1,022 research outputs found

    International Whaling Commission Indicates Potential Reversal of Policy

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    In June, the International Whaling Commission (“IWC”) held its 58th Annual Meeting in St. Kitts and Nevis and, for the first time since its inception in 1946, declared that it intends to reintroduce “controlled and sustainable” whaling of certain whale species.The 33-32 vote is purely declaratory and does not effect a change in the IWC’s ban on whaling, which would take a 75 percent vote to overturn. However, organizations across the globe call the vote an indication of a dramatic policy shift demonstrating an “abdication of responsibility by the global community” and a sign of IWC evolution from a conservational force to a “whaling club.

    Designing whole-systems commissioning: lessons from the English experience

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    The paucity of formal evidence, allied to the requirement for strategies that are sensitive to local history and context, means that a ‘blueprint’ for successful strategic commissioning is not currently available for adoption. We are therefore confined to proposing ‘design principles’ for those seeking to embark upon a transition towards a whole systems approach to strategic commissioning. People and relationships are of critical importance all the way through the chain from strategic commissioning to micro-commissioning. Most crucially, experience suggests that structural solutions alone cannot deliver effective relationships and will not be effective when relationships are neglected. The need to ensure staff, partner and political buy-in suggests that relationship management and consensus-building are an integral component of the leadership role in moving toward strategic commissioning. As with any major re-organisation, the move to strategic commissioning is essentially a change management initiative and therefore will stand or fall according to whether it adheres to good practice in the change management process. Central to this, and to achieving commissioning outcomes, is the requirement for meaningful service user and public engagement. Effective commissioning emphasizes individual capabilities as well as needs, and community assets as well as deficits and problems. Adoption of strategic commissioning approaches is still at the developmental and learning stage and arguably all structural arrangements should be regarded as transitional


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    Kacang-kacangan adalah sumber dari senyawa fenolik yang berperan dalam berbagai proses fisiologi dan metabolik pada manusia. Hampir sebagian besar senyawa fenolik terkonsentrasi di dalam biji kacang-kacangan yang di fermentasi. Salah satu contoh produk olahan fermentasi adalah tempe, yang sekarang dapat digunakan untuk diet, dengan kandungan protein nabati yang disarankan untuk dikonsumsi sekitar 150-300 g bahan matang/hari pada diet 1500-2100 kalori. Tujuan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini adalah untuk melakukan pembuatan olahan fermentasi kacang-kacangan yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan diet rendah bagi wanita. Hasil kegiatan pelaksanaan program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat dalam bentuk pelatihan kepada masyarakat untuk mengenalkan kacang-kacangan dapat diolah menjadi makanan dengan diet rendah bagi ibu yang mendambakan tubuh yang bagus. Kesimpulan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini adalah kegiatan pelatihan yang telah terlaksana sesuai pelaksanaan dan rencana, mendapat sambutan yang baik dari pemerintah setempat dan masyarakat sekitar, sehingga masyarakat sekitar Puskesmas Bandar Khalipah, Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan, mendapatkan informasi serta pengetahuan dan menerapkan informasi tersebut bagi keluarga dan masyarakat lainnya

    Pemanfaatan Tanaman Obat Daun Kemangi Sebagai Antibakteri Di Pusat Kesehatan

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    Kemangi (Ocinum citriodorum Vis.) merupakan tanaman yang daunya biasa di makan sebagai lalapan dan memiliki banyak mamfaat. Daun kemangi mengandung metabolit sekunder yang memiliki aktivitas sebabagi antibakteri, seperti flavonoid,tannin,saponin,alkaloid,dan steroid. Kandungan daun kemangi yang bersifat antibakteri adalah minyak atsiri daun kemangi memiliki konsentrasi bunuh minimal (KBM) 0,5% terhadap bakteri S. aureus; 0,25% terhadap bakteri E. coli; dan 2% terhadap bakteri S.epidermis. Tujuan dari kegiatan Pengabdian kapada Masyarakat ini dilakukan untuk memberikan informasi tentang pemanfaatan Daun Kemangi sebagai antibakteri alami. Hasil kegiatan pelaksanaan program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat dalam bentuk penyuluhan dan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat dalam memanfaatan Daun Kemangi sebagai antibakteri alami. Kesimpulan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini adalah kegiatan sosialisasi telah terlaksana sesuai pelaksanaan dan rencana, mendapat sambutan yang baik dari pemerintah setempat dan masyarakat sekitar, sehingga masyarakat di Puskesmas Sambi Rejo, mendapatkan informasi serta pengetahuan dan menerapkan informasi tersebut bagi keluarga dan masyarakat lainnya

    Electromagnetically Modified Filtration of Aluminum Melts—Part I: Electromagnetic Theory and 30PPI Ceramic Foam Filter Experimental Results

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    In the present work, laboratory-scale continuous filtration tests of liquid A356 aluminum alloy have been performed. The tests were conducted using standard 30 PPI (pores per inch) ceramic foam filters combined with magnetic flux densities (~0.1 and 0.2T), produced using two different induction coils operated at 50Hz AC. A reference filtration test was also carried out under gravity conditions, i.e., without an applied magnetic field. The obtained results clearly prove that the magnetic field has a significant affect on the distribution of SiC particles. The influence of the electromagnetic Lorentz forces and induced bulk metal flow on the obtained filtration efficiencies and on the wetting behavior of the filter media by liquid aluminum is discussed. The magnitudes of the Lorentz forces produced by the induction coils are quantified based on analytical and COMSOL 4.2Âź finite element modelin

    High School Principals’ Leadership Roles and Use of Time

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    Time is the most valuable currency in schools. This study describes how successful high school principals reported spending and allocating their time to various leadership tasks using selected items from a study of principal-time use and school effectiveness in Miami-Dade County Public Schools in Florida US. Public high school principals were selected based on their 2019 Missouri School Improvement Program performance indicators and asked to complete either a paper or online survey. Findings show that principals spend more time on management-related activities than curriculum and instruction-related activities. There is a strong association between time-use on curriculum and instruction with both gender and school size. The more leadership experience a principal has, the less time they are likely to spend on school management activities. Time-use on organization management is strongly associated with school size. If instructional leadership is a fundamental priority for principals, then development and support of successful principalship will require a redesign of their roles to free time for instructional leadership. School districts that hire principals from a pool of assistant principals (AP) or invest in principal pipelines, need to develop a strategy to build APs’ instructional and leadership skills. Keywords: High school principals, principals’ time-use, principals’ roles, successful principals, instructional leadership. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-18-01 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Naval History by Conspiracy Theory: The British Admiralty before the First World War and the Methodology of Revisionism

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    Revisionist interpretations of British naval policy in the Fisher era claim that an elaborate smoke screen was created to hide the Royal Navy’s real policies; while documents showing the true goals were systematically destroyed. By asserting this, revisionists are able to dismiss those parts of the documentary record that contradict their theories, while simultaneously excusing the lack of evidence for their theories by claiming it has been destroyed. This article shows that this methodology is misleading and untenable

    Doing and time : visuomotor adaptations to temporal misalignment

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    A range of approaches to studying temporal visuomotor adaptation, grounded in the literature on spatial misalignment has been examined. Where the visuomotor misalignment was sufficiently small, and the stimulus sufficiently predictable, this has resulted in behavioural, but not perceptual adaptation to temporal misalignment in visuomotor coordination tasks. This is in contrast to findings in the spatial literature, and in the temporal literature for intersensory and visuomotor non-coordination tasks. A possible reason for this discrepancy is that time-critical visuomotor coordination behaviour may rely on representations dissociable from those more processed representations available for retrospective judgments.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo


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    Sambung nyawa merupakan tanaman merambat dengan karakteristik daun tunggal, berbentuk oval, dan memiliki rambut halus pada permukaan atas bawah daunnya. Batang berbentuk bulat, lunak dan berwarna hijau tua. Tumbuhan sambung nyawa berakar serabut dan tidak berbunga. Tanaman ini sering digunakan sebagai obat maupun makanan untuk kesehatan, dapat berupa lalapan maupun berupa kapsul atau teh. Di Jawa Barat, masyarakat Sunda sering mengkonsumsi sambung nyawa sebagai lalapan di masyarakat.10 Secara tradisional, sambung nyawa digunakan sebagai obat penyakit ginjal, infeksi kerongkongan, menghentikan pendarahan, dan penawar racun akibat gigitan binatang berbis
