5 research outputs found

    Uso del selenio en organismo acu谩ticos. Una revisi贸n

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    The nutrients present in the feed are of vital importance for the biological processes in animals, in this way, the selection of the ingredients that make up the diet are essential to determine the appropriate inclusion. These nutrients are divided into two groups: macronutrients that are required in high quantities and provide most of the energy needed by an organism, among which are proteins, lipids and carbohydrates, and micronutrients required in smaller quantities, used for tissue regeneration and regulation of body processes, such as vitamins and minerals. The latter guarantee a good development of the physiological functions of the organisms and are necessary for the metabolism, generating a strengthening of the immune system and prevention of diseases. Among the minerals of particular interest in aquaculture is selenium (Se), a trace mineral found in the form of inorganic compounds such as selenite and selenate, or organic compounds in the form of seleno-amino acids such as seleno-cysteine and seleno-methionine. The biological importance of selenium lies in its incorporation into molecules called selenoproteins, which have different functions such as homeostasis of organisms (thioredoxin and glutathione), in the metabolism of thyroid hormones (thyronine deyodinase), sperm maturation and antioxidants (glutathione peroxidase), muscle functions (selenoprotein N), among others. Of the different selenoproteins that exist, most of them are conserved in fish. In aquaculture systems, their incorporation in the diet has been implemented, with optimal results in zootechnical parameters, immunological strengthening, and gene expression. This review shows the importance of Se in fish, highlighting studies that evaluate the effects of supplementing diets with Se for feeding aquatic animals in captivity and the need to determine species-specific requirements.Los nutrientes presentes en el alimento, son de vital importancia para los procesos biol贸gicos en los animales, de esta manera la selecci贸n de los ingredientes que conforman la dieta, son esenciales para determinar la inclusi贸n apropiada. Estos nutrientes se dividen en dos grupos macronutrientes que se requieren en grandes cantidades, y proporcionan la mayor parte de energ铆a que necesita un organismo, entre los cuales se encuentran prote铆nas, l铆pidos y carbohidratos y los micronutrientes requeridos en menor cantidad, utilizados para regeneraci贸n de tejidos y la regulaci贸n de procesos corporales, como las vitaminas y los minerales. Estos 煤ltimos, garantizan un buen desarrollo de las funciones fisiol贸gicas de los organismos y son necesarios para el metabolismo, generando un fortalecimiento del sistema inmunitario y prevenci贸n de enfermedades. Entre los minerales con marcado inter茅s en la acuicultura se encuentra el selenio (Se), mineral traza, que se encuentra en forma de compuestos inorg谩nicos como selenito y selenato, o compuestos org谩nicos en forma de seleno-amino谩cidos tales como seleno-ciste铆na y seleno-metionina. La importancia biol贸gica del selenio radica en su incorporaci贸n a mol茅culas llamadas selenoprote铆nas, las cuales tienen diferentes funciones tales como; homeostasis de los organismos, (tiorredoxina y del glutati贸n), en el metabolismo de hormonas tiroideas, (tironina deyodinasa), maduraci贸n de espermatozoides y antioxidantes (glutati贸n peroxidasa), funciones musculares (selenoproteina N), entre otras. De las diferentes selenoprote铆nas que existen, la mayor parte de ellas se conservan en peces. En los sistemas de acuicultura se ha venido implementando su incorporaci贸n en la dieta, con resultados 贸ptimos en los par谩metros zoot茅cnicos, en el fortalecimiento inmunol贸gico, y en la expresi贸n de genes. Esta revisi贸n muestra la importancia de Se en peces, destac谩ndose estudios que eval煤an los efectos de suplementar dietas con Se para la alimentaci贸n de animales acu谩ticos en cautiverio y la necesidad de determinar requerimientos especie-espec铆ficos

    Crecimiento y viabilidad celular de microalgas: efecto del medio de cultivo

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    In Aquaculture, the use of microalgae is fundamental in the first feeding of native fish species, since their optimal nutritional level favors survival. Successful production of microalgae under laboratory conditions depends on the culture medium used during the cryopreservation stage of production. Agricultural fertilizers can be used as a low-cost alternative culture media that promotes cell growth and cryopreservation. The objective was to evaluate the effect of two culture media on population growth (PG) and post-thawing viability (PTV) of three microalgal species (Chlorella sp., Desmodesmus sp., and Ankistrodesmus sp.). The PG and PTV were evaluated for F/2 Guillard and Nutrifoliar庐 culture media. Instantaneous growth rate (K), doubling time (dt), yield (y), and maximum density (md) were evaluated for PG in both culture media. For VCP, 5 and 10 % methanol was used in six treatments. The PTV was classified as no cell damage (NCD), cell damage (CD), and marked lesions (ML). Population growth did not differ among microalgae (p >0.05). T1 resulted in the lowest dt for Desmodesmus sp., (p <0.05). T2 showed the highest y and md for the three microalgae (p <0.05). Regarding post-thawing cell viability, the highest NCD for Chlorella sp. at day (d) 0 was similar between T3 and T4, and at d 5 it occurred in T6; for Desmodesmus sp., at d 0 it occurred in T6, and at d 5 it was similar between T6 and T1; for Ankistrodesmus sp., at d 0 and d 5 it occurred in T3. It is concluded that the culture medium Nutrifoliar庐, is a viable alternative and of low cost for the culture and the cryopreservation of microalgae of fresh water.En acuicultura, el uso de microalgas es fundamental en la primera alimentaci贸n de especies nativas de peces, pues su 贸ptimo nivel nutricional favorece la sobrevivencia. El 茅xito de la producci贸n de microalgas depende, entre otras, del medio de cultivo empleado. Los fertilizantes agr铆colas usados como medio de cultivo son una alternativa de bajo costo que favorece el crecimiento celular y la criopreservaci贸n. El objetivo fue evaluar el efecto de dos medios de cultivo sobre el crecimiento poblacional (CP) y la viabilidad celular post-descongelaci贸n (VCP) de microalgas Chlorella sp., Desmodesmus sp., y Ankistrodesmus sp. Se evalu贸 el CP y VCP los medios de cultivo F/2 Guillard, y Nutrifoliar庐. Para el CP en ambos tratamientos se determin贸: crecimiento (k), tiempo de duplicaci贸n (td), rendimiento (r) y densidad m谩xima (dm). Para VCP se emple贸 metanol al 5 y 10 %, en seis tratamientos. La VCP se clasific贸: sin da帽o celular (SDC), da帽o celular (DC) y lesiones marcadas (LM). El crecimiento poblacional fue igual para las tres microalgas (p>0,05). El T1 tuvo el menor td para Desmodesmus sp. (p<0,05). El T2 present贸 el mayor r y dm para las tres microalgas (p <0,05). En la viabilidad celular post-descongelaci贸n, el mayor porcentaje SDC para Chlorella sp., al d铆a (d) cero, fue similar en T3 y T4 y al d cinco fue en T6; para Desmodesmus sp, al d cero fue en T6 y al d cinco fue similar en T6 y T1; mientras que, para Ankistrodesmus sp, al d cero y cinco se present贸 en T3. Se concluye que el medio de cultivo Nutrifoliar庐, es una alternativa viable y de bajo costo para el cultivo y la criopreservaci贸n de microalgas de agua dulce

    Use of probiotics in the catfish Sorubim cuspicaudus larviculture

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    Sorubim cuspicaudus, a migratory catfish distributed in the Magdalena, Sin煤, and Catatumbo river basins, is categorized as vulnerable to extinction. Production of fingerlings in controlled environments stands as a strategic conservation approach, and larviculture is a critical phase in rearing this species. Probiotics are used for improvement in the critical stages of fingerling production. The study aimed to evaluate the use of probiotics (Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus licheniformis) during the larviculture phase of S. cuspicaudus. Larvae at 42 hours post-hatching (1.5卤0.1mg, total length 5.7卤0.4mm) were treated with four levels of probiotic inclusion in the water: 0, 5, 10, and 20ppm for 22 days. Water quality remained within suitable ranges for neotropical catfish species larviculture and the parameters assessed were weight gain (Gw), length gain (Gl), specific growth rate (G), survival rate (S), stress resistance (Sr), intestinal fold length (LF), and colony-forming units (CFU) count. Results showed higher Gl (22.23卤3.5mm), Gw (40.0卤12.6mg), G (14.9卤1.5%/day), LP (205卤72.7碌m), and CFU (118.7卤80.9) were found at 20 ppm (p0.05). The findings of this study suggest that probiotics (Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus licheniformis) could be used as an alternative to advance in the S. cuspicaudus larviculture

    Criopreservaci贸n de semen de bagre rayado Pseudoplatystoma magdaleniatum con tres diferentes crioprotectores

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    El objetivo fue criopreservar semen de bagre rayado Pseudoplatystoma magdaleniatum con tres crioprotectores internos diferentes: dimetilsulf贸xido (DMSO), dimetilacatamida (DMA) y etilenglicol (ETG) a dos porcentajes de inclusiones (5 y 10%), combinados con glucosa 6%, leche en polvo descremada 3% y vitamina E (0,4%). Cinco machos en fase de espermiaci贸n fueron inducidos con 0,4 ml de Ovaprim庐/Kg. El semen fue diluido en la soluci贸n crioprotectora (1:3) en tubos de 2,5 ml, congelado en vapores de nitr贸geno y descongelado a 35掳C durante 90 segundos. El an谩lisis estad铆stico incluy贸 un dise帽o factorial 3x2 y semen fresco (SF) como tratamiento testigo. En semen fresco, precongelado y descongelado se evalu贸 la movilidad total (Mt), tipos de movilidad, progresividad total y velocidades esperm谩ticas con la ayuda de Sperm Class Analyzer SCA庐. El SF registr贸 volumen de 6,1卤4,3 ml, Mt de 72,6卤17,1%, activaci贸n de 31,2卤2,1 segundos y concentraci贸n esperm谩tica de 54,7卤22,9 millones/渭l. En semen precongelado, el crioprotector (p<0,05) y porcentaje de inclusi贸n (p<0,01), pero no su interacci贸n, tuvieron un efecto significativo en la Mt, velocidad curvil铆nea (VCL) y velocidad lineal (VSL); mientras que en semen descongelado s贸lo la interacci贸n de los factores (p<0,05) fue significativa en Mt, porcentajes de espermatozoide est谩ticos y VCL. La Mt cay贸 entre 36-67% en semen precongelado y entre 74-86% en semen descongelado con relaci贸n a SF. Los resultados sugieren que DMSO, DMA y ETG incluidos a 5 o 10%, combinados con leche en polvo 3%, glucosa 6% y vitamina E 0,4% son alternativas viables de criopreservaci贸n del semen de bagre rayado

    Evaluation of virulence factors in clinical isolates of pathogenic E. coli in avian samples in Caloto, Colombia

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    Avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC), produces an extraintestinal infection in chickens, turkeys, and other types of birds, called colibacillosis, which is considered one of the main causes of economic losses due to morbidity, mortality, and discard of poultry carcasses. The objective of the present study was to characterize the genetic profile of the virulence factors of different isolates of avian E. coli in Caloto, Cauca, Colombia. Materials and methods: E. coli was isolated and identified by biochemical tests, from 47 clinical isolates. Subsequently, the DNA was extracted using Chelex. Three multiplex PCRs were designed to amplify 13 virulence factors (iroN, hlyF, iss, iutA, frz, vat, sitA, KpsM, sitD, fimH, pstB, sopB, and uvrY), using primers previously reported for each. At the end, the amplification products were verified on agarose gels. Each isolate was classified according to the number of virulence factors: group A (between 10 and 13), group B (between 5 and 9), and group C (4 or less). Discussion and Conclusions: we were able to identify the presence of a group of virulence factors in clinical isolates of APEC, which allows us to demonstrate that both the frequency and the profile of virulence factors in the isolated strains showed a different profile than the reported by other authors. The virulence genes pstB and fimH were detected in all our samples, and the iss gene was the one with the lowest frequency. Finally, according to the number of virulence factors, the group A was the most frequent