1,597 research outputs found


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    The purpose of the Development Policy Evaluation Model (DEVPEM) is to provide an appropriate modelling structure for analysing the welfare and distributional implications of alternative agricultural policies in developing countries. The aim of the model is to provide illustrative results that show how structural diversity among developing countries, and systemic differences from developed OECD countries, can affect the outcomes of alternative policy interventions. The model is relatively stylised, seeking to capture, as simply as possible, four critical aspects of rural economies in developing countries that are important when evaluating the impacts of agricultural and trade policies. These are: (1). The role of the household as both a producer and a consumer of food crops. (2). High transaction costs of participating in markets, resulting in a subsistence sector that often is important in terms of the number of households and the amount of food production it encompasses. (3). Market linkages that can transmit impacts of policy and market shocks among heterogeneous rural producers and consumers, particularly via factor markets (for labour, land or capital, when those markets exist). (4). The imperfect convertibility of land from one use to another.International Relations/Trade,

    A BK inequality for randomly drawn subsets of fixed size

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    The BK inequality (\cite{BK85}) says that,for product measures on {0,1}n\{0,1\}^n, the probability that two increasing events AA and BB `occur disjointly' is at most the product of the two individual probabilities. The conjecture in \cite{BK85} that this holds for {\em all} events was proved by Reimer (cite{R00}). Several other problems in this area remained open. For instance, although it is easy to see that non-product measures cannot satisfy the above inequality for {\em all} events,there are several such measures which, intuitively, should satisfy the inequality for all{\em increasing} events. One of the most natural candidates is the measure assigning equal probabilities to all configurations with exactly kk 1's (and probability 0 to all other configurations). The main contribution of this paper is a proof for these measures. We also point out how our result extends to weighted versions of these measures, and to products of such measures.Comment: Revised version for PTRF. Equation (13) corrected. Several, mainly stylistic, changes; more compac

    Outcomes of the 2015 World Radiocommunication Conference for Aeronautical Spectrum and Applications

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    At the conclusion of a nearly four year study cycle following the closing of the 2012 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-12), the 2015 WRC in November of 2015 considered a number of agenda items and issues relevant to systems and spectrum allocations supporting communications, navigation and surveillance for the operation of civil aviation. Among a number of WRC-15 agenda items and issues, the key agenda items affecting civil aviation included: unmanned aircraft systems use of the Fixed Satellite Service for command and control communications; global flight tracking; new allocations to International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT); and protection of the Fixed Satellite Service to support safe operation of aircraft. A number of other agenda items affecting or potentially affecting civil aviation were also addressed by WRC-15. In this paper we describe the outcomes of WRC-15 for these civil aeronautical-relevant issues. We then outline the civil aviation-related agenda items and issues that will be considered at the upcoming 2019 WRC

    Closed-loop controller for post-impact vehicle dynamics using individual wheel braking and front axle steering

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    This paper presents a vehicle path controller for reducing the maximum lateral deviation (Ymax) after an initial impact in a traffic accident. In previous research, a Quasi-Linear Optimal Controller (QLOC) was proposed and applied to a simple vehicle model with individually controlled brake actuators. QLOC uses non-linear optimal control theory to provide a semiexplicit approximation for optimal post-impact path control, and in principle can be applied to an arbitrary number of actuators. The current work extends and further validates the control method by analysing the effects of adding an active front axle steering actuator at different post-impact kinematics, as well as increasing the fidelity of the vehicle model in the closed-loop controlled system. The controller performance is compared with the results from open-loop numerical optimisation which uses the same vehicle model. The inherent robustness properties of the QLOC algorithm are demonstrated by its direct application to an independent high-fidelity multi-body vehicle model. Towards real-time implementation, the algorithm is further simplified so that the computational efficiency is enhanced, whereas the performance is shown not to be degraded

    Energy reduction by power loss minimisation through wheel torque allocation in electric vehicles: a simulation-based approach

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    As vehicles become increasingly electrified, electrical machines for propulsion can be divided into many sources making the vehicle highly over-actuated. For over-actuated vehicles, the allocation of a propulsive force is an underdetermined process with respect to both the number of wheels and electrical machines. Hence, the allocation can be made to favour particular attributes such as energy consumption. In this study, a vehicle equipped with four identical electric motors with a fixed transmission ratio connected through a half-shaft and a coupling to one wheel respectively is driven a 2-h-long city cycle in the vicinity of G\uf6teborg. Two different control allocation methods are presented to distribute torque momentaneously based on driver request while minimising power losses in electric motor and inverter as well as tyres. One method is a quadratic programming optimisation and the other is an offline exhaustive search method resulting in a look-up table based on requested torque and actual speed. The two methods are compared to other torque distribution strategies based on fixed distribution ratio and equal tyre-to-road friction utilisation. It was found that using the developed optimisation algorithms, a reduction of up to 3.9% in energy consumption can be obtained

    Design and development of a low temperature, inductance based high frequency ac susceptometer

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    We report on the development of an induction based low temperature high frequency ac susceptometer capable of measuring at frequencies up to 3.5 MHz and at temperatures between 2 K and 300 K. Careful balancing of the detection coils and calibration have allowed a sample magnetic moment resolution of 5×1010Am25\times10^{-10} Am^2 at 1 MHz. We will discuss the design and characterization of the susceptometer, and explain the calibration process. We also include some example measurements on the spin ice material CdEr2_2S4_4 and iron oxide based nanoparticles to illustrate functionality

    Phase Transition in Ferromagnetic Ising Models with Non-Uniform External Magnetic Fields

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    In this article we study the phase transition phenomenon for the Ising model under the action of a non-uniform external magnetic field. We show that the Ising model on the hypercubic lattice with a summable magnetic field has a first-order phase transition and, for any positive (resp. negative) and bounded magnetic field, the model does not present the phase transition phenomenon whenever lim infhi>0\liminf h_i> 0, where h=(hi)iZd{\bf h} = (h_i)_{i \in \Z^d} is the external magnetic field.Comment: 11 pages. Published in Journal of Statistical Physics - 201

    Reconstruction of Random Colourings

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    Reconstruction problems have been studied in a number of contexts including biology, information theory and and statistical physics. We consider the reconstruction problem for random kk-colourings on the Δ\Delta-ary tree for large kk. Bhatnagar et. al. showed non-reconstruction when Δ12klogko(klogk)\Delta \leq \frac12 k\log k - o(k\log k) and reconstruction when Δklogk+o(klogk)\Delta \geq k\log k + o(k\log k). We tighten this result and show non-reconstruction when Δk[logk+loglogk+1ln2o(1)]\Delta \leq k[\log k + \log \log k + 1 - \ln 2 -o(1)] and reconstruction when Δk[logk+loglogk+1+o(1)]\Delta \geq k[\log k + \log \log k + 1+o(1)].Comment: Added references, updated notatio

    Compendium in Vehicle Motion Engineering

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    This compendium is written for the course “MMF062 Vehicle Motion Engineering” at Chalmers University of Technology. The compendium covers more than included in that course; both in terms of subsystem designs and in terms of some teasers for more advanced studies of vehicle dynamics. Therefore, it is also useful for the more advanced courses, such as “TME102 Vehicle Modelling and Control”.The overall objective of the compendium is to educate engineers that understand and can contribute to development of good motion and energy functionality of vehicles. The compendium focuses on road vehicles, primarily passenger cars and commercial vehicles. Smaller road vehicles, such as bicycles and single-person cars, are only very briefly addressed. It can be mentioned that there exist a lot of ground-vehicle types not covered at all, such as: off-road/construction vehicles, tracked vehicles, horse wagons, hovercrafts, and railway vehicles.Functions are needed for requirement setting, design and verification. The overall order within the compendium is that models/methods/tools needed to understand each function are placed before the functions. Chapters 3-5 describes (complete vehicle) “functions”, organised after vehicle motion directions:\ub7\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0 Chapter 3:\ua0Longitudinal\ua0dynamics\ub7\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0 Chapter 4:\ua0Lateral\ua0dynamics\ub7\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0 Chapter 5:\ua0Vertical\ua0dynamicsChapter 1 introduces automotive industry and the overall way of working there and defines required pre-knowledge from “product-generic” engineering, e.g. modelling of dynamic systems.Chapter 2 also describes the subsystems relevant for vehicle dynamics:• Wheels and Tyre\ua0• Suspension\ua0• Propulsion\ua0• Braking System\ua0• Steering System\ua0• Environment Sensing SystemThe compendium is released in a new version each year, around October, which is the version your read now. A "latest draft" is more frequently updated and often includes some more, sometimes unfinished, material: https://chalmersuniversity.box.com/s/6igaen1ugcjzuhjziuon08axxiy817f