24,617 research outputs found

    Phase transition in protocols minimizing work fluctuations

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    For two canonical examples of driven mesoscopic systems - a harmonically-trapped Brownian particle and a quantum dot - we numerically determine the finite-time protocols that optimize the compromise between the standard deviation and the mean of the dissipated work. In the case of the oscillator, we observe a collection of protocols that smoothly trade-off between average work and its fluctuations. However, for the quantum dot, we find that as we shift the weight of our optimization objective from average work to work standard deviation, there is an analog of a first-order phase transition in protocol space: two distinct protocols exchange global optimality with mixed protocols akin to phase coexistence. As a result, the two types of protocols possess qualitatively different properties and remain distinct even in the infinite duration limit: optimal-work-fluctuation protocols never coalesce with the minimal work protocols, which therefore never become quasistatic.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures + SI as ancillary fil

    Aspects of a supersymmetric Brans-Dicke theory

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    We consider a locally supersymmetric theory where the Planck mass is replaced by a dynamical superfield. This model can be thought of as the Minimal Supersymmetric extension of the Brans-Dicke theory (MSBD). The motivation that underlies this analysis is the research of possible connections between Dark Energy models based on Brans-Dicke-like theories and supersymmetric Dark Matter scenarios. We find that the phenomenology associated with the MSBD model is very different compared to the one of the original Brans-Dicke theory: the gravitational sector does not couple to the matter sector in a universal metric way. This feature could make the minimal supersymmetric extension of the BD idea phenomenologically inconsistent.Comment: 6 pages, one section is adde

    (Never) Mind your p's and q's: Von Neumann versus Jordan on the Foundations of Quantum Theory

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    In two papers entitled "On a new foundation [Neue Begr\"undung] of quantum mechanics," Pascual Jordan (1927b,g) presented his version of what came to be known as the Dirac-Jordan statistical transformation theory. As an alternative that avoids the mathematical difficulties facing the approach of Jordan and Paul A. M. Dirac (1927), John von Neumann (1927a) developed the modern Hilbert space formalism of quantum mechanics. In this paper, we focus on Jordan and von Neumann. Central to the formalisms of both are expressions for conditional probabilities of finding some value for one quantity given the value of another. Beyond that Jordan and von Neumann had very different views about the appropriate formulation of problems in quantum mechanics. For Jordan, unable to let go of the analogy to classical mechanics, the solution of such problems required the identication of sets of canonically conjugate variables, i.e., p's and q's. For von Neumann, not constrained by the analogy to classical mechanics, it required only the identication of a maximal set of commuting operators with simultaneous eigenstates. He had no need for p's and q's. Jordan and von Neumann also stated the characteristic new rules for probabilities in quantum mechanics somewhat differently. Jordan (1927b) was the first to state those rules in full generality. Von Neumann (1927a) rephrased them and, in a subsequent paper (von Neumann, 1927b), sought to derive them from more basic considerations. In this paper we reconstruct the central arguments of these 1927 papers by Jordan and von Neumann and of a paper on Jordan's approach by Hilbert, von Neumann, and Nordheim (1928). We highlight those elements in these papers that bring out the gradual loosening of the ties between the new quantum formalism and classical mechanics.Comment: New version. The main difference with the old version is that the introduction has been rewritten. Sec. 1 (pp. 2-12) in the old version has been replaced by Secs. 1.1-1.4 (pp. 2-31) in the new version. The paper has been accepted for publication in European Physical Journal

    Quantum Discord and Quantum Computing - An Appraisal

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    We discuss models of computing that are beyond classical. The primary motivation is to unearth the cause of nonclassical advantages in computation. Completeness results from computational complexity theory lead to the identification of very disparate problems, and offer a kaleidoscopic view into the realm of quantum enhancements in computation. Emphasis is placed on the `power of one qubit' model, and the boundary between quantum and classical correlations as delineated by quantum discord. A recent result by Eastin on the role of this boundary in the efficient classical simulation of quantum computation is discussed. Perceived drawbacks in the interpretation of quantum discord as a relevant certificate of quantum enhancements are addressed.Comment: To be published in the Special Issue of the International Journal of Quantum Information on "Quantum Correlations: entanglement and beyond." 11 pages, 4 figure

    Efficient quantum processing of ideals in finite rings

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    Suppose we are given black-box access to a finite ring R, and a list of generators for an ideal I in R. We show how to find an additive basis representation for I in poly(log |R|) time. This generalizes a recent quantum algorithm of Arvind et al. which finds a basis representation for R itself. We then show that our algorithm is a useful primitive allowing quantum computers to rapidly solve a wide variety of problems regarding finite rings. In particular we show how to test whether two ideals are identical, find their intersection, find their quotient, prove whether a given ring element belongs to a given ideal, prove whether a given element is a unit, and if so find its inverse, find the additive and multiplicative identities, compute the order of an ideal, solve linear equations over rings, decide whether an ideal is maximal, find annihilators, and test the injectivity and surjectivity of ring homomorphisms. These problems appear to be hard classically.Comment: 5 page

    Quantum Algorithms for Fermionic Quantum Field Theories

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    Extending previous work on scalar field theories, we develop a quantum algorithm to compute relativistic scattering amplitudes in fermionic field theories, exemplified by the massive Gross-Neveu model, a theory in two spacetime dimensions with quartic interactions. The algorithm introduces new techniques to meet the additional challenges posed by the characteristics of fermionic fields, and its run time is polynomial in the desired precision and the energy. Thus, it constitutes further progress towards an efficient quantum algorithm for simulating the Standard Model of particle physics.Comment: 29 page

    Quantum Algorithms for Quantum Field Theories

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    Quantum field theory reconciles quantum mechanics and special relativity, and plays a central role in many areas of physics. We develop a quantum algorithm to compute relativistic scattering probabilities in a massive quantum field theory with quartic self-interactions (phi-fourth theory) in spacetime of four and fewer dimensions. Its run time is polynomial in the number of particles, their energy, and the desired precision, and applies at both weak and strong coupling. In the strong-coupling and high-precision regimes, our quantum algorithm achieves exponential speedup over the fastest known classical algorithm.Comment: v2: appendix added (15 pages + 25-page appendix

    Quantum Computation of Scattering in Scalar Quantum Field Theories

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    Quantum field theory provides the framework for the most fundamental physical theories to be confirmed experimentally, and has enabled predictions of unprecedented precision. However, calculations of physical observables often require great computational complexity and can generally be performed only when the interaction strength is weak. A full understanding of the foundations and rich consequences of quantum field theory remains an outstanding challenge. We develop a quantum algorithm to compute relativistic scattering amplitudes in massive phi-fourth theory in spacetime of four and fewer dimensions. The algorithm runs in a time that is polynomial in the number of particles, their energy, and the desired precision, and applies at both weak and strong coupling. Thus, it offers exponential speedup over existing classical methods at high precision or strong coupling

    Thermal correlators of anyons in two dimensions

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    The anyon fields have trivial α\alpha-commutator for α\alpha not integer. For integer α\alpha the commutators become temperature-dependent operator valued distributions. The nn-point functions do not factorize as for quasifree states.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX (misprints corrected, a reference added
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