17 research outputs found


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    This file contains quality trimmed, demultiplexed sequences without barcodes and primers (seqs.fna) produced from using default parameters in split_libraries_fastq.py script in QIIME 1.8.0; and a metadata mapping file (mapping.txt) for all the samples

    Representative sequences for 16S OTUs identified in this study.

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    Sequences with names beginning with "denovo" are less than 97% similar to Greengenes representative sequences at this similarity level. All other sequences are those from Greengenes release 13_8


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    2017_ArcilaHernandezetal_ExperimentalColonies_Dryad is a csv file with data by block and treatment for assays on ant foraging, stable isotopes, morphology, colony size, and count data of 16S sequences obtained with qPCR and 454 pyrosequencing


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    2017_ArcilaHernandezetal_wildcolonies_Dryad is a csv file with count and weight data of worker and reproductive ants in wild colonie


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    DIRECTORY: ./ochman_example_analysis This contains example scripts and analysis similar to the Cephalotes example above. In addition to example output for four OTU widths (./ochman_example_analysis/93, 95, 97, 99), example scripts for analysis at two levels of rarefaction (1000 and 15000 sequences/sample), metadata mapping (./ochman_example_analysis/ochman_split_map.txt), results from the beta diversity sensitivity analysis (./ochman_example_analysis/bdiv_sensitivity_grids), and example host trees (./ochman_example_analysis/ape_phylogram_ILS_relabeled_furcated.tre, ape_cladogram_relabeled_relabeled_furcated.tre), there are several additional files. ape_sample_locations.txt are Lat/Lon values estimated from Figure 1 of Ochman et al 2010, used to estimate geographic distances for the partial Mantel tests


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    DIRECTORY: ./cephalotes_example_analysis This contains the denoised sequence data used in the analysis of Cephalotes ant gut microbiota (./cephalotes_example_analysis/seqs.fna), metadata mapping info (cephalotes_map.txt), host trees with individual samples (ceph_guide_tree.tre) and colonies (ceph_species_tree_SpeciesColony.tre) as leaves, and an example analysis script (cephalotes_script_example). It also contains example output from four different OTU clustering thresholds (./cephalotes_example_analysis/93, 95, 97, and 99), results from the beta diversity sensitivity analysis (./cephalotes_example_analysis/bdiv_sensitivity_grids), and the results of the compute_core_microbiome.py script in Qiime 1.6.0 (./cephalotes_example_analysis/core_otus)


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    DIRECTORY: ./ochman_original_data ./ochman_original_data contains the original sequence data as supplied by Prof. Howard Ochman (Personal Communication, July 12, 2013). This is in the format of a combined fasta file (primer_trimed.fasta) and a sample mapping file (sample_map.txt). Additionally, the folder contains a simple python script used to convert the sequence file to Qiime post-split_libraries.py format; the result of this script is ./ochman_example_analysis/seqs.fna