10 research outputs found

    Beam model of Doppler backscattering

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    We use beam tracing -- implemented with a newly-written code, Scotty -- and the reciprocity theorem to derive a model for the linear backscattered power of the Doppler Backscattering (DBS) diagnostic. Our model works for both the O-mode and X-mode in tokamak geometry (and certain regimes of stellarators). We present the analytical derivation of our model and its implications on the DBS signal localisation and the wavenumber resolution. To determine these two quantities, we find that it is the curvature of the field lines and the magnetic shear that are important, rather than the curvature of the cut-off surface. We also provide an explicit formula for the hitherto poorly-understood quantitative effect of the mismatch angle. Consequently, one can use this model to correct for the attenuation due to mismatch, avoiding the need for empirical optimisation. This is especially important in spherical tokamaks, since the magnetic pitch angle is large and varies both spatially and temporally.Comment: This is the version that passed peer review. No major changes, but many improvements to writing styl

    Validating and optimising mismatch tolerance of Doppler backscattering measurements with the beam model

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    We use the beam model of Doppler backscattering (DBS), which was previously derived from beam tracing and the reciprocity theorem, to shed light on mismatch attenuation. This attenuation of the backscattered signal occurs when the wavevector of the probe beam's electric field is not in the plane perpendicular to the magnetic field. Correcting for this effect is important for determining the amplitude of the actual density fluctuations. Previous preliminary comparisons between the model and Mega-Ampere Spherical Tokamak (MAST) plasmas were promising. In this work, we quantitatively account for this effect on DIII-D, a conventional tokamak. We compare the predicted and measured mismatch attenuation in various DIII-D, MAST, and MAST-U plasmas, showing that the beam model is applicable in a wide variety of situations. Finally, we performed a preliminary parameter sweep and found that the mismatch tolerance can be improved by optimising the probe beam's width and curvature at launch. This is potentially a design consideration for new DBS systems

    Studies of turbulence and flows in the DIII-D tokamak

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    Understanding the turbulent transport of particles, momentum, and heat continues to be an important goal for magnetic confinement fusion energy research. The turbulence in tokamaks and other magnetic confinement devices is widely thought to arise due to linearly unstable gyroradius-scale modes. A long predicted characteristic of these linear instabilities is a critical gradient, where the modes are stable below a critical value related to the gradient providing free energy for the instability and unstable above it. In this dissertation, a critical gradient threshold for long wavelength (kθρs0.4k_{\theta} \rho_s \lesssim 0.4) electron temperature fluctuations is reported, where the temperature fluctuations do not change, within uncertainties, below a threshold value in LTe1=Te/TeL_{T_e}^{-1}=|\nabla T_e| / T_e and steadily increase above it. This principal result, the direct observation of a critical gradient for electron temperature fluctuations, is also the first observation of critical gradient behavior for \textit{any} locally measured turbulent quantity in the core of a high temperature plasma in a systematic experiment. The critical gradient was found to be LTe1crit=2.8±0.4 m1L_{T_e}^{-1}|_{crit}=2.8 \pm 0.4 \ \mathrm{m}^{-1}. The experimental value for the critical gradient quantitatively disagrees with analytical predictions for its value. In the experiment, the local value of LTe1L_{T_e}^{-1} was systematically varied by changing the deposition location of electron cyclotron heating gyrotrons in the DIII-D tokamak. The temperature fluctuation measurements were acquired with a correlation electron cyclotron emission radiometer. The dimensionless parameter ηe=Lne/LTe\eta_e=L_{n_e}/L_{T_e} is found to describe both the temperature fluctuation threshold and a threshold observed in linear gyrofluid growth rate calculations over the measured wave numbers, where a rapid increase at ηe2\eta_e \approx 2 is observed in both. Doppler backscattering (DBS) measurements of intermediate-scale density fluctuations also show a frequency-localized increase on the electron diamagnetic side of the measured spectrum that increases with LTe1L_{T_e}^{-1}. Measurements of the crossphase angle between long wavelength electron density and temperature fluctuations, as well as measurements of long wavelength density fluctuation levels were also acquired. Multiple aspects of the fluctuation measurements and calculations are individually consistent with the attribution of the critical gradient to the Te\nabla T_e-driven trapped electron mode. The accumulated evidence strongly enforces this conclusion. The threshold value for the temperature fluctuation measurements was also within uncertainties of a critical gradient for the electron thermal diffusivity found through heat pulse analysis, above which the electron heat flux and electron temperature profile stiffness rapidly increased. Toroidal rotation was also systematically varied with neutral beam injection, which had little effect on the temperature fluctuation measurements. The crossphase measurements indicated the presence of different instabilities below the critical gradient depending on the neutral beam configuration, which is supported by linear gyrofluid calculations.In a second set of results reported in this dissertation, the geodesic acoustic mode is investigated in detail. Geodesic acoustic modes (GAMs) and zonal flows are nonlinearly driven, axisymmetric (m=0, n=0m=0,\ n=0 potential) E×BE \times B flows, which are thought to play an important role in establishing the saturated level of turbulence in tokamaks. Zonal flows are linearly stable, but are driven to finite amplitude through nonlinear interaction with the turbulence. They are then thought to either shear apart the turbulent eddies or act as a catalyst to transfer energy to damped modes. Results are presented showing the GAM's observed spatial scales, temporal scales, and nonlinear interaction characteristics, which may have implications for the assumptions underpinning turbulence models towards the tokamak edge (r/a0.75r/a \gtrsim 0.75). Measurements in the DIII-D tokamak have been made with multichannel Doppler backscattering systems at toroidal locations separated by 180180^{\circ}; analysis reveals that the GAM is highly coherent between the toroidally separated systems (\gamma > 0.8) and that measurements are consistent with the expected m=0, n=0m=0,\ n=0 structure. Observations show that the GAM in L-mode plasmas with 2.54.5\sim 2.5-4.5 MW auxiliary heating occurs as a radially coherent eigenmode, rather than as a continuum of frequencies as occurs in lower temperature discharges; this is consistent with theoretical expectations when finite ion Larmor radius effects are included. The intermittency of the GAM has been quantified, revealing that its autocorrelation time is fairly short, ranging from about 4 to about 15 GAM periods in cases examined, a difference that is accompanied by a modification to the probability distribution function of the E×BE \times B velocity at the GAM frequency. Conditionally-averaged bispectral analysis shows the strength of the nonlinear interaction of the GAM with broadband turbulence can vary with the magnitude of the GAM. Data also indicates a wave number dependence to the GAM's interaction with turbulence. Measurements also showed the existence of additional low frequency zonal flows (LFZF) at a few kilohertz in the core of DIII-D plasmas. These LFZF also correlated toroidally. The amplitude of both the GAM and LFZF were observed to depend on toroidal rotation, with both types of flows barely detectable in counter-injected plasmas.In a third set of results the development of diagnostic hardware, techniques used to acquire the above data, and related work is described. A novel multichannel Doppler backscattering system was developed. The five channel system operates in V-band (50-75 GHz) and has an array of 5 frequencies, separated by 350 MHz, which is tunable as a group. Laboratory tests of the hardware are presented. Doppler backscattering is a diagnostic technique for the radially localized measurement of intermediate-scale (kθρs1k_{\theta} \rho_s \sim 1) density fluctuations and the laboratory frame propagation velocity of turbulent structures. Ray tracing, with experimental profiles and equilibria for inputs, is used to determine the scattering wave number and location. Full wave modeling, also with experimental inputs, is used for a synthetic Doppler backscattering diagnostic for nonlinear turbulence simulations. A number of non-ideal processes for DBS are also investigated; their impact on measurements in DIII-D are found, for the most part, to be small

    Toroidal and slab ETG instability dominance in the linear spectrum of JET-ILW pedestals

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    Local linear gyrokinetic simulations show that electron temperature gradient (ETG) instabilities are the fastest growing modes for ky rho i greater than or similar to 0.1<i in the steep gradient region for a JET pedestal discharge (92174) where the electron temperature gradient is steeper than the ion temperature gradient. Here, k(y) is the wavenumber in the direction perpendicular to both the magnetic field and the radial direction, and rho(i) is the ion gyroradius. At k(y)rho(i) greater than or similar to 1<i, the fastest growing mode is often a novel type of toroidal ETG instability. This toroidal ETG mode is driven at scales as large as ky rho i similar to(rho i/rho e)LTe/R0 similar to 1<i and at a sufficiently large radial wavenumber that electron finite Larmor radius effects become important; that is, Kx rho e similar to 1<i, where K-x is the effective radial wavenumber. Here, rho(e) is the electron gyroradius, R-0 is the major radius of the last closed flux surface, and 1/L-Te is an inverse length proportional to the logarithmic gradient of the equilibrium electron temperature. The fastest growing toroidal ETG modes are often driven far away from the outboard midplane. In this equilibrium, ion temperature gradient instability is subdominant at all scales and kinetic ballooning modes are shown to be suppressed by ExBExB shear. Heuristic quasilinear arguments suggest that the novel toroidal ETG instability is important for transport

    Toroidal and slab ETG instability dominance in the linear spectrum of JET-ILW pedestals

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    Local linear gyrokinetic simulations show that electron temperature gradient (ETG) instabilities are the fastest growing modes for kyρi ≳ 0.1 in the steep gradient region for a JET pedestal discharge (92174) where the electron temperature gradient is steeper than the ion temperature gradient. Here, ky is the wavenumber in the direction perpendicular to both the magnetic field and the radial direction, and ρi is the ion gyroradius. At kyρi ≳ 1, the fastest growing mode is often a novel type of toroidal ETG instability. This toroidal ETG mode is driven at scales as large as kyρi ∼ (ρi/ρe)LTe/R0 ∼ 1 and at a sufficiently large radial wavenumber that electron finite Larmor radius effects become important; that is, Kxρe ∼ 1, where Kx is the effective radial wavenumber. Here, ρe is the electron gyroradius, R0 is the major radius of the last closed flux surface, and 1/LTe is an inverse length proportional to the logarithmic gradient of the equilibrium electron temperature. The fastest growing toroidal ETG modes are often driven far away from the outboard midplane. In this equilibrium, ion temperature gradient instability is subdominant at all scales and kinetic ballooning modes are shown to be suppressed by E × B shear. ETG modes are very resilient to E × B shear. Heuristic quasilinear arguments suggest that the novel toroidal ETG instability is important for transport

    Toroidal and slab ETG instability dominance in the linear spectrum of JET-ILW pedestals

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    Local linear gyrokinetic simulations show that electron temperature gradient (ETG) instabilities are the fastest growing modes for kyρi0.1k_y \rho_i \gtrsim 0.1 in the steep gradient region for a JET pedestal discharge (92174) where the electron temperature gradient is steeper than the ion temperature gradient. Here, kyk_y is the wavenumber in the direction perpendicular to both the magnetic field and the radial direction, and ρi\rho_i is the ion gyroradius. At kyρi1k_y \rho_i \gtrsim 1, the fastest growing mode is often a novel type of toroidal ETG instability. This toroidal ETG mode is driven at scales as large as kyρi(ρi/ρe)LTe/R01k_y \rho_i \sim (\rho_i/\rho_e) L_{Te} / R_0 \sim 1 and at a sufficiently large radial wavenumber that electron finite Larmor radius effects become important; that is, Kxρe1K_x \rho_e \sim 1, where KxK_x is the effective radial wavenumber. Here, ρe\rho_e is the electron gyroradius, R0R_0 is the major radius of the last closed flux surface, and 1/LTe1/L_{Te} is an inverse length proportional to the logarithmic gradient of the equilibrium electron temperature. The fastest growing toroidal ETG modes are often driven far away from the outboard midplane. In this equilibrium, ion temperature gradient instability is subdominant at all scales and kinetic ballooning modes are shown to be suppressed by E×B\mathbf{ E} \times \mathbf{ B} shear. ETG modes are very resilient to E×B\mathbf{ E} \times \mathbf{ B} shear. Heuristic quasilinear arguments suggest that the novel toroidal ETG instability is important for transport

    Pedestal structure, stability and scalings in JET-ILW: the EUROfusion JET-ILW pedestal database

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    The EUROfusion JET-ILW pedestal database is described, with emphasis on three main issues. First, the technical aspects are introduced, including a description of the data selection, the datasets, the diagnostics used, the experimental and theoretical methods implemented and the main definitions. Second, the JET-ILW pedestal structure and stability are described. In particular, the work describes the links between the engineering parameters (power, gas and divertor configuration) and the disagreement with the peeling-ballooning (PB) model implement with ideal MHD equations. Specifically, the work clarifies why the JET-ILW pedestal tends to be far from the PB boundary at high gas and high power, showing that a universal threshold in power and gas cannot be found but that that the relative shift (the distance between the position of the pedestal density and of the pedestal temperature) plays a key role. These links are then used to achieve an empirical explanation of the behavior of the JET-ILW pedestal pressure with gas, power and divertor configuration. Third, the pedestal database is used to revise the scaling law of the pedestal stored energy. The work shows a reasonable agreement with the earlier Cordey scaling in terms of plasma current and triangularity dependence, but highlights some differences in terms of power and isotope mass dependence

    Recent progress in L-H transition studies at JET: Tritium, Helium, Hydrogen and Deuterium

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    We present an overview of results from a series of L-II transition experiments undertaken at JET since the installation of the ITER-like-wall (JET-ILW), with beryllium wall tiles and a tungsten divertor. Tritium, helium and deuterium plasmas have been investigated. Initial results in tritium show ohmic L-H transitions at low density and the power threshold for the L-H transition (P-LH) is lower in tritium plasmas than in deuterium ones at low densities, while we still lack contrasted data to provide a scaling at high densities. In helium plasmas there is a notable shift of the density at which the power threshold is minimum ((n) over bar (e,min)) to higher values relative to deuterium and hydrogen references. Above (n) over bar (e,min) (He) the L-H power threshold at high densities is similar for D and He plasmas. Transport modelling in slab geometry shows that in helium neoclassical transport competes with interchange-driven transport, unlike in hydrogen isotopes. Measurements of the radial electric field in deuterium plasmas show that E-r shear is not a good indicator of proximity to the L-H transition. Transport analysis of ion heat flux in deuterium plasmas show a non-linearity as density is decreased below (n) over bar (e,min). Lastly, a regression of the JET-ILW deuterium data is compared to the 2008 ITPA scaling law