22 research outputs found

    Biochemical Parameters in Tomato Fruits from Different Cultivars as Functional Foods for Agricultural, Industrial, and Pharmaceutical Uses

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    Tomato and tomato based products are an important agricultural production worldwide. More than 80 % of grown tomatoes in the worldwide are processing in the products such as tomato juice, paste, puree, catsup, sauce, and salsa. Tomato fruit is rich in phytochemicals and vitamins. Tomato nutritional value, color, fruit and flavor of their products depends mainly on lycopene, β-carotene, ascorbic acid and sugars and their ratio in fruits. Epidemiological studies and the results associated with the consumption of tomato products against the prevention of chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease, confirming the tomato products as a functional food, and show that lycopene and β-carotene acts as an antioxidant. In order to increase the amount of these elements in tomato fruit, it is important to evaluate and investigate tomato genotypes influence to the carotenoids accumulation. Studies have confirmed that the carotenoid content in tomato fruits is determined by genotypic characteristics. In this work the main attention will be focused on from the biochemical and physical properties in tomato of different varieties, chemical and physical properties, to functional properties of supercritical fluid extraction of lycopene from tomato processing by products supercritical fluid tomato extracts

    Effects of growth control on yield and fruit quality of the apple cultivar ‘Rubin’

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    The effect of tree growth-control technologies on apple tree vegetative development, productivity and fruit quality was investigated with apple cultivar ‘Rubin’ on dwarf rootstock P 60 at the Institute of Horticulture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry in 2015–2018. Eight treatments were established combining tree trunk incision by chainsaw before flowering, application of prohexadione-calcium in different dose and time, summer pruning in August and root pruning before flowering. Root pruning from both sides of the tree significantly reduced tree trunk diameter, shoot length and pruning weights but at the same time reduced fruit weight. It increased tree productivity and enhanced fruit colouring. Two applications of prohexadione-calcium significantly reduced mean shoot length and increased average fruit weight. Summer pruning had a positive impact on fruit colouring. Trunk incisions enhanced leaf P, K and Fe content. Pro-Ca increased leaf Ca content. Trees root pruned from both sides had one of the lowest contents of all tested minerals. All tree growth-control technologies had a positive impact on tree productivity , fruit quality and bearing stability comparing with control treatment

    Enzymes-Assisted Extraction of Plants for Sustainable and Functional Applications

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    The scientific community and industrial companies have discovered significant enzyme applications to plant material. This rise imparts to changing consumers’ demands while searching for ‘clean label’ food products, boosting the immune system, uprising resistance to bacterial and fungal diseases, and climate change challenges. First, enzymes were used for enhancing production yield with mild and not hazardous applications. However, enzyme specificity, activity, plant origin and characteristics, ratio, and extraction conditions differ depending on the goal. As a result, researchers have gained interest in enzymes’ ability to cleave specific bonds of macroelements and release bioactive compounds by enhancing value and creating novel derivatives in plant extracts. The extract is enriched with reducing sugars, phenolic content, and peptides by disrupting lignocellulose and releasing compounds from the cell wall and cytosolic. Nonetheless, depolymerizing carbohydrates and using specific enzymes form and release various saccharides lengths. The latest studies show that oligosaccharides released and formed by enzymes have a high potential to be slowly digestible starches (SDS) and possibly be labeled as prebiotics. Additionally, they excel in new technological, organoleptic, and physicochemical properties. Released novel derivatives and phenolic compounds have a significant role in human and animal health and gut-microbiota interactions, affecting many metabolic pathways. The latest studies have contributed to enzyme-modified extracts and products used for functional, fermented products development and sustainable processes: in particular, nanocellulose, nanocrystals, nanoparticles green synthesis with drug delivery, wound healing, and antimicrobial properties. Even so, enzymes’ incorporation into processes has limitations and is regulated by national and international levels

    Anthocyanin Accumulation in Berry Fruits and Their Antimicrobial and Antiviral Properties: An Overview

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    Because of the recent global crises and lifestyle trends, anthocyanin-rich fruits are receiving more attention due to their medicinal qualities. Many studies have concluded that higher anthocyanin consumption tends to correlate with health benefits. Furthermore, research has shown great promise for anthocyanin application in treating fever and neurodegenerative processes. Once the industrial application difficulties are solved, anthocyanins might prove to be a crucial component in helping to treat the diseases that are becoming more common—viral infections and illnesses associated with aging. Fruit extracts that contain large quantities of anthocyanins have antimicrobial and antiviral (against SARS-CoV-2 virus) properties. Most of the synthesized anthocyanins in the fruit-bearing fruits are stored in the fruits. The aim of this review article is to indicate the fruit species that have the most potential for anthocyanin extraction from fruits, to overview the antimicrobial and antiviral capabilities of anthocyanin and the main sample preparation and extraction methods that preserve polyphenolic compounds and reduce the time expenditure

    Impact of Storage Controlled Atmosphere on the Apple Phenolic Acids, Flavonoids, and Anthocyanins and Antioxidant Activity In Vitro

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    Apples are seasonal fruits, and it is important to prepare them adequately for storage and ensure proper storage conditions. In this study, we used ten different apple cultivars: ‘Alva’, ‘Auksis’, ‘Connell Red’, ‘Cortland’, ‘Ligol’, ‘Lodel’, ‘Noris’, ‘Rubin’, ‘Sampion’, and ‘Spartan’. We studied the qualitative and quantitative composition of phenolic compounds in the apple and apple extracts antioxidants activity before placing them in the controlled atmosphere chambers and again at the end of the experiment, eight months later. Different concentrations of O2, CO2, and N2, constant temperature, relative humidity, and removal of endogenous ethylene were continually maintained. HPLC analysis showed that the highest amount of 2265.7 ± 152.5 µg/g of chlorogenic acid was found in apple samples of the ‘Auksis’ cultivar stored under variant IV conditions. Different concentrations of gas in the controlled atmosphere chambers caused changes in antioxidant activity in whole apple and apple peel extracts. In our study, we found that the antioxidant activity of apple extracts varied between samples of different apple cultivars and depended on the composition of the controlled atmosphere. Determining the optimal storage conditions is beneficial to providing the consumers with apples that have a known and minimally altered chemical composition of phenolic compounds and the strongest antioxidant activity, which determine the use of apples in the healthy food chain

    Changes in the Biochemical Composition and Physicochemical Properties of Apples Stored in Controlled Atmosphere Conditions

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    Apples are an important component of the diet and are used in the food industry in the production of food products and beverages. The aim of the study was to determine the changes in the biochemical composition and physicochemical properties of apples stored in a controlled atmosphere. We studied the biochemical composition (sugars, ascorbic acid, soluble solids, and titratable acidity) and physicochemical properties (color coordinates, peel, and flesh firmness) in the apple samples before placing them in the controlled atmosphere chambers and at the end of the experiment 8 months later. The total content of sugars and soluble solids was found to increase in the samples of apples stored in I to VIII conditions. The study showed a decrease in titratable acidity in apple samples of all cultivars stored in I to VIII conditions. The values of C*, L*, a*, and b* co-ordinates of apple colors were evaluated. Apple samples stored in VI conditions were the lightest color, and their lightness was close to that of fresh fruit. The firmness of apple peel samples of the ‘Sampion’ cultivar stored in I and III–VI conditions increased. The study is valuable and proves that, under the studied conditions, it is possible to extend the time of the provision of apples to the consumers with minimal changes in their chemical composition and nutritional value

    Quality Characteristics of Raspberry By-Products for Sustainable Production

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    Raspberry seeds are a by-product of berries, both from their primary processing, such as in juice production, and secondary processing, such as in oil extraction. These seeds contain plenty of valuable components such as crude fiber, proteins, fats, and vitamins. Quality characterization is the initial step toward using these seeds as a sustainable and functional food. The aim of studying raspberry seeds’ quality profile, both before oil extraction and after different processing methods (supercritical CO2, subcritical CO2, cold pressing, and hexane solvent), is to point out the benefits of this by-product and to raise consumer awareness about their health and well-being benefits. This study provides evidence that raspberry seeds have good physical parameters for use in other products as a functional food enrichment ingredient, such as in baked goods, offering considerable health benefits due to their high nutrient content. The weights, peroxide values, moisture content, nutritional energy values, and colors were determined before oil extraction to give initial seed values. The nutrient content and amounts of macroelements, P, K, Ca, and Mg, as well as microelements, B, Zn, Cu, Fe, and Mn, were determined in the tested variety ‘Polka’, both before and after oil extractions and using different methods. The raspberry seeds’ moisture was 9.2%, their peroxide content was 5.64 mEq/kg, their nutritional value was 475.25 Kcal., and their total weight was 2.17 mg (1000 units). The seeds contain 7.4% protein, 22.1% crude fiber, 11.0% crude fat and oil, and 2.8% sugar. We determined how different oil extraction methods influence the nutrient, micro-, and macro-component values. We concluded that the seeds contained the highest manganese (45.3 mg/kg), iron (29.2 mg/kg), and zinc (17.4 mg/kg) contents and the lowest content of copper (5.1 mg/kg). This research shows that raspberry seeds represent a potential natural food ingredient, and after oil extraction with subcritical or supercritical CO2 or cold pressing, they can be used as a sustainable and functional food

    Variation of Triterpenes in Apples Stored in a Controlled Atmosphere

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    Apples are seasonal fruits, and thus after harvesting apples of optimal picking maturity, it is important to prepare them properly for storage and to ensure proper storage conditions in order to minimize changes in the chemical composition and commercial quality of the apples. We studied the quantitative composition of triterpenic compounds in the whole apple, apple peel and apple flesh samples before placing them in the controlled atmosphere (CA) chambers, and at the end of the experiment, 8 months later. HPLC analysis showed that highest total amount of triterpenic compounds (1.99 ± 0.01 mg g−1) was found in the whole apple samples of the ‘Spartan’ cultivar stored under variant VIII (O2—20%, CO2—3%, N2—77%) conditions. Meanwhile, the highest amount of triterpenic compounds (11.66 ± 0.72 mg g−1) was determined in the apple peel samples of the ‘Auksis’ cultivar stored under variant II (O2—5%, CO2—1%, N2—94%) conditions. In the apple peel samples of the ‘Auksis’ cultivar stored under variant I (O2—21%, CO2—0.03%, N2—78.97%) conditions, the amount of individual triterpenic compounds (ursolic, oleanolic, corosolic, and betulinic acids) significantly decreased compared with amount determined before the storage. Therefore, in the apple flesh samples determined triterpenic compounds are less stable during the storage under controlled atmosphere conditions compared with triterpenic compounds determined in the whole apple and apple peel samples

    Sea Buckthorn Leaf Powders: The Impact of Cultivar and Drying Mode on Antioxidant, Phytochemical, and Chromatic Profile of Valuable Resource

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    Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L. (HR)) leaf powders are the underutilized, promising resource of valuable compounds. Genotype and processing methods are key factors in the preparation of homogenous, stable, and quantified ingredients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the phenolic, triterpenic, antioxidant profiles, carotenoid and chlorophyll content, and chromatic characteristics of convection-dried and freeze-dried HR leaf powders obtained from ten different female cultivars, namely ‘Avgustinka’, ‘Botaniceskaja Liubitelskaja’, ‘Botaniceskaja’, ‘Hibrid Percika’, ‘Julia’, ‘Nivelena’, ‘Otradnaja’, ‘Podarok Sadu’, ‘Trofimovskaja’, and ‘Vorobjovskaja’. The chromatic characteristics were determined using the CIELAB scale. The phytochemical profiles were determined using HPLC-PDA (high performance liquid chromatography with photodiode array detector) analysis; spectrophotometric assays and antioxidant activities were investigated using ABTS (2,2′-Azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)) and FRAP (ferric ion reducing antioxidant power) assays. The sea buckthorn leaf powders had a yellowish-green appearance. The drying mode had a significant impact on the total antioxidant activity, chlorophyll content, and chromatic characteristics of the samples; the freeze-dried samples were superior in antioxidant activity, chlorophyll, carotenoid content, and chromatic profile, compared to convection-dried leaf powder samples. The determined triterpenic and phenolic profiles strongly depend on the cultivar, and the drying technique had no impact on qualitative and quantitative composition. Catechin, epigallocatechin, procyanidin B3, ursolic acid, α-amyrin, and β-sitosterol could be used as quantitative markers in the phenolic and triterpenic profiles. The cultivars ‘Avgustinka’, ‘Nivelena’, and ‘Botaniceskaja’ were superior to other tested cultivars, with the phytochemical composition and antioxidant activity

    Sustainable–Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Aqueous <i>Hyssopus officinalis</i> and <i>Calendula officinalis</i> Extracts and Their Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities

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    Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) biosynthesized using aqueous medical plant extracts as reducing and capping agents show multiple applicability for bacterial problems. The aim of this study was to expand the boundaries on AgNPs using a novel, low-toxicity, and cost-effective alternative and green approach to the biosynthesis of metallic NPs using Calendula officinalis (Calendula) and Hyssopus officinalis (Hyssopus) aqueous extracts. The formation of AgNPs was confirmed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) techniques. The effectiveness of biosynthesized AgNPs in quenching free radicals and inhibiting the growth of Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms was supported by in vitro antioxidant activity assay methods and using the Kirby–Bauer disk diffusion susceptibility test, respectively. The elucidated antimicrobial and antioxidative activities of medical plant extracts were compared with data from the engineered biosynthetic AgNPs. The antimicrobial effect of engineered AgNPs against selected test cultures was found to be substantially stronger than for plant extracts used for their synthesis. The analysis of AgNPs by TEM revealed the presence of spherical-shaped nano-objects. The size distribution of AgNPs was found to be plant-type-dependent. The smaller AgNPs were obtained with Hyssopus extract (with a size range of 16.8 ± 5.8 nm compared to 35.7 ± 4.8 nm from Calendula AgNPs). The AgNPs’ presumably inherited biological functions of Hyssopus and Calendula medical plants can provide a platform to combat pathogenic bacteria in the era of multi-drug resistance