129 research outputs found

    Low-Melt Polyamic Acid Based Powder Coatings

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    The present invention is directed to a method for powder coating a metal substrate using a low-melt polyamic acid (PAA) polymer that readily imidizes to polyimides. These low-melt PAAs have been shown to be useful in resins applied as powder coatings to metal surfaces. The resin includes an end-capping material capable of providing crosslinking functionality to at least one end of the low-melt PAA polymer. The end-capping material functions dually as a polymerization chain terminator and crosslinking agent, thus producing resins that have molecular weights low enough to flow well and form good cured films applicable for use in powder coating

    A Multifunctional Smart Coating for Autonomous Corrosion Control

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    Corrosion is a destructive process that often causes failure in metallic components and structures. Protective coatings are the most commonly used method of corrosion control. However, progressively stricter environmental regulations have resulted in the ban of many commercially available corrosion protective coatings due to the harmful effects of their solvents or corrosion inhibitors. This work concerns the development of a multifunctional, smart coating for the autonomous control of corrosion. This coating is being developed to have the inherent ability to detect the chemical changes associated with the onset of corrosion and respond autonomously to control it. The multi-functionality of the coating is based on micro-encapsulation technology specifically designed for corrosion control applications. This design has, in addition to all the advantages of other existing microcapsules designs, the corrosion controlled release function that allows the delivery of corrosion indicators and inhibitors on demand only when and where needed. Corrosion indicators as well as corrosion inhibitors have been incorporated into microcapsules, blended into several paint systems, and tested for corrosion detection and protection efficacy. Thi

    Advanced Water Purification System for In Situ Resource Utilization

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    One of NASA's goals is to enable longterm human presence in space, without the need for continuous replenishment of consumables from Earth. In situ resource utilization (ISRU) is the use of extraterrestrial resources to support activities such as human life-support, material fabrication and repair, and radiation shielding. Potential sources of ISRU resources include lunar and Martian regolith, and Martian atmosphere. Water and byproducts (including hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids) can be produced from lunar regolith via a high-temperature hydrogen reduction reaction and passing the produced gas through a condenser. center dot Due to the high solubility of HCI and HF in water, these byproducts are expected to be present in the product stream (up to 20,000 ppm) and must be removed (less than 10 ppm) prior to water consumption or electrolysis

    Developing Flexible, High Performance Polymers with Self-Healing Capabilities

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    Flexible, high performance polymers such as polyimides are often employed in aerospace applications. They typically find uses in areas where improved physical characteristics such as fire resistance, long term thermal stability, and solvent resistance are required. It is anticipated that such polymers could find uses in future long duration exploration missions as well. Their use would be even more advantageous if self-healing capability or mechanisms could be incorporated into these polymers. Such innovative approaches are currently being studied at the NASA Kennedy Space Center for use in high performance wiring systems or inflatable and habitation structures. Self-healing or self-sealing capability would significantly reduce maintenance requirements, and increase the safety and reliability performance of the systems into which these polymers would be incorporated. Many unique challenges need to be overcome in order to incorporate a self-healing mechanism into flexible, high performance polymers. Significant research into the incorporation of a self-healing mechanism into structural composites has been carried out over the past decade by a number of groups, notable among them being the University of I1linois [I]. Various mechanisms for the introduction of self-healing have been investigated. Examples of these are: 1) Microcapsule-based healant delivery. 2) Vascular network delivery. 3) Damage induced triggering of latent substrate properties. Successful self-healing has been demonstrated in structural epoxy systems with almost complete reestablishment of composite strength being achieved through the use of microcapsulation technology. However, the incorporation of a self-healing mechanism into a system in which the material is flexible, or a thin film, is much more challenging. In the case of using microencapsulation, healant core content must be small enough to reside in films less than 0.1 millimeters thick, and must overcome significant capillary and surface tension forces to flow, mix and react to achieve healing. Vascular networks small enough to fit into such films must also overcome these same flow limitations. Self-healing has also been demonstrated in ionomeric substrates such as Surlyn , wherein the heat generated by a projectile impact triggers the latent ability of this substrate to flow back to its original shape. Recent work using Diels-Alder reactions have shown promise in bringing about actual reforming of broken chemical bonds to achieve self-healing [2]. All self-healing mechanisms that rely on the use of inherent latent substrate properties require some degree of polymer chain flow to achieve any significant level of healing

    Hydrophobic-Core Microcapsules and Their Formation

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    Hydrophobic-core microcapsules and methods of their formation are provided. A hydrophobic-core microcapsule may include a shell that encapsulates a hydrophobic substance with a core substance, such as dye, corrosion indicator, corrosion inhibitor, and/or healing agent, dissolved or dispersed therein. The hydrophobic-core microcapsules may be formed from an emulsion having hydrophobic-phase droplets, e.g., containing the core substance and shell-forming compound, dispersed in a hydrophilic phase. The shells of the microcapsules may be capable of being broken down in response to being contacted by an alkali, e.g., produced during corrosion, contacting the shell

    pH-Sensitive Microparticles with Matrix-Dispersed Active Agent

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    Methods to produce pH-sensitive microparticles that have an active agent dispersed in a polymer matrix have certain advantages over microcapsules with an active agent encapsulated in an interior compartment/core inside of a polymer wall. The current invention relates to pH-sensitive microparticles that have a corrosion-detecting or corrosion-inhibiting active agent or active agents dispersed within a polymer matrix of the microparticles. The pH-sensitive microparticles can be used in various coating compositions on metal objects for corrosion detecting and/or inhibiting

    Low-Melt Poly(Amic Acids) and Polyimides and Their Uses

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    Provided are low-melt polyimides and poly(amic acids) (PAAs) for use as adhesives, and methods of using the materials for attaching two substrates. The methods typically form an adhesive bond that is hermetically sealed to both substrates. Additionally, the method typically forms a cross-linked bonding material that is flexible

    Microencapsulation of Corrosion Indicators for Smart Coatings

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    A multifunctional smart coating for the autonomous detection, indication, and control of corrosion is been developed based on microencapsulation technology. This paper summarizes the development, optimization, and testing of microcapsules specifically designed for early detection and indication of corrosion when incorporated into a smart coating. Results from experiments designed to test the ability of the microcapsules to detect and indicate corrosion, when blended into several paint systems, show that these experimental coatings generate a color change, indicative of spot specific corrosion events, that can be observed with the naked eye within hours rather than the hundreds of hours or months typical of the standard accelerated corrosion test protocols.. Key words: smart coating, corrosion detection, microencapsulation, microcapsule, pH-sensitive microcapsule, corrosion indicator, corrosion sensing pain

    Low-Melt Poly(amic Acids) and Polyimides and Their Uses

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    Provided are low-melt polyimides and poly(amic acids) (PAAs) for use in repair of electrical wire insulation, flat or ribbon wire harnesses, and flat surfaces comprised of high-performance polymers such as inflatables or solar panels applications. Also provided are methods and devices for repair of electrical insulation

    Low-Melt Poly(Amic Acids) and Polyimides and Their Uses

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    Provided are low-melt polyimides and poly(amic acids) (PAAs) for use in repair of electrical wire insulation, flat or ribbon wire harnesses, and flat surfaces comprised of high-performance polymers such as inflatables or solar panels applications. Also provided are methods and devices for repair of electrical insulation
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