1,997 research outputs found

    Hash Embeddings for Efficient Word Representations

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    We present hash embeddings, an efficient method for representing words in a continuous vector form. A hash embedding may be seen as an interpolation between a standard word embedding and a word embedding created using a random hash function (the hashing trick). In hash embeddings each token is represented by kk dd-dimensional embeddings vectors and one kk dimensional weight vector. The final dd dimensional representation of the token is the product of the two. Rather than fitting the embedding vectors for each token these are selected by the hashing trick from a shared pool of BB embedding vectors. Our experiments show that hash embeddings can easily deal with huge vocabularies consisting of millions of tokens. When using a hash embedding there is no need to create a dictionary before training nor to perform any kind of vocabulary pruning after training. We show that models trained using hash embeddings exhibit at least the same level of performance as models trained using regular embeddings across a wide range of tasks. Furthermore, the number of parameters needed by such an embedding is only a fraction of what is required by a regular embedding. Since standard embeddings and embeddings constructed using the hashing trick are actually just special cases of a hash embedding, hash embeddings can be considered an extension and improvement over the existing regular embedding types

    REsCape: an Agent-Based Framework for Modeling Resources, Ethnicity, and Conflict

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    This research note provides a general introduction to REsCape: an agent-based computational framework for studying the relationship between natural resources, ethnicity, and civil war. By permitting the user to specify: (i) different resource profiles ranging from a purely agrarian economy to one based on the artisanal or industrial extraction of alluvial or kimberlite diamonds; (ii) different patterns of ethnic domination, ethnic polarization, and varying degrees of ethnic salience; as well as (iii) specific modes of play for key agents, the framework can be used to assess the effects of key variables ñ€” whether taken in isolation or in various combinations ñ€” on the onset and duration of civil war. Our objective is to make REsCape available as an open source toolkit in the future, one that can be used, modified, and refined by students and scholars of civil war.Agent-Based Model, Ethnicity, Salience, Polarization, Domination, Civil War, Greed, Natural Resources

    Concurrent engineering : en mulighet for fritidsbÄtprodusenter og leverandÞrer pÄ SÞrlandet

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    FritidsbÄtindustrien pÄ SÞrlandet er en industri som har rÞtter tilbake til forrige Ärhundre, og bÊrer preg av Ä vÊre en hÄndverksindustri. Dette betyr at mange av de prosessene som fÞrer til ferdige produkter baserer seg pÄ tradisjonelle metoder, fra produktutviklingen til produksjon og ferdigstillelse. Dette leverer produkter med hÞy kvalitet, noe som er muliggjort av den enorme kunnskapen og erfaringen som hver enkelt arbeider i industrien har. Baksiden med dette er mange prosesser er tidkrevende og dermed kostbare. Svak kommunikasjon, fÄ standardiserte produkter, en utvikling preget av iterasjoner og fÄ samtidige og parallelle prosesser er ogsÄ kjennetegn ved denne industrien. Den opplever ogsÄ i dag en sterk konkurranse fra lavkostland, samt dÄrlige Þkonomiske tider som fÞlger av «finanskrisen». I tidsperioden fra 2006 til 2009 opplevde fritidsbÄtmarkedet over en halvering av bÄde importerte og eksporterte bÄter(Stensvold, 2011). FritidsbÄtprodusentene og deres leverandÞrer pÄ SÞrlandet sÞker derfor Þkt kunnskap om nye mÄter Ä drive produktutvikling. Hensikten med oppgaven er Ä undersÞke om «concurrent engineering» er en god mulighet for industrien. Metodikken baserer seg pÄ at personer fra ulike funksjonelle avdelinger i bedriften gÄr sammen om Ä utvikle nye produkter og jobber parallelt. Denne metodikken har utviklet seg, og det er derfor interessant Ä undersÞke hvilken mulighet som er den beste for industrien. Dette er gjort ved Ä ta utgangspunkt i et utvalg av bedriftene knyttet til fritidsbÄtindustrien pÄ SÞrlandet. Dette utvalget bestÄr av ERTEC AS, Skibsplast AS og Windy AS. Skibsplast AS produserer fritidsbÄter for allemannseie, mens Windy AS produserer for luksussegmentet. ERTEC AS er en leverandÞr til begge bÄtprodusentene, og leverer blant annet vindskjermer og produkter i syrefast stÄl. Disse bedriftene er med i et forskningsprosjekt i samarbeid med SINTEF, som heter «Industrialisert smÄskalaproduksjon av fritidsbÄter», forkortet ISB. Dette prosjektet tar hÞyde for Ä gjÞre forskning i henhold til bevaringen av den hÄndverksmessige kompetansen, kvaliteten og merkevaren, samtidig som produksjonen industrialiseres. Denne oppgaven bygger delvis videre pÄ denne forskningen, men med «concurrent engineering» som innfallsvinkel

    Higher-Page Hodge Theory of Compact Complex Manifolds

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    The main thrust of this work is to extend some basic results in Hodge Theory to the higher pages of the Fr\"olicher spectral sequence. For an arbitrary nonnegative integer rr, we introduce the class of page-rr-∂∂ˉ\partial\bar\partial-manifolds by requiring the analogue of the Hodge decomposition to hold on a compact complex manifold XX when the usual Dolbeault cohomology groups H∂ˉp, q(X)H^{p,\,q}_{\bar\partial}(X) are replaced by the spaces Er+1p, q(X)E_{r+1}^{p,\,q}(X) featuring on the (r+1)(r+1)-st page of the Fr\"olicher spectral sequence of XX. The class of page-rr-∂∂ˉ\partial\bar\partial-manifolds coincides with the usual class of ∂∂ˉ\partial\bar\partial-manifolds when r=0r=0 but increases as rr increases. We give two kinds of applications. On the one hand, we give a purely numerical characterisation of the page-rr-∂∂ˉ\partial\bar\partial-property in terms of dimensions of various cohomology vector spaces. On the other hand, we obtain several classes of examples, including all complex parallelisable nilmanifolds and certain families of solvmanifolds and abelian nilmanifolds. Further, there are general results about the behaviour of this new class under standard constructions like blow-ups and deformations.Comment: The original paper has been expanded and then broken up into several shorter papers for journal submission purposes. This is the first of the shorter papers. Theorems 3.1 and 1.3, as well as several new examples, have been adde

    Deformations of higher-page analogues of ∂∂¯ -manifolds

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    We extend the notion of small essential deformations of Calabi–Yau complex structures from the case of the Iwasawa manifold, for which they were introduced recently by the first-named author, to the general case of page-1-¿¿¯ -manifolds that were jointly introduced very recently by all three authors. We go on to obtain an analogue of the unobstructedness theorem of Bogomolov, Tian and Todorov for Calabi–Yau page-1-¿¿¯ -manifolds. As applications of this discussion, we study the small deformations of certain Nakamura solvmanifolds and reinterpret the cases of the Iwasawa manifold and its 5-dimensional analogue from this standpoint. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Improved regularity for the stochastic fast diffusion equation

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    We prove that the solution to the singular-degenerate stochastic fast-diffusion equation with parameter m∈(0,1)m\in (0,1), with zero Dirichlet boundary conditions on a bounded domain in any spatial dimension, and driven by linear multiplicative Wiener noise, exhibits improved regularity in the Sobolev space W01,m+1W^{1,m+1}_0 for initial data in L2L^{2}.Comment: 7 pages, 29 reference
