4 research outputs found

    Size and Surface Functionalization of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Influence the Composition and Dynamic Nature of Their Protein Corona

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    Nanoparticles (NPs) adsorb proteins when in the biological matrix, and the resulted protein corona could affect NP-cell interactions. The corona has a dynamic nature with the adsorbed proteins constantly exchanging with the free proteins in the matrix at various rates. The rapidly exchanging proteins compose the soft corona, which responds more dynamically to environment changes than the hard corona established by the ones with slow exchange rates. In the present study, the corona formed on the superparamagnetic iron oxide NPs (SPIONs) in human serum was studied by flow field-flow fractionation and ultracentrifugation, which rapidly differentiated the corona proteins based on their exchange rates. By varying the surface hydrophobicity of the SPIONs with a core size around 10 nm, we found out that, the more hydrophobic surface ligand attracted proteins with higher surface hydrophobicity and formed a more dynamic corona with a larger portion of the involved proteins with fast exchange rates. Increasing the core diameter of the SPIONs but keeping the surface ligand the same could also result in a more dynamic corona. A brief investigation of the effect on the cellular uptake of SPIONs using one selected corona protein, transferrin, was conducted. The result showed that, only the stably bound transferrin could significantly enhance cellular uptake, while transferrin bound in a dynamic nature had negligible impact. Our study has led to a better understanding of the relationship between the particle properties and the dynamic nature of the corona, which can help with design of nanomaterials with higher biocompatibility and higher efficacy in biosystems for biomedical applications

    Dissociation-Based Screening of Nanoparticle–Protein Interaction via Flow Field-Flow Fractionation

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    A protein corona will be formed on nanoparticles (NPs) entering a biological matrix, which can influence particles’ subsequent behaviors inside the biological systems. For proteins bound stably to the NPs, they can exhibit different association/dissociation rates. The binding kinetics could affect interaction of the NPs with cell surface receptors and possibly contribute to the outcomes of NPs uptake. In the present study, a method to differentiate the corona proteins based on their relative dissociation rates from the NPs was developed, employing flow field-flow fraction (F4) in combination with centrifugation. The proteins bound to the superparamagnetic iron oxide NPs (SPION) present in an IgG/albumin depleted serum were isolated via collection of the SPIONs by either F4 or centrifugation. They were subsequently analyzed by LC-MS/MS and identified. Because the SPION-protein complexes injected to F4 dissociated continuously under the nonequilibrium separation condition, only the proteins with slow enough dissociation rates would be collected with the NPs in the eluent of F4. However, in centrifugation, proteins with good affinity to the SPIONs were collected regardless of the dissociation rates of the complexes. In both cases, the nonbinding ones were washed off. Capillary electrophoresis and circular dichroism were employed to verify the binding situations of a few SPION-protein interactions, confirming the effectiveness of our method. Our results support that our method can screen for proteins binding to NPs with fast on-and-off rates, which should be the ones quickly exchanging with the free matrix proteins when the NPs are exposed to a new biological media. Thus, our method will be useful for investigation of the temporal profile of protein corona and its evolution in biological matrices as well as for high-throughput analysis of the dynamic feature of protein corona related to particle properties

    High-Throughput Profiling of Nanoparticle–Protein Interactions by Fluorescamine Labeling

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    A rapid, high throughput fluorescence assay was designed to screen interactions between proteins and nanoparticles. The assay employs fluorescamine, a primary-amine specific fluorogenic dye, to label proteins. Because fluorescamine could specifically target the surface amines on proteins, a conformational change of the protein upon interaction with nanoparticles will result in a change in fluorescence. In the present study, the assay was applied to test the interactions between a selection of proteins and nanoparticles made of polystyrene, silica, or iron oxide. The particles were also different in their hydrodynamic diameter, synthesis procedure, or surface modification. Significant labeling differences were detected when the same protein incubated with different particles. Principal component analysis (PCA) on the collected fluorescence profiles revealed clear grouping effects of the particles based on their properties. The results prove that fluorescamine labeling is capable of detecting protein–nanoparticle interactions, and the resulting fluorescence profile is sensitive to differences in nanoparticle’s physical properties. The assay can be carried out in a high-throughput manner, and is rapid with low operation cost. Thus, it is well suited for evaluating interactions between a larger number of proteins and nanoparticles. Such assessment can help to improve our understanding on the molecular basis that governs the biological behaviors of nanomaterials. It will also be useful for initial examination of the bioactivity and reproducibility of nanomaterials employed in biomedical fields

    Distribution Profiling of Circulating MicroRNAs in Serum

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    Circulating microRNAs (miRNAs) are potential biomarkers useful in cancer diagnosis. They have been found to be bound to various carriers like proteins, lipoprotein particles, and exosomes. It is likely that only miRNAs in particular carriers, but not the overall quantity, are directly related to cancer development. Herein, we developed a method for rapid separation of different miRNA carriers in serum using asymmetrical flow field flow fractionation (AF4). Sera from two healthy individuals (control) or from two cancer patients (case) were fractionated. Six fractions enriching different types of miRNA carriers, such as the lipoprotein particles and exosomes, were collected. The quantities of eight selected miRNAs in each fraction were obtained by RT-qPCR to yield their distribution profiles among the carriers. Larger changes in miRNA quantity between the control and the case were detected in the fractionated results compared to the sum values. Statistical analysis on the distribution profiles also proved that, the quantities of 4 miRNAs within particular fractions showed significant difference between the controls and the cases. On the contrary, if the overall quantity of the miRNA was subject to the same statistical analysis, only 2 miRNAs exhibited significant difference. Moreover, principle component analysis revealed good separation between the controls and the cases with the fractionated miRNA amounts. All in all, we have demonstrated that, our method enables comprehensive screening of the distribution of circulating miRNAs in the carriers. The obtained distribution profile enlarges the miRNA expression difference between healthy individuals and cancer patients, facilitating the discovery of specific miRNA biomarkers for cancer diagnosis