2,947 research outputs found

    Evaluation of a grid-based river flow model using regional climate model output over Europe

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    Regional Climate Models (RCMs) offer significant improvements over Global Cli- mate Models in terms of their representation of rainfall at the spatial and temporal scales required for hydrological modelling. Here we test a new implementation of a grid-based hydrological model embedded in a model of land-surface climatology (the Joint UK Land Exchange Scheme; JULES) against observed river flows in sev- eral major NW European rivers, including the Rhine, Maas, Elbe, Danube, Loire, and Seine. Our hydrological model includes a probability-distributed model of soil mois- ture and runoff production (PDM) coupled with a discrete approximation to the one- dimensional kinematic wave equation to route surface and subsurface water downs- lope (G2G). The model was driven with hourly output from the Hadley Centre regional climate model, using results from the ERA-40 reanalysis experiment as boundary con- ditions (1961-2000). The results of simulations for river catchments in northwest Eu- rope are presented and compared with measured river flows over the same time period, for the same locations. The success with which the runoff production and flow routing components of the land-surface model match observed flow data is evaluated

    Enhancing pasture stability and profitability for producers in Poplar Box and Silver-leaved Ironbark woodlands.

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    Over 7 years, this project collected data about the pasture, tree and soil surface dynamics of two major Aristida/Bothriochloa pasture types within the eucalypt woodlands of central Queensland. Six different grazing management scenarios were compared ecologically and economically, along with the effects of spring burns and tree killing. Heavy stocking (3-4 ha per adult equivalent) produced the greatest short-term financial return from healthy pastures but was not a sustainable practice and long-term cash returns were no better than those from moderate stocking. The environmental benefits of moderate grazing over heavy grazing were very clear. Light stocking produced better environmental outcomes compared to moderate stocking but was clearly inferior with respect to economic returns. Killing silver-leaved ironbark trees near Rubyvale produced no measurable improvement in pasture growth or quality for at least 6 years whereas at Injune the same treatment of poplar box trees resulted in an immediate and large enhancement in pasture production and carrying capacity. The gritty red duplex soil at Rubyvale was much more erodible than the grey solodic at Injune although the latter becomes very erodible if the stable surface soil is breached. Good seasonal rainfall produced faster changes in pasture composition than extremes of grazing management. The perennial grasses were easier to recruit than to eliminate by grazing management changes

    Phase Diversity For Speckle Reduction

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    B-mode ultrasound images are characterised by speckle artefact, which results from interference effects between returning echoes, and may make the interpretation of images difficult. Consequently, many methods have been developed to reduce this problematic feature. One widely used method, popular in both medical and non-destructive-testing applications, is a 1D method known as Split Spectrum Processing (SSP), or also as Frequency Diversity. Alhough this method was designed for speckle reduction applications, the final image experiences a resultant loss of resolution, impinging a trade-off between speckle reduction and resolution loss. In order to overcome this problem, we have developed a new method that is an extension of SSP to 2D data using directive filters, called Split Phase Processing (SPP). Instead of using ID narrow band-pass filters as in the SSP method, we use 2D directive filters to split the RF ultrasound image in a set of wide band images with different phases. The use of such filters substantially avoids the resolution loss usually associated with SSP for speckle reduction, because they effectively have the same bandwidth as the original image. It is concluded that the Split Phase Processing, as introduced here, provides a significant improvement over the conventional Split Spectrum Processing.5035414422Burckhardt, C.B., Speckle in ultrasound b-mode scans (1978) IEEE Trans. Sonics and Ultrasonics, 25 (1), pp. 1-6. , JanuaryChen, Y., Yin, R., Hynn, P., Broschat, S., Aggressive region growing for speckle reduction in ultrasound images (2003) Pattern Recognition Letters, 24 (4-5), pp. 677-691. , FebruaryGehlbach, S.M., (1983) Pulse Reflection Imaging and Acoustic Speckle, , Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford UniversityHealey, A.J., Leeman, S., Ferrari, L.A., Removing the ambiguity from single image speckle reduction techniques (1996) Acoustical Imaging, 22, pp. 145-150Li, P.C., Odonnell, M., Evaluational spatial compounding (1994) Ultrasonic Imaging, 16 (3), pp. 176-189Shankar, P.M., Newhouse, V.L., Speckle reduction with improved resolution in ultrasound images (1985) IEEE Trans. Sonics and Ultrasonics, 32 (4), pp. 537-543. , Jul

    Use of very high resolution climate model data for hydrological modelling: baseline performance and future flood changes

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    Increasingly, data from Regional Climate Models (RCMs) are used to drive hydrological models, to investigate the potential water-related impacts of climate change, particularly for flood and droughts. Generally, some form of further downscaling of RCM data has been required, but recently the first decadal-length runs of very high resolution RCMs (with convection-permitting scales) have been performed. Here, a set of such runs for southern Britain has been used to drive a gridded hydrological model. Results using a 1.5km RCM nested in a 12km RCM driven by European-reanalysis boundary conditions show that the 1.5km RCM generally performs worse than the 12km RCM for simulating river flows in 32 example catchments. The clear spatial patterns of bias are consistent with bias patterns shown in the RCM precipitation data. Results using 1.5km and 12km RCM runs for the current climate and a potential future climate (driven by GCM boundary conditions) show clear differences in projected changes in flood peaks. The 1.5km RCM tends towards larger increases than the 12km RCM, particularly in spring and winter. If robust, this could have important consequences for adaptation planning under climate change, but further research is required, particularly given the greater biases in the baseline flow simulations driven by 1.5km RCM data, and the use of only a single short future climate projection

    The Use of Endovascular Stents for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

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    Adiabatic creation of entangled states by a bichromatic field designed from the topology of the dressed eigenenergies

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    Preparation of entangled pairs of coupled two-state systems driven by a bichromatic external field is studied. We use a system of two coupled spin-1/2 that can be translated into a three-state ladder model whose intermediate state represents the entangled state. We show that this entangled state can be prepared in a robust way with appropriate fields. Their frequencies and envelopes are derived from the topological properties of the model.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    The curious case of (caffeine).(benzoic acid): how heteronuclear seeding allowed the formation of an elusive cocrystal

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    Cocrystals are modular multicomponent solids with exceptional utility in synthetic chemistry and materials science. A variety of methods exist for the preparation of cocrystals yet, some promising cocrystal phases have proven to be intractable synthetic targets. We describe a strategy for the synthesis of the pharmaceutically relevant (caffeine).(benzoic acid) cocrystal (1), which persistently failed to form using a broad range of established techniques. State-of-the-art crystal structure prediction methods were employed to assess the possible existence of a thermodynamically stable form of 1, and to identify appropriate heteronuclear seeds for corystallization. Once introduced, the designed heteronuclear seeds facilitated the formation of 1 and, significantly, continued to act as long-lasting laboratory .contaminants., which encouraged cocrystal formation even when present at such low levels as to evade detection. The seeding technique described thus enables the synthesis of cocrystals regarded as unobtainable under desired conditions, and potentially signifies a new direction in the field of materials research
