” in chant into a single answer. The quest for self-knowledge becomes part of the particular object used to make it—a material testament to a way of knowing

    Mind the Gap: the Importance of Pluralistic Discourse in Computing for Mental Health

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    A large amount of HCI research leverages studies from psychology to try to understand how humans work. Unfortunately, there is often a disconnect between the tightly- controlled laboratory studies being referenced and the application of this knowledge in practice. At the same time, many mental health practitioners are beginning to turn toward computational tools to help stretch limited resources and support equitable access to mental healthcare. These efforts could be dramatically enhanced by leveraging what the HCI community has learned about promoting active engagement and designing unobtrusive interfaces. By facilitating collaboration between HCI researchers and practitioners in the field of human services, we are working to understand how our historically separate disciplines might better be able to support one another and together reimagine what constitutes a therapeutic intervention in the 21st century

    Small volume laboratory on a chip measurements incorporating the quartz crystal microbalance to measure the viscosity-density product of room temperature ionic liquids

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    A microfluidic glass chip system incorporating a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) to measure the square root of the viscosity-density product of room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) is presented. The QCM covers a central recess on a glass chip, with a seal formed by tightly clamping from above outside the sensing region. The change in resonant frequency of the QCM allows for the determination of the square root viscosity-density product of RTILs to a limit of ∌ 10 kg m−2 s−0.5. This method has reduced the sample size needed for characterization from 1.5 ml to only 30 Όl and allows the measurement to be made in an enclosed system

    Public perceptions of changing the terminology for low-risk thyroid cancer: A qualitative focus group study

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    Objectives To investigate public perceptions of overdiagnosis and overtreatment in low-risk thyroid cancer and explore opinions regarding the proposed strategy to change the terminology of low-risk cancers. Design Qualitative study using focus groups that included a guided group discussion and presentation explaining thyroid cancer, overdiagnosis and overtreatment, and proposed communication strategies. Transcripts were analysed thematically. Setting Sydney, Australia. Participants Forty-seven men and women of various ages from a range of socioeconomic backgrounds with no personal history of thyroid cancer. Results Participants had low pre-existing general awareness of concepts of overdiagnosis and overtreatment and expressed concern regarding this new information in relation to thyroid cancer. Overall, participants understood why the strategy to change the terminology was being proposed and could see potential benefits including reducing the negative psychological impact and stigma associated with the term 'cancer'; however, many still had reservations about the strategy. The majority of the concerns were around their worry about the risk of further disease progression and that changing the terminology may create confusion and cause patients not to take the diagnosis and its associated managements seriously. Despite varied views towards the proposed strategy, there was a strong overarching desire for greater patient and public education around overdiagnosis and overtreatment in both thyroid cancer and cancer generally in order to complement any revised terminology and/or other mitigation strategies. Conclusions We found a strong and apparently widely held desire for more information surrounding the topic of overdiagnosis and overtreatment. Careful consideration of how to inform both the public and current patients about the implications of a change in terminology, including changes to patients' follow-up or treatments, would be needed if such a change were to go ahead
