52 research outputs found


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    Agrarian landscape structure in Lithuania is relatively stable and changes only due to intensive economic activities such as construction of buildings, land reclamation, and afforestation. The changes due to the aforementioned activities are most evident in the development areas of the major cities, which are characterized by the increasing process of chaotic urbanization. The suburban municipalities, bordering the three major cities of Lithuania (Kaunas, Vilnius, Klaipėda), were chosen for the research. To determine areas that were influenced by the urban development among the analyzed cities, the multicriteria analysis method was chosen, which helped to assess the intensity of the suburban area development. The determined areas, which were influenced by the urban development, were divided into three categories, in which the villages of 583 agrarian territories are included. The greatest influence of the urban development on the agrarian landscape is evident in the territories that are closest to the major cities (in the areas of category I) and in which the structure of the components of the agrarian landscape changes mostly by reducing the agricultural land. To ensure a balanced influence of urban development on the agrarian landscape, the average built-up area in the development area of the major cities should not be higher than 20%–30% and the agricultural land area should not be lower than 30%–45%. To preserve the fertile land, the built-up areas should be designed in the agricultural lands with lower productivity

    Application of the creative workshop method in engineering education

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    Mokslinės literatūros šaltinių analizė atskleidė, kad kūrybinės dirbtuvės, kaip inovatyvus ir aktyvus mokymo(si) metodas yra tinkamas ir skatinamas naudoti įrankis inžineriniame ugdyme. Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti kūrybinių dirbtuvių metodo taikymo patirtį ir poveikį Inžinerijos pamokose ugdant 5 – tos klasės mokinių inžinerinius gebėjimus. Tyrimo objektas – inžinerinių gebėjimų ugdymas taikant kūrybinių dirbtuvių mokymo(si) metodą inžineriniame ugdyme. Pirmoje teorinėje darbo dalyje aptarta inžinerinio ugdymo samprata, inovatyvių aktyvių mokymo(si) metodų taikymas inžineriniame ugdyme bei pateikta kūrybinių dirbtuvių samprata ir šio metodo taikymo galimybės inžinerinio ugdymo procese. Metodologinėje darbo dalyje pateikta detali inovacijos įgyvendinimo metodika. Atliktas kokybinės metodologinės krypties profesinės veiklos tipo tyrimas. Tyrime naudoti sekantys tyrimo metodai ir instrumentai: laisvas neformalus interviu (pokalbiai) su mokytoja ir mokiniais, mokinių stebėjimas (dienoraštis) ir savirefleksija. Atlikus tyrimą atskleista, jog siekiant kūrybinių dirbtuvių sklandžios veiklos ir maksimalios naudos svarbu atsakingai suplanuoti visus esminius šio metodo įgyvendinimo etapus: tinkamai išsikelti dirbtuvių veiklos tikslą, įvertiniti galimą skirti laiką, naudą ir reikalingas priemones, gerai suplanuoti veiklas, identifikuoti dalyvių jau turimas žinias ir gebėjimus bei užtikrinti grįžtamąjį ryšį. Šiame darbe analizuotame veiklos tyrime, kūrybinės dirbtuvės apimančios 3 pamokų ciklą, buvo palankiai įvertintos tiek pačių mokinių, tiek ir inžinerijos pamokas vedančios mokytojos, kaip įdomi, aktyvi, įtrauki ir net papildomų pastangų sužinoti daugiau reikalaujanti mokymo(si) veikla, sąlygojanti esminių inžinerinių gebėjimų – kritinio mąstymo, kūrybiškumo, problemų identifikavimo, komunikavimo bei bendravimo – ugdymą. Remiantis atlikto tyrimo rezultatais, rekomenduojama kūrybinių dirbtuvių metodą, kaip pasiteisinusį inžinerinio ugdymo procese, taikyti visose klasėse (1-12 kl.) ugdant mokinių inžinerinius gebėjimus. Taip pat dėl inžinerijos mokslo tarpdiscipliniškumo (fizika, chemija ir pan.) bei kokybiškos vaizdinės medžiagos prieinamumo anglų kalba, siūloma planuoti integruotas veiklas, ypatinga dėmesį skiriant ir komandiniam darbui.The analysis of scientific literature sources revealed that creative workshops as an innovative and active teaching method are a suitable and encouraged tool to use in engineering education. The aim of the research is to reveal the experience and impact of the application of the creative workshop method in engineering lessons by developing the engineering skills of 5th grade students. The object of the research is the development of engineering skills by applying the method of teaching (learning) creative workshops in engineering education. The first theoretical part of the work discusses the concept of engineering education, the application of innovative active teaching (learning) methods in engineering education, and presents the concept of creative workshops and the possibilities of applying this method in the process of engineering education. The methodological part of the work presents a detailed methodology for the implementation of innovation. A research of the type of professional activity in the field of qualitative methodological direction was performed. The following research methods and tools were used in the study: free informal interviews (conversations) with the teacher and students, observation of students (diary) and self-reflection. The study revealed that in order to ensure the smooth operation and maximum benefit of creative workshops, it is important to responsibly plan all the essential stages of this method: properly set the goal of the workshop, assess possible time, benefits and necessary measures, plan activities well, identify and provide feedback. In the activity study analyzed in this paper, the creative workshops, which cover a cycle of 3 lessons, were positively assessed by both the students themselves and the teachers leading the engineering lessons as interesting, active, engaging and even more demanding learning activities that - development of critical thinking, creativity, problem identification, communication and communication. Based on the results of the research, it is recommended to apply the creative workshop method, as proven in the process of engineering education, in all classes (grades 1-12) to develop students' engineering skills. Also due to the interdisciplinarity of engineering science (physics, chemistry, etc.) and the availability of high-quality visual material in English, it is proposed to plan integrated activities, with a special focus on teamwork.Švietimo akademij

    Analysis of abandoned buildings in Plungė district municipality

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    Recently, both in Lithuania and in other countries of the world, the activity of construction works is observed, and many new buildings complying with quality standards are being built. However, the buildings of old construction, which are currently unused and abandoned and which do not meet the requirements of today and the public needs of the modern construction, remain excessive. In Lithuania, care is also taken to abandoned and unused buildings that cause significant damage: they disfigure landscape, reduce the attractiveness of the area, endanger human security and cause material damage [1; 2]. In order to avoid this, research is needed in order to enable effective solutions for the management and use of abandoned buildings. The aim of this research is to analyse abandoned buildings in Plungė district municipality, which forms a significant part (25.4%) of Telšiai County's territory. According to the data of the Real Estate Register, in 2017, over 58 thousand of abandoned buildings were in Lithuania, of which almost 57% (33 thousand) were residential buildings. According to the Plungė district municipality council list, currently, there are 26 abandoned, unused buildings in Plungė district municipality, of which to 23 buildings are formed parcels for their intended purpose. All of these buildings have owners (mostly natural persons), which are inadequately supervised and technically disorganized. The distribution of abandoned buildings in the municipality is uneven. Most of these objects are located in Plateliai subdistrict (7), and least of them are in Kuliai and Alsėdžiai subdistricts (by 1)Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    The change of urbanized landscape in Vilnius district of the republic of Lithuania

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    In Vilnius district built-up areas are increasing, the number of farms is growing every year, despite the fact that the land here is not fertile and is sandy, however agriculture is the dominant activity. It is believed that the implementation and preparation of the rural development projects for the selection of construction sites for farmsteads and (or) agricultural activities have certain influence on this process. While planning agricultural and rural development, it is necessary to take into account the regulatory options of the rational use of agricultural land. The aim of the research was to analyze the urbanized landscape change in Vilnius district. The study covers the period between the years 2009 and 2014. The study used to perform statistical, literary and comparative analysis, inventory, data systematization, graphic modeling and logical abstract methods. The results showed that during the analyzed period the urbanized areas of agricultural land increased the most, these areas have increased by 593.26 hectares (30 percent of the total built-up area). It is influenced by the rural development projects for the selection of the construction site for farmstead and (or) agricultural activities. During the period between the years 2013 and 2015, 367 such projects were approved in Vilnius district, the majority of which (55 percent) were prepared in land plots with an area not exceeding 1 ha.With the help of correlation analysis it was determined that neither soil productivity nor the distance to Vilnius city had significant effect on the scope of the approved projects. In order to ensure the rational use of land and at the same time to limit the chaotic development of urbanized areas, it is important to ensure that the land would be used for its intended purpose, land assigned to residential areas would be used only as a residential and favorable conditions would be created for cost-efficient and sustainable family farms in agricultural landVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Features of rural landscape development in Vilnius city influence zone

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    Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas Vilniaus miesto poveikis gretimoms kaimiškosioms teritorijoms - kraštovaizdžiui, apgyvendinimo sistemai, žemės ūkio paskirties žemės naudojimui. Tirtos priemiestinės seniūnijos, kuriose gyventojų tankumas 4 kartus didesnis nei likusiose rajono kaimo vietovėse, taip pat didelę rinkos kainą turintys arealai. Nustatyta, jog arti Vilniaus miesto pagrindinių kraštovaizdžio elementų spartus kitimas daugiausia vyksta dėl naujų statybų poreikio. Užstatytų teritorijų didėja daugiausia dėl gyventojų tankumo, tam tikrą įtaką turi atstumas nuo miesto ir gyvenamosios vietovės dydis. Viena iš priemonių, skirtų reguliuoti urbanizacijos procesą kaimiškosiose vietovėse, yra teritorijų planavimas. Vilniaus rajono savivaldybės teritorijos bendrojo plano sprendiniuose nustatyti žemės naudojimo prioritetai tam tikrose zonose ir statybas reglamentuojančios sąlygos. Atlikus analizę nustatyta, jog Vilniaus miesto įtakos zonoje žemės ūkio naudmenų plotas gali sumažėti 3,7 tūkst. ha dėl naujų statybų ir 3,6 tūkst. ha-dėl miškų ploto padidėjimo. Likusius 8 tūkst. ha žemės ūkio naudmenų naudos intensyvios gamybos specializuoti priemiestiniai ūkiai. Tinkamą teritorijos panaudojimą derinant su žemės ūkio, miškų ūkio ir aplinkosaugos bei urbanistine plėtra suinteresuotų asmenų interesus privalo užtikrinti bendrąjį planą detalizuojantys specialieji planai. Juos rengiant būtinos išsamesnės metodinės nuostatos ir rekomendacijos kaimiškajam kultūriniam kraštovaizdžiui formuotiThe article analyses the impact of Vilnius city on neighbouring rural territories - landscape, population system, use of agricultural The main attention is paid to the suburban communities, where density of population is 4 times higher than that in remaining id territories of the district, and to the high market value areas. Demand for new construction sites causes rapid change of the I landscape elements near Vilnius city. The increase of built-up territories is most influenced by the density of population, Mri is also impacted by the distance from city and the size of residential area (settlement). Planning of territories is one of the ■easures to control urbanization process in rural areas. Solutions of General plan of Vilnius district municipality territory >vide priorities for land use in different zones and the construction control conditions. The completed analysis shows that in ifaius city influence zone new construction areas may decrease the plots of agricultural land by 3,7 thous. ha and increasing best areas -by 3,6 thous. ha. Specialized intensive production suburban farms use the remaining 8 thous. ha of agricultural land. En coordination of proper use of the territory with agricultural, forestry, environmental and urban development the specialized ms, which detail the general plan, are to ensure the interests of the interested persons. Preparation of these specialized plans JBgoires detailed methodological provisions and recommendations for cultural agrarian landscape formationVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Afforestation assessment studies in Lithuanian agrarian territories

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    Straipsnyje pateikiama Lietuvos Respublikos miško įveisimo agrarinėse teritorijose būklės apžvalga ir žemės ūkio naudmenų ir miškų plotų apsaugos teisinės ir ekonominės priemonės. Analizuojamos priežastys, sąlygojančios miškų projektavimo dirbamoje žemėje ekonominio pagrindimo poreikį. Pateikiami pasiūlymai žemės ūkio ir kaimo plėtrai, galintys užtikrinti efektyvesnį žemės naudojimą. Siūlymai pagrindžiami strateginių dokumentų ir įstatymų nuostatomis miško žemės ir žemės ūkio naudmenų, kaip išskirtinės reikšmės gamtos išteklių, išsaugojimui. Racionalaus žemės naudojimo klausimai Lietuvoje gali būti tinkamai sprendžiami, patobulinus teisės aktus, rengiant mokslinėmis rekomendacijomis pagrįstus teritorijų planavimo dokumentus, apleistas žemes su našiais dirvožemiais bei su įrengtomis sausinimo sistemomis grąžinus ūkinei veiklai. Miškų įveisimą rekomenduojama planuoti arba leisti nenašiuose, nepatogiuose mechanizuotai dirbti žemės plotuoseThe paper presents an overview of the state of afforestation in agricultural areas is the Lithuanian Republic, as well as legal and economic measures for the protection of agricultural land and forests. The paper analyzes the reasons leading to economic justification needed for the design of forest in arable lands. The proposals for agriculture and rural development that can ensure a more efficient use of land are presented in the paper. Proposals are justified by the strategic documents and legislative provisions for the conservation of forest land and farmlands as natural resources of exceptional importance. Rational land use issues in Lithuania can be properly solved by improving legislation, preparing territorial planning documents based on scientific recommendations, after the returning of abandoned lands with productive soils and equipped with drainage systems to farming activity. Afforestation is recommended to plan or authorize: in inefficient, inconvenient to work in a mechanized way, farming areasKauno miškų ir aplinkos inžinerijos kolegijaVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Analysis of urban development in the city of Marijampolė

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    The urban general plans provide for relatively large areas for newly urbanized territories, which proves that urban development in cities, especially in larger ones, is taking place quite intensively. The main factors influencing such urban development are economic, social, demographic, and territorial. Another important enough factor proving the relevance of this topic is the attention of mass media when it comes to urban development issues, great dissatisfaction with irrational land use, chaotic development of suburban areas, and so on. The aim of this work is to perform analysis of urban development in the city of Marijampolė. The city of Marijampolė is the seventh largest city in Lithuania, which, according to the data of the Land Fund of January 1, 2017, occupy 16.90% of Marijampolė County and 1.15% of the Republic of Lithuania area. In the decisions of the general plan of the Republic of Lithuania, the city of Marijampolė is assigned to the second level - the regional center category A. This city needs the maintenance and renovation of the existing social and economic potentialVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij