12 research outputs found

    Cosmic String Loop Microlensing

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    Cosmic superstring loops within the galaxy microlens background point sources lying close to the observer-string line of sight. For suitable alignments, multiple paths coexist and the (achromatic) flux enhancement is a factor of two. We explore this unique type of lensing by numerically solving for geodesics that extend from source to observer as they pass near an oscillating string. We characterize the duration of the flux doubling and the scale of the image splitting. We probe and confirm the existence of a variety of fundamental effects predicted from previous analyses of the static infinite straight string: the deficit angle, the Kaiser-Stebbins effect, and the scale of the impact parameter required to produce microlensing. Our quantitative results for dynamical loops vary by O(1) factors with respect to estimates based on infinite straight strings for a given impact parameter. A number of new features are identified in the computed microlensing solutions. Our results suggest that optical microlensing can offer a new and potentially powerful methodology for searches for superstring loop relics of the inflationary era.Comment: 20 pages, 19 figure

    Gravitational Interactions in a General Multibrane Model

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    The gravitational interactions of the four-dimensional effective theory describing a general NN-brane model in five dimensions without radion stabilization are analyzed. Both uncompactified and orbifolded models are considered. The parameter space is constrained by requiring that there be no ghost modes in the theory, and that the Eddington parameterized post-Newtonian parameter γ\gamma be consistent with observations. We show that we must reside on the brane on which the warp factor is maximized. The resultant theory contains N−1N-1 radion modes in a nonlinear sigma model, with the target space being a subset of hyperbolic space. Imposing observational constraints on the relative strengths of gravitational interactions of dark and visible matter shows that at least 99.8% of the dark matter must live on our brane in this model.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures. Version 2 (submitted to PRD) adds analysis on orbifold

    Shape dependence of Vainshtein screening

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    Scalar field theories that possess a Vainshtein mechanism are able to dynamically suppress the associated fifth forces in the presence of massive sources through derivative nonlinearities. The resulting equations of motion for the scalar are highly nonlinear, and therefore very few analytic solutions are known. Here, we present a brief investigation of the structure of Vainshtein screening in symmetrical configurations, focusing in particular on the spherical, cylindrical and planar solutions that are relevant for observations of the cosmic web. We consider Vainshtein screening in both the Galileon model, where the nonlinear terms involve second derivatives of the scalar, and a k-essence theory, where the nonlinear terms involve only first derivatives of the scalar. We find that screening, and consequently the suppression of the scalar force, is most efficient around spherical sources, weaker around cylindrical sources and can be absent altogether around planar sources

    A Class of Effective Field Theory Models of Cosmic Acceleration

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    We explore a class of effective field theory models of cosmic acceleration involving a metric and a single scalar field. These models can be obtained by starting with a set of ultralight pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons whose couplings to matter satisfy the weak equivalence principle, assuming that one boson is lighter than all the others, and integrating out the heavier fields. The result is a quintessence model with matter coupling, together with a series of correction terms in the action in a covariant derivative expansion, with specific scalings for the coefficients. After eliminating higher derivative terms and exploiting the field redefinition freedom, we show that the resulting theory contains nine independent free functions of the scalar field when truncated at four derivatives. This is in contrast to the four free functions found in similar theories of single-field inflation, where matter is not present. We discuss several different representations of the theory that can be obtained using the field redefinition freedom. For perturbations to the quintessence field today on subhorizon lengthscales larger than the Compton wavelength of the heavy fields, the theory is weakly coupled and natural in the sense of t'Hooft. The theory admits a regime where the perturbations become modestly nonlinear, but very strong nonlinearities lie outside its domain of validity.Comment: 43 pages, 2 figures; Version 3 publication versio

    Simple implementation of general dark energy models

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    We present a formalism for the numerical implementation of general theories of dark energy, combining the computational simplicity of the equation of state for perturbations approach with the generality of the effective field theory approach. An effective fluid description is employed, based on a general action describing single-scalar field models. The formalism is developed from first principles, and constructed keeping the goal of a simple implementation into CAMB in mind. Benefits of this approach include its straightforward implementation, the generality of the underlying theory, the fact that the evolved variables are physical quantities, and that model-independent phenomenological descriptions may be straightforwardly investigated. We hope this formulation will provide a powerful tool for the comparison of theoretical models of dark energy with observational data