8 research outputs found

    The Coral reef fishes of Broward County Florida, species and abundance: a work in progress

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    The inshore environment of Broward County, FL consists of three coral reef/hard bottom reef tracts, separated by sand substrate, running parallel to the coast in sequentially deeper water. At quarter nautical mile intervals, for a five mile coastline section, fishes were censused at western, eastern and crest sites of each of the three reef tracts. On SCUBA and using the Bohnsack/Bannerot point-count method, we recorded: fish abundance, species richness, size, and general habitat of an imaginary cylinder 15 m in diameter. The position of each site was recorded by DGPS after census. One hundred and eighty-one sites were censused during a 10 month period (August 1998 to May 1999). A total of 16,746 fish belonging to 139 species of 39 families were recorded. There were significant differences (p \u3c 0.05, ANOVA) in the species richness and the total abundance of fishes among the three reef tracts. There were significantly fewer total fish (p \u3c 0.001) and fewer fish species (p \u3c 0.001) on the inshore reef tract as compared to either the middle or offshore reef tracts. The middle and offshore reefs tracts did not differ (p \u3e 0.05, SNK). Differences were also found based on the location (edges or crest) on the reef. With all data from the three reef tracts combined, the eastern edge showed significantly fewer total fish (p \u3c 0.001) than either the crest of the reef or the western edge, which did not differ significantly (p\u3e 0.05). Species richness also varied with the western edges of the tracts having significantly more species (p \u3c 0.01) than the crests or the eastern edges, again there was no significant difference between these two (p \u3e 0.05). Statistical analysis of a subjective complexity rating taken at each site mirrored the results of fish abundance and species richness. This supports the hypothesis that topographical complexity is, at least in part, a determinant in the differences in fish assemblages among the three reef tracts

    Philopatry and regional connectivity of the great hammerhead shark, Sphyrna mokarran in the U.S. and Bahamas

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    A thorough understanding of movement patterns of a species is critical for designing effective conservation and management initiatives. However, generating such information for large marine vertebrates is challenging, as they typically move over long distances, live in concealing environments, are logistically difficult to capture and, as upper-trophic predators, are naturally low in abundance. Large-bodied, broadly distributed tropical shark typically restricted to coastal and shelf habitats, the great hammerhead shark Sphyrna mokarran epitomizes such challenges. Highly valued for its fins (in target and incidental fisheries), it suffers high bycatch mortality coupled with fecundity conservative life history, and as a result, is vulnerable to over-exploitation and population depletion. Although there are very little species-specific data available, the absence of recent catch records give cause to suspect substantial declines across its range. Here, we used biotelemetry techniques (acoustic and satellite), conventional tagging, laser-photogrammetry, and photo-identification to investigate the level of site fidelity/residency for great hammerheads to coastal areas in the Bahamas and U.S., and the extent of movements and connectivity of great hammerheads between the U.S. and Bahamas. Results revealed large-scale return migrations (3030 km), seasonal residency to local areas (some for 5 months), site fidelity (annual return to Bimini and Jupiter for many individuals) and numerous international movements. These findings enhance the understanding of movement ecology in great hammerhead sharks and have potential to contribute to improved cons

    Temperature and the vertical movements of oceanic whitetip sharks, Carcharhinus longimanus

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    Large-bodied pelagic ectotherms such as sharks need to maintain internal temperatures within a favourable range in order to maximise performance and be cost-efficient foragers. This implies that behavioural thermoregulation should be a key feature of the movements of these animals, although field evidence is limited. We used depth and temperature archives from pop-up satellite tags to investigate the role of temperature in driving vertical movements of 16 oceanic whitetip sharks, Carcharhinus longimanus, (OWTs). Spectral analysis, linear mixed modelling, segmented regression and multivariate techniques were used to examine the effect of mean sea surface temperature (SST) and mixed layer depth on vertical movements. OWTs continually oscillated throughout the upper 200 m of the water column. In summer when the water column was stratified with high SSTs, oscillations increased in amplitude and cycle length and sharks reduced the time spent in the upper 50 m. In winter when the water column was cooler and well-mixed, oscillations decreased in amplitude and cycle length and sharks frequently occupied the upper 50 m. SSTs of 28 oC marked a distinct change in vertical movements and the onset of thermoregulation strategies. Our results have implications for the ecology of these animals in a warming ocean

    Global spatial risk assessment of sharks under the footprint of fisheries

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    Brucellosis is a highly contagious zoonosis affecting humans and a wide range of domesticated and wild animal species. An important element for effective disease containment is to improve knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) of afflicted communities. This study aimed to assess the KAP related to brucellosis at the human–animal interface in an endemic area of Egypt and to identify the risk factors for human infection. A matched case–control study was conducted at the central fever hospitals located in six governorates in northern Egypt. Face‐to‐face interviews with cases and controls were conducted using a structured questionnaire. In total, 40.7% of the participants owned farm animals in their households. The overall mean practice score regarding animal husbandry, processing and consumption of milk and dairy products were significantly lower among cases compared with controls (−12.7 ± 18.1 vs. 0.68 ± 14.2, respectively; p < .001). Perceived barriers for notification of animal infection/abortion were predominate among cases and positively correlated with participants’ education. The predictors of having brucellosis infection were consumption of unpasteurized milk or raw dairy products and practicing animal husbandry. Applying protective measures against infection significantly reduced its risk. A model predicting risk factors for brucellosis among those who own animal showed that frequent abortions per animal increased the chance for brucellosis infection among human cases by 50‐fold (95% CI: 8.8–276.9), whereas the use of protective measures in animal care reduced the odds (OR = 0.11 [95% CI: 0.03–0.45]). In conclusion, consumption of unprocessed dairy products was equally important as contact with infected/aborted animals as major risk factors for Brucella spp. infection among humans in Egypt. There is poor knowledge, negative attitudes and risky behaviours among villagers which can perpetuate the risk of brucellosis transmission at the human–animal interface. This supports the need for integrating health education into the national brucellosis control programme