57 research outputs found

    Control of Impurity Phase Segregation in a PdCrO2_2/CuCrO2_2 Heterostructure

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    PdCrO2_2 films are synthesized on CuCrO2_2 buffer layers on Al2_2O3_3 substrates. This synthesis is accompanied by impurity phase segregation, which hampers the synthesis of high quality PdCrO2_2 films. The potential causes of impurity phase segregation were studied by using a combination of experiments and ab initio calculations. X-ray diffraction and scanning transmission electron microscopy experiments revealed impurity phases of Cux_xPd1x_{1-x} alloy and chromium oxides, Cr2_2O3_3 and Cr3_3O4_4, in PdCrO2_2. Calculations determined that oxygen deficiency can cause the impurity phase segregation. Therefore, preventing oxygen release from delafossites could suppress the impurity phase segregation. The amounts of Cr2_2O3_3 and Cr3_3O4_4 depend differently on temperature and oxygen partial pressure. A reasonable theory-based explanation for this experimental observation is provided

    Switching Magnetism and Superconductivity with Spin-Polarized Current in Iron-Based Superconductor

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    We have explored a new mechanism for switching magnetism and superconductivity in a magnetically frustrated iron-based superconductor using spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy (SPSTM). Our SPSTM study on single crystal Sr2_2VO3_3FeAs shows that a spin-polarized tunneling current can switch the Fe-layer magnetism into a non-trivial C4C_4 (2×\times2) order, not achievable by thermal excitation with unpolarized current. Our tunneling spectroscopy study shows that the induced C4C_4 (2×\times2) order has characteristics of plaquette antiferromagnetic order in Fe layer and strongly suppressed superconductivity. Also, thermal agitation beyond the bulk Fe spin ordering temperature erases the C4C_4 state. These results suggest a new possibility of switching local superconductivity by changing the symmetry of magnetic order with spin-polarized and unpolarized tunneling currents in iron-based superconductors.Comment: 33 pages, 16 figure

    Discovery of Maritrema obstipum (Digenea: Microphallidae) from Migratory Birds in Korea

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    Adults of Maritrema obstipum (Digenea: Microphallidae) were found in the intestines of 4 species of migratory birds, including the sanderling (Crocethia alba), Kentish plover (Charadrius alexandrines), Mongolian plover (Charadrius mongolus), and red-necked stint (Calidris ruficollis), collected from Yubu Island, Chungcheongnam-do, Korea. The worms of were 451×265 µm in size, and were easily identifiable as Maritrema species by the presence of the cirrus sac, and the ring-like distribution of the vitellaria. More specifically, the ejaculatory duct curved posteromedially, and the 2 parts of vitelline follicles were found to be distinct at the posterior end. The eggs were brown-colored, and 19.8×12.3 µm in size. All these findings implicated M. obstipum as the pertinent species of the worms. Beside these, adult worms of Gynaecotyla squatarolae, Parvatrema duboisi, and Acanthoparyphium sp. were also discovered. This is the first report establishing migratory birds as the natural definitive hosts for M. obstipum

    Honeycomb oxide heterostructure: a new platform for Kitaev quantum spin liquid

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    Kitaev quantum spin liquid, massively quantum entangled states, is so scarce in nature that searching for new candidate systems remains a great challenge. Honeycomb heterostructure could be a promising route to realize and utilize such an exotic quantum phase by providing additional controllability of Hamiltonian and device compatibility, respectively. Here, we provide epitaxial honeycomb oxide thin film Na3Co2SbO6, a candidate of Kitaev quantum spin liquid proposed recently. We found a spin glass and antiferromagnetic ground states depending on Na stoichiometry, signifying not only the importance of Na vacancy control but also strong frustration in Na3Co2SbO6. Despite its classical ground state, the field-dependent magnetic susceptibility shows remarkable scaling collapse with a single critical exponent, which can be interpreted as evidence of quantum criticality. Its electronic ground state and derived spin Hamiltonian from spectroscopies are consistent with the predicted Kitaev model. Our work provides a unique route to the realization and utilization of Kitaev quantum spin liquid

    Correlation of Fe-Based Superconductivity and Electron-Phonon Coupling in an FeAs/Oxide Heterostructure

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    Interfacial phonons between iron-based superconductors (FeSCs) and perovskite substrates have received considerable attention due to the possibility of enhancing preexisting superconductivity. Using scanning tunneling spectroscopy, we studied the correlation between superconductivity and e−ph interaction with interfacial phonons in an iron-based superconductor Sr2VO3FeAs (Tc≈33  K) made of alternating FeSC and oxide layers. The quasiparticle interference measurement over regions with systematically different average superconducting gaps due to the e−ph coupling locally modulated by O vacancies in the VO2 layer, and supporting self-consistent momentum-dependent Eliashberg calculations provide a unique real-space evidence of the forward-scattering interfacial phonon contribution to the total superconducting pairing. © 2017 American Physical Society6

    Observation of In-Plane Magnetic Field Induced Phase Transitions in FeSe

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    We investigate thermodynamic properties of FeSe under in-plane magnetic fields using torque magnetometry, specific heat, and magnetocaloric measurements. Below the upper critical field Hc2, we observed the field induced anomalies at H1 ∼ 15 T and H2 ∼ 22 T near H ∥ ab and below a characteristic temperature T* ∼ 2 K. The transition magnetic fields H1 and H2 exhibit negligible dependence on both temperature and field orientation. This contrasts to the strong temperature and angle dependence of Hc2, suggesting that these anomalies are attributed to the field induced phase transitions, originating from the inherent spin-density-wave instability of quasipaticles near the superconducting gap minima or possible Flude-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state in the highly spin-polarized Fermi surfaces. Our observations imply that FeSe, an atypical multiband superconductor with extremely small Fermi energies, represents a unique model system for stabilizing unusual superconducting orders beyond the Pauli limit