55,857 research outputs found

    Why Is Supercritical Disk Accretion Feasible?

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    Although the occurrence of steady supercritical disk accretion onto a black hole has been speculated about since the 1970s, it has not been accurately verified so far. For the first time, we previously demonstrated it through two-dimensional, long-term radiation-hydrodynamic simulations. To clarify why this accretion is possible, we quantitatively investigate the dynamics of a simulated supercritical accretion flow with a mass accretion rate of ~10^2 L_E/c^2 (with L_E and c being, respectively, the Eddington luminosity and the speed of light). We confirm two important mechanisms underlying supercritical disk accretion flow, as previously claimed, one of which is the radiation anisotropy arising from the anisotropic density distribution of very optically thick material. We qualitatively show that despite a very large radiation energy density, E_0>10^2L_E/(4 pi r^2 c) (with r being the distance from the black hole), the radiative flux F_0 cE_0/tau could be small due to a large optical depth, typically tau 10^3, in the disk. Another mechanism is photon trapping, quantified by vE_0, where v is the flow velocity. With a large |v| and E_0, this term significantly reduces the radiative flux and even makes it negative (inward) at r<70r_S, where r_S is the Schwarzschild radius. Due to the combination of these effects, the radiative force in the direction along the disk plane is largely attenuated so that the gravitational force barely exceeds the sum of the radiative force and the centrifugal force. As a result, matter can slowly fall onto the central black hole mainly along the disk plane with velocity much less than the free-fall velocity, even though the disk luminosity exceeds the Eddington luminosity. Along the disk rotation axis, in contrast, the strong radiative force drives strong gas outflows.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Phase Transitions in liquid Helium 3

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    The phase transitions of liquid Helium 3 are described by truncations of an exact nonperturbative renormalization group equation. The location of the first order transition lines and the jump in the order parameter are computed quantitatively. At the triple point we find indications for partially universal behaviour. We suggest experiments that could help to determine the effective interactions between fermion pairs.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, LaTe

    5-micron photometry of late-type dwarfs

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    We present narrowband-M photometry of nine low-mass dwarfs with spectral types ranging from M2.5 to L0.5. Combining the (L'-M') colours derived from our observations with data from the literature, we find colours consistent with a Rayleigh-Jeans flux distribution for spectral types earlier than M5, but enhanced F_3.8/F_4.7 flux ratios (negative (L'-M') colours) at later spectral types. This probably reflects increased absorption at M' due to the CO fundamental band. We compare our results against recent model predictions and briefly discuss the implications.Comment: accepted for the Astronomical Journa

    Tagged-photon events in polarized DIS process

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    Deep-inelastic events for the scattering of the longitudinally polarized electron by polarized proton with tagged collinear photon radiated from initial-state electron are considered. The corresponding cross-section is derived in the Born approximation. The model-independent radiative corrections to the Born cross-section are also calculated. Obtained result is applied to the case of elastic scattering.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, submitted to JET

    Color Transformations for the 2MASS Second Incremental Data Release

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    Transformation equations are presented to convert colors and magnitudes measured in the AAO, ARNICA, CIT, DENIS, ESO, LCO (Persson standards), MSSSO, SAAO, and UKIRT photometric systems to the photometric system inherent to the 2MASS Second Incremental Data Release. The transformations have been derived by comparing 2MASS photometry with published magnitudes and colors for stars observed in these systems. Transformation equations have also been derived indirectly for the Bessell & Brett (1988) and Koornneef (1983) homogenized photometric systems.Comment: To appear in AJ, May 200

    The Fayet-Iliopoulos D-term and its renormalisation in softly-broken supersymmetric theories

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    We consider the renormalisation of the Fayet-Iliopoulos D-term in a softly-broken abelian supersymmetric theory, and calculate the associated beta-function through three loops. We show that there exists (at least through three loops) a renormalisation group invariant trajectory for the coefficient of the D-term, corresponding to the conformal anomaly solution for the soft masses and couplings.Comment: 30 pages, Revtex, 15 Figures. Minor changes, and inadvertent omission of author from this abstract correcte

    Exact Results on the Space of Vacua of Four Dimensional SUSY Gauge Theories

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    We consider four dimensional quantum field theories which have a continuous manifold of inequivalent exact ground states -- a moduli space of vacua. Classically, the singular points on the moduli space are associated with extra massless particles. Quantum mechanically these singularities can be smoothed out. Alternatively, new massless states appear there. These may be the elementary massless particles or new massless bound states.Comment: 19 pages, RU-94-1

    Radiative Correction to the Transferred Polarization in Elastic Electron-Proton Scattering

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    Model independent radiative correction to the recoil proton polarization for the elastic electron-proton scattering is calculated within method of electron structure functions. The explicit expressions for the recoil proton polarization are represented as a contraction of the electron structure and the hard part of the polarization dependent contribution into cross-section. The calculation of the hard part with first order radiative correction is performed. The obtained representation includes the leading radiative corrections in all orders of perturbation theory and the main part of the second order next-to-leading ones. Numerical calculations illustrate our analytical results.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    String production after angled brane inflation

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    We describe string production after angled brane inflation. First, we point out that there was a discrepancy in previous discussions. The expected tension of the cosmic string calculated from the four-dimensional effective Lagrangian did not match the one obtained in the brane analysis. In the previous analysis, the cosmic string is assumed to correspond to the lower-dimensional daughter brane, which wraps the same compactified space as the original mother brane. In this case, however, the tension of the daughter brane cannot depend on the angle (\theta). On the other hand, from the analysis of the effective Lagrangian for tachyon condensation, it is easy to see that the tension of the cosmic string must be proportional to \theta, when \theta << 1. This is an obvious discrepancy that must be explained by consideration of the explicit brane dynamics. In this paper, we will solve this problem by introducing a simple idea. We calculate the tension of the string in the two cases, which matches precisely. The cosmological constraint for angled inflation is relaxed, because the expected tension of the cosmic string becomes smaller than the one obtained in previous arguments, by a factor of \theta.Comment: 13pages, 3 figures, typos correcte
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