672 research outputs found

    Corruption and Inequality as Correlates of Social Trust: Fairness Matters More Than Similarity

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    Argued is that the fairness of a society affects its level of social trust more than does its homogeneity. Societies with fair procedural rules (democracy), fair administration of rules (freedom from corruption), and fair (relatively equal and unskewed) income distribution produce incentives for trustworthy behavior, develop norms of trustworthiness, and enhance interpersonal trust. Based on a multi-level analysis using the World Values Surveys data that cover 80 countries, I find that (1) freedom from corruption, income equality, and mature democracy are positively associated with trust, while ethnic diversity loses significance once these factors are accounted for; (2) corruption and inequality have an adverse impact on norms and perceptions of trustworthiness; (3) the negative effect of inequality on trust is due to the skewness of income rather than its simple heterogeneity; and (4) the negative effect of minority status is greater in more unequal and undemocratic countries, consistent with the fairness explanation.This publication is Hauser Center Working Paper No. 29. The Hauser Center Working Paper Series was launched during the summer of 2000. The Series enables the Hauser Center to share with a broad audience important works-in-progress written by Hauser Center scholars and researchers

    A Comparative Study of Inequality and Corruption

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    We argue that income inequality increases the level of corruption through material and normative mechanisms. The wealthy have both greater motivation and opportunity to engage in corruption, while the poor are more vulnerable to extortion and less able to monitor and hold the rich and powerful accountable as inequality increases. Inequality also adversely affects peoples social norms about corruption and beliefs about the legitimacy of rules and institutions, and thereby makes it easier to tolerate corruption as acceptable behavior. Our comparative analysis of 129 countries utilizing two-staged least squares methods with a variety of instrumental variables supports our hypotheses, using different measures of corruption (the World Banks Control of Corruption Index and the Transparency Internationals Corruption Perceptions Index). The explanatory power of inequality is at least as important as conventionally accepted causes of corruption such as economic development. We also find a significant interaction effect between inequality and democracy, and evidence that inequality affects norms and perceptions about corruption, using the World Values Survey data. Since corruption also contributes to income inequality, societies often fall into vicious circles of inequality and corruption.This publication is Hauser Center Working Paper No. 22. The Hauser Center Working Paper Series was launched during the summer of 2000. The Series enables the Hauser Center to share with a broad audience important works-in-progress written by Hauser Center scholars and researchers

    Development of control of corruption in South Korea

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    Trust and Corruption

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    The legacies of state corporatism in Korea: regulatory capture in the Sewol ferry tragedy

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    Regarding the causes of the Sewol ferry accident that claimed 304 lives in April 2014, some scholars have blamed neoliberal reforms such as deregulation and privatization for the safety regulatory failure. Others have highlighted the role of industry influence and corruption. Our analysis shows that regulatory capture was the crucial causal factor; moreover, this capture was institutionalized from the state-corporatist arrangements of the authoritarian period rather than reflecting new arrangements under the democratic era or corruption per se. The delegation of the critical safety regulation enforcement to the shipping industry association was not introduced as a neoliberal reform but in the context of state corporatism of the Park Chung-hee regime. Democratic governments continued to protect the monopoly of the lucrative Incheon–Jeju ferry business, contrary to neoliberal logic. The legacies of state corporatism persist despite post-financial crisis reform

    anti-9,10-Di(1-naphth­yl)anthracene pyridine disolvate

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    In the title compound, C34H22·2C5H5N, there is a crystallographic inversion center in the middle of the anthracene ring system. The dihedral angle between the mean planes of the anthracene and naphthalene ring systems is 83.96 (4)°. The crystal structure is stabilized by weak inter­molecular C—H⋯N and C—H⋯π inter­actions

    Research on Linked Data and Co-reference Resolution

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    This project report details work carried out in collaboration between the University of Southampton and the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, focussing on an RDF dataset of academic authors and publications. Activities included the conversion of the dataset to produce Linked Data, the identification of co-references in and between datasets, and the development of an ontology mapping service to facilitate the integration of the dataset with an existing Semantic Web application, RKBExplorer.com

    Low-Power Complementary Inverter Based on Graphene/Carbon-Nanotube and Graphene/MoS<sub>2</sub> Barristors

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    The recent report of a p-type graphene(Gr)/carbon-nanotube(CNT) barristor facilitates the application of graphene barristors in the fabrication of complementary logic devices. Here, a complementary inverter is presented that combines a p-type Gr/CNT barristor with a n-type Gr/MoS2 barristor, and its characteristics are reported. A sub-nW (~0.2 nW) low-power inverter is demonstrated with a moderate gain of 2.5 at an equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) of ~15 nm. Compared to inverters based on field-effect transistors, the sub-nW power consumption was achieved at a much larger EOT, which was attributed to the excellent switching characteristics of Gr barristors

    Importância dos Saca-Rabos (Herpestes Ichneumon) como Reservatório de Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis. Deteção por Técnicas Tradicionais e Moleculares

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    Poster apresentado nas IV Jornadas de Genética, realizadas na UTAD, Vila Real, nos dias 1,2 e 3 de Março de 2012.Os saca-rabos (Herpestes ichneumon) também conhecidos por mangustos, são carnívoros diurnos selvagens que juntamente com a geneta (Genetta genetta) representam os exemplares da família Viverridae em Portugal. É uma espécie cinegética de caça menor que se alimenta de coelhos, roedores, aves, cobras, insectos e ovos. Neste estudo colheram-se amostras de 8 animais mortos por atropelamento e em ações de controlo de predadores, durante os anos de 2010 e 2011, nos concelhos de Idanha-a-Nova e Penamacor do distrito de Castelo Branco. As amostras colhidas foram fígado, pulmão, baço, intestino, rim, gânglio mesentérico, retrofaríngeo, mediastínico, amígdalas e fezes. As amostras foram submetidas à técnica de PCR e a cultura microbiológica em meios específicos. Em três saca-rabos (37,5%) detectou-se Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map) através da técnica de biologia molecular. Dois eram machos e um era fêmea. Map foi confirmado também em cultura nos dois machos. Sete saca-rabos (87,5%) apresentaram bactérias álcool-ácido resistentes compatíveis com Map em esfregaços de diferentes tecidos, quando corados pelo método de Ziehl-Neelsen. Estes resultados preliminares confirmam os saca-rabos como reservatório de Map no nosso país. Atualmente, estão a ser desenvolvidos mais estudos para a avaliação dos saca-rabos na dinâmica da infeção de Map em mamíferos selvagens