10,432 research outputs found

    Frame patterns in n-cycles

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    In this paper, we study the distribution of the number of occurrences of the simplest frame pattern, called the ÎŒ\mu pattern, in nn-cycles. Given an nn-cycle CC, we say that a pair ⟹i,j⟩\langle i,j \rangle matches the ÎŒ\mu pattern if i<ji < j and as we traverse around CC in a clockwise direction starting at ii and ending at jj, we never encounter a kk with i<k<ji < k < j. We say that ⟹i,j⟩ \langle i,j \rangle is a nontrivial ÎŒ\mu-match if i+1<ji+1 < j. Also, an nn-cycle CC is incontractible if there is no ii such that i+1i+1 immediately follows ii in CC. We show that the number of incontractible nn-cycles in the symmetric group SnS_n is Dn−1D_{n-1}, where DnD_n is the number of derangements in SnS_n. Further, we prove that the number of nn-cycles in SnS_n with exactly kk ÎŒ\mu-matches can be expressed as a linear combination of binomial coefficients of the form (n−1i)\binom{n-1}{i} where i≀2k+1i \leq 2k+1. We also show that the generating function NTIn,ÎŒ(q)NTI_{n,\mu}(q) of qq raised to the number of nontrivial ÎŒ\mu-matches in CC over all incontractible nn-cycles in SnS_n is a new qq-analogue of Dn−1D_{n-1}, which is different from the qq-analogues of the derangement numbers that have been studied by Garsia and Remmel and by Wachs. We show that there is a rather surprising connection between the charge statistic on permutations due to Lascoux and Sch\"uzenberger and our polynomials in that the coefficient of the smallest power of qq in NTI2k+1,ÎŒ(q)NTI_{2k+1,\mu}(q) is the number of permutations in S2k+1S_{2k+1} whose charge path is a Dyck path. Finally, we show that NTIn,ÎŒ(q)∣q(n−12)−kNTI_{n,\mu}(q)|_{q^{\binom{n-1}{2} -k}} and NTn,ÎŒ(q)∣q(n−12)−kNT_{n,\mu}(q)|_{q^{\binom{n-1}{2} -k}} are the number of partitions of kk for sufficiently large nn

    "The Effects of Worker Participation, Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing on Economics Performance: A Partial Review"

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    For alternative sharing arrangements we review theory on the economic effects on employment, productivity, investment, income and wealth distribution, and life cycle and survival. We find that predictions are often ambiguous and that sometimes the nature and size of the specific effect is determined in part by the particular institutional arrangements. Next recent econometric work is studied. We review studies using aggregate and industry level time series data for Japan as well as studies that use enterprise and establishment level data for firms in North America and Western Europe. Worker participation, employee share ownership and profit sharing schemes are often found to affect that studies obtained conflicting results. However, available evidence is strongly suggestive that for employee ownership schemes to have a strong positive impact they need to be accompanied by provision for worker participation in decision making.

    Mr. Stewart and Mr. Colbert Go to Washington: Television Satirists Outside the Box

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    The political satirists Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are largely celebrated for their nightly television programs, which use humor to offer useful political information, provide important forums for deliberation and debate, and serve as sites for alternative interpretations of political reality. Yet, when the two satirists more directly intervene in the field of politics—which they increasingly do—they are often met by a chorus of criticism that suggests they have improperly crossed normative boundaries. This article explores Stewart and Colbert’s “out of the box” political performances, which include, among others, the 2010 Rally to Restore Sanity, Colbert’s testimony before Congress in the same year, and his on-going efforts to run an actual Super PAC that raises and spends money to influence (and critique) the political process. Examining these and other examples of non-traditional, and clearly border-crossing political satire, we consider the ways in which such multi-modal performances--in and off the television screen--work together to provide information, critique, and commentary, as well as a significant form of moral voice and ethical imperative. In turn, we examine the responses from the political and journalistic establishment, which more often than not, constitutes a form of boundary maintenance that seeks to delegitimize such alternative modes of political engagement. Finally, we discuss the significance of the developing relationship between television entertainment and political performance for our understanding of contemporary political practice

    Nickel hydrogen common pressure vessel battery development

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    Our present design for a common pressure vessel (CPV) battery, a nickel hydrogen battery system to combine all of the cells into a common pressure vessel, uses an open disk which allows the cell to be set into a shallow cavity; subsequent cells are stacked on each other with the total number based on the battery voltage required. This approach not only eliminates the assembly error threat, but also more readily assures equal contact pressure to the heat fin between each cell, which further assures balanced heat transfer. These heat fin dishes with their appropriate cell stacks are held together with tie bars which in turn are connected to the pressure vessel weld rings at each end of the tube

    A framework for documenting and analyzing life-cycle costs using a simple network based representation

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    The introduction of high reliability systems combined with new ways of operating complex systems, particularly in aircraft design and operation has received much attention in recent years. Some systems are now being introduced into service, however, justifying such systems on a financial basis is difficult and may act to limit the rate of introduction on new products. Conventional life cycle costing based on a hierarchical cost breakdown structure is poor at recording and analysing the cost implications of introducing new technologies that have effects that span more than one phase in the life cycle. There is a risk that too much emphasis is put on ‘faith’ that a candidate technology will reduce cost because the cost analysis methods lack descriptive and analytical power. We describe an approach to representing the costs associated with introducing new technologies and evaluating their total cost. Our aim was to facilitate the comparison of different technological choices in new product development, with a particular interest in how the perceived benefits of enhanced reliability systems can be shown in a way that is inclusive, objective and easy to understand

    Internet Core Functions: Security Today and Future State

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    Never in the history of the world has so much trust been given to something that so few understand. Jeff reviews three core functions of the Internet along with recent and upcoming changes that will impact security and the world
