6 research outputs found

    CPWF Medium Term Plan (2011-2013)

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    Co-localization of Poldip2 with cortical perivascular astrocytes. A tissue section was prepared from an uninjured Poldip2+/+ mouse and stained for immunofluorescence with primary antibodies specific for Poldip2 (purple), endothelial cells (Isolectin IB4, green), or the astrocyte marker GFAP (red). Nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). Z-stack images were collected and animated in 3D using Imaris software to produce a video file. (MP4 3146 kb

    Oral history, migration and soccer in Australia, 1880-2000

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    Relative abundance of dominant bacterial phyla/classes and archaeal phyla across the soils (North China Plain). Soils are grouped by sampling sites. Figure S2. Variation of the standardized effect sizes of MNTD (ses.MNTD) of bacterial communities within each site in the North China Plain soils. Figure S3. Boxplots of AIC values for six rank abundance distribution models. AIC, Akaike Information Criterion; ZS, zero-sum multinomial; Nu, Null model; Pr, Pre-emption; Lo, Log normal; Zipf, Zi; Ma, Mandlebrot (North China Plain). Figure S4. Distance-decay curves of similarity for bacterial communities. Environmental distance (presented as a color gradient) were fitted to bacterial community similarity (North China Plain). Figure S5. Scatter plot of βNTI values grouped by spatial scales (Tibetan Plateau). Dash blue lines represent the median value of each scale. Figure S6. Multivariate Regression Tree (MRT) analysis indicating soil pH constraints on soil bacterial community (North China Plain). Figure S7. Soil sampling locations based on soil pH (A), precipitation (B), and temperature (C) maps. Maps including corresponding soil pH across the NCP were acquired from http://www.soil.csdb.cn /, and corresponding annual mean precipitation and temperature data were acquired from www.worldclim.org for years 1970 to 2000. Figure S8. Locations of sampling map and quadrat sets of North China Plain. Figure S9. The conceptual diagram for determining the relative role of deterministic and stochastic process in each spatial scale. (DOC 6052 kb

    Additional file 2: Table S1. of Spatial scale affects the relative role of stochasticity versus determinism in soil bacterial communities in wheat fields across the North China Plain

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    Relative average abundance of bacterial phyla classified with RDPII taxonomy using the Greengenes database ( http://greengenes.lbl.gov/ ) across all soils. (North China Plain). Table S2. Relative average abundance of dominant bacterial group classified with RDPII taxonomy using the Greengenes database ( http://greengenes.lbl.gov/ ) across all soils (North China Plain). Table S3. Variation in median βNTI values at different spatial scales and the relative contribution (%) of deterministic and stochastic process in each spatial scale (Tibetan Plateau). Table S4. Correlation between soil characteristics and bacterial community structure determined by Mantel tests (P < 0.05, permutation = 999) (North China Plain). Table S5. Variance of bacterial community explained by soil characteristics (North China Plain). The percentage of explained variance of each variable was calculated by DistLM forward3 (P < 0.05, permutation = 999). Significant values are in bold. For the abbreviations, please see Table S4. Table S6. Pearson correlation between bacterial α-diversity indices and soil characteristics with rarefaction of 20,005 sequences per sample (North China Plain). Significant values are in bold. For the abbreviations, please see Table S4. Table S7. Correlation between climate factors and bacterial community structure determined by Mantel tests (P < 0.05, permutation = 999) (North China Plain). Significant values are in bold. Table S8. Geographic coordinates of sampling sites. Coordinates are shown using the WGS-84 coordinate system. Table S9. Soil physiochemical characteristics among all sampling sites. Values in brackets denote standard deviation (North China Plain). For the abbreviations, please see Table S4. Table S10. Alpha diversity of all sampling sites with rarefaction of 20,005 sequences per sample (North China Plain). Table S11. Location information of sampling sites in Tibetan Plateau. In addition, the followed annotations and the abbreviations of tables can be the footnotes of the tables. (ZIP 551 kb

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Polymerase delta-interacting protein 2 deficiency protects against blood-brain barrier permeability in the ischemic brain

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    Characterization of the cerebral vasculature and blood flow. a Immediately after euthanasia, Poldip2+/+ and Poldip2+/− mice were sequentially perfused with papaverine, formalin, and microfil compound containing lead chromate. The whole brain micro-CT scans were performed at 16-μm resolution. The bar graph represents vascular connectivity as means ± SEM of nine to ten mice per group. *p < 0.05. b Representative whole brain micro-CT angiographs from Poldip2+/+ and Poldip2+/− mice. Imaging software was used to render 3D models, presented here as 2D maximal intensity projections. c Baseline cerebral blood flow (CBF) flux measured using LDPI. The bar graph represents means ± SEM of three to four mice per group. d Anesthetized Poldip2+/+ and Poldip2+/− mice were endotracheally intubated, and hypercapnia was induced three successive times using 5% CO2 inhalation for 5 min, separated with 5 min normocapnia intervals. Cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) was calculated as the increase of CBF (%) divided by the maximum increase in end-tidal CO2 pressure (∆mmHg) during hypercapnia. The bar graph represents means ± SEM of three to four mice per group. e Representative LDPI tracings from Poldip2+/+ and Poldip2+/− mice. f Representative electron micrographs from cortical capillaries of Poldip2+/+ and Poldip2+/− mice. Lumen (L); endothelial cells (EC); basement membrane (BM); astrocyte (As), and pericyte (P). Scale bar 1 μm. (PDF 1588 kb

    Additional file 4: Figure S3. of Polymerase delta-interacting protein 2 deficiency protects against blood-brain barrier permeability in the ischemic brain

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    Poldip2 deletion reduces blood-brain barrier disruption 24 h after non-reperfusion cerebral ischemia induced by temporary unilateral carotid ligation and hypoxia. Evans blue extravasation was measured as in Fig. 2. The bar graph represents means ± SEM of three to five mice per group. One-way ANOVA *p < 0.05. (PDF 96 kb

    Additional file 3: Video S1. of Polymerase delta-interacting protein 2 deficiency protects against blood-brain barrier permeability in the ischemic brain

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    Co-localization of Poldip2 with cortical perivascular astrocytes. A tissue section was prepared from an uninjured Poldip2+/+ mouse and stained for immunofluorescence with primary antibodies specific for Poldip2 (purple), endothelial cells (Isolectin IB4, green), or the astrocyte marker GFAP (red). Nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). Z-stack images were collected and animated in 3D using Imaris software to produce a video file. (MP4 3146 kb