563 research outputs found

    Self-Determination vs. Stability of Labor Relations: The Effect of \u3cem\u3eAmerican Potash\u3c/em\u3e

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    Very early in its history, the Board was confronted with conflicting claims by craft unions and industrial unions for the right to represent craft workers. Generally, the industrial unions sought a broad unit of production and craft workers, whereas the craft unions sought units of their particular skill. The Board\u27s first reaction was to establish broad units where it appeared that one union had a majority throughout the plant. In doing so, the Board relied heavily upon what it considered best for collective bargaining purposes. In many cases, the Board created large units over the protests of small groups on the basis that the larger unit would best serve the interests of the majority by insuring to them the fullest benefits of the act through the promotion of effective collective bargaining and peaceful labor relations

    A clade-specific Arabidopsis gene connects primary metabolism and senescence

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    Plants have to deal with environmental insults as they cannot move to escape from stressful conditions. To do so, they have evolved novel components that respond to the changing environment. The Qua Quine Starch (QQS) gene is an Arabidopsis-specific orphan gene that connects primary metabolism and adaptation to environment changes. AT1G64360, which we term an SAQR (Senescence-associated and QQS-related) gene, respond to oxidative stress. Here, we show that SAQR is up-regulated in high-starch QQS-RNAi mutants. Bioinformatics analyses indicates that SAQR is unique to six species within the family Brassicaceae; the gene may have arisen about 20 million years ago (MYA). Meta-analysis of public microarray data, in combination with histochemical experiments using transgenic Arabidopsis SAQR promoter-GUS lines, indicate that SAQR’s expression is correlated with expression of genes involved in senescence, defense, and stress responses. SAQR expression increases in leaf vasculature as tissues mature and senesce. SAQR expression is expression is not increased in true leaves under experimentally-induced senescence of thirty day-old plants. However, SAQR expression increases in cotyledons of seven day-old seedlings in response to experimentally-induced senescence. Furthermore, starch accumulation is increased in the leaves of transgenic SAQR-overexpression lines, and conversely starch levels are decreased in a T-DNA SAQR knockout line. Levels of metabolites and transcripts involved in biotic and abiotic stress responses and chlorophyll metabolism are altered in these T-DNA knockout mutants. These data may imply changes to processes that occur in senescent leaves. SAQR may function in the QQS network, playing a role in its integration of primary metabolism and adaptation to internal and environmental changes, specifically those that affect the process of senescence

    The Supreme Court and Labor Dispute Arbitration: the Emerging Federal Law

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    Within the past few years, the United States Supreme Court has handed down a number of decisions of great significance to the labor dispute arbitration process. Some have been concerned with problems of arbitrability or arbitral authority; others with the availability and exclusivity of the arbitration process vis-a-vis alternative legal remedies for breach of the labor agreement; and still others with the effect of a breach of obligation by one party to the labor agreement upon the obligations of the other party. We propose in this article to analyze these decisions, to attempt to categorize the different kinds of challenges to arbitral jurisdiction or authority which can be made, and to assess, insofar as this may be done, the import of the Court\u27s decisions for the arbitration process. In a sense, we shall be dealing with the extent to which, under developing federal law, judicial review of the arbitration process is available

    Management and Labor Appraisals and Criticisms of the Arbitration Process: A Report with Comments

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    Although arbitration as a means of resolving disputes arising under collective bargaining agreements has received widespread acceptance in this country/ in recent years there has been some evidence of increasing criticism of the process. As part of a research project dealing with the impact of the 1960 Supreme Court decisions in the Warrior & Gulf trilogy and the 1962 Sinclair trilogy, we decided to ascertain how parties are appraising the arbitration process. We report here the more significant results of this survey along with our evaluation of the criticisms and suggestions which were received

    A Blended Value Proposition: Towards a Regional Sustainability Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Framework for the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE)

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    This extended abstract has been submitted for the Faculty of Business and Law Research Day 2022

    Effects of Antihypertensive Medications on Quality of Life in Elderly Hypertensive Women

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    The impact of antihypertensive medications on the quality of life of elderly hypertensive women has rarely been systematically evaluated in large clinical trials using drugs from the new generations of pharmaceutic preparations. We carried out a multicenter, randomized double-blind clinical trial with 309 hypertensive women aged 60 to 80 years to assess effects of atenolol, enalapril, and isradipine on measures of quality of life over a 22-week period. The patients had mild to moderate hypertension. Hydrochlorothiazide was added to treatment if monotherapy was inadequate in lowering blood pressure. At the conclusion of the trial the three drug groups did not differ in degree of reduction of diastolic blood pressure or in supplementation with hydrochlorothiazide. Over the 22-week trial, linear trend analysis showed no differences between the treatment groups in change from baseline on quality of life measures of well-being, physical status, emotional status, cognitive functioning, and social role participation. Regarding each of 33 physical side effects over the 22 weeks, we found no general difference between atenolol, enalapril, and isradipine groups on measures of change in distress over symptoms except for enalapril patients who worsened in distress over cough (P = .001) and atenolol patients who worsened in distress over dry mouth (P = .014). Centering on three medications that are relatively new additions to the armamentarium for blood pressure control, the findings underline the increasing opportunities for the physician to select drugs that can control blood pressure while maintaining the quality of life of elderly hypertensive women

    Standardized Functions for Smartphone Applications: Examples from Maternal and Child Health

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    Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are unlikely to be met in most low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Smartphones and smartphone proxy systems using simpler phones, equipped with the capabilities to identify location/time and link to the web, are increasingly available and likely to provide an excellent platform to support healthcare self-management, delivery, quality, and supervision. Smart phones allow information to be delivered by voice, texts, pictures, and videos as well as be triggered by location and date. Prompts and reminders, as well as real-time monitoring, can improve quality of health care. We propose a three-tier model for designing platforms for both professional and paraprofessional health providers and families: (1) foundational functions (informing, training, monitoring, shaping, supporting, and linking to care); (2) content-specific targets (e.g., for MDG; developmentally related tasks); (3) local cultural adaptations (e.g., language). We utilize the Maternal and Child Health (MCH) MDG in order to demonstrate how the existing literature can be organized and leveraged on open-source platforms and provide examples using our own experience in Africa over the last 8 years