48 research outputs found

    Značaj antioksidanata u zaÅ”titi od mikotoksikoza kod domaćih životinja

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    Mycotoxins are biologically active substances that are synthesized by saprophytic and parasitic fungi, and which, when taken into organism by ingestion, can provoke intoxications known as mycotoxicoses. Farm animals show different susceptibility to mycotoxins depending on various factors: genetic (species and breeds), physiological (age and obesity) and environmental (hygienic and climatic). One of the mechanisms of mycotoxin activities is peroxidation of lipids brought about directly by the production of free radicals or by increased sensitivity of tissue to peroxidation. Peroxidation of lipids provoked by mycotoxins is caused by low level of natural antioxidants, so they have a crucial role in the protection against mycotoxins. Nutritive stress can influence negatively the relationship between antioxidants/pro-oxidants, and mycotoxins are nowadays regarded as leading factors of stress induced by nutrition. This optimal relationship can be regulated by the use of antioxidants in food (selenium, vitamin E, carotenoids, etc.) known to prevent tissue damages caused by free radicals. Selenium and vitamin E are essential nutrients which contribute to the preservation of animal health by realizing mutual biological activities in the organism. This paper presents the findings on mechanisms of the action of different species of mycotoxins and the importance of antioxidative protection in farm animals, as well as the results of our investigations of influence of mycotoxins on the occurrence of some reproductive disorders in pigs.Mikotoksini su bioloÅ”ki aktivne materije koje sintetiÅ”u saprofitne i parazitske gljivice, a uneti ingestijom u organizam izazivaju trovanja koja se nazivaju mikotoksikoze. Domaće životinje su različito osetljive na mikotoksine zavisno od različitih faktora: genetskih (vrste i rase), fizioloÅ”kih (starosti i uhranjenosti) i uslova sredine (higijenskih i klimatskih). Jedan od mehanizama delovanja mikotoksina je peroksidacija lipida direktno proizvodnjom slobodnih radikala ili povećanjem osetljivosti tkiva na peroksidaciju. Peroksidacija lipida izazvana mikotoksinima je prouzrokovana niskim nivoom prirodnih antioksidanata, tako da oni imaju ključnu ulogu u zaÅ”titi od mikotoksina. Nutritivni stres nepovoljno utiče na odnos antioksidanta/pro-oksidanta, a mikotoksini se danas smatraju vodećim faktorima stresa izazvanih ishranom. Ovaj optimalan odnos može se regulisati upotrebom antioksidanata u hrani (selen, vitamin E, karotinoidi, i dr.) koji sprečavaju tkivna oÅ”tećenja uzrokovana slobodnim radikalima. Selen i vitamin E su esencijalni nutricijenti koji doprinose očuvanju zdravlja životinja ostvarivanjem zajedničkih bioloÅ”kih aktivnosti u organizmu. U ovom radu biće prikazana saznanja o mehanizmima delovanja različitih vrsta mikotoksina i značaja antioksidativne zaÅ”tite kod domaćih životinja, kao i rezultati naÅ”ih ispitivanja uticaja mikotoksina na pojavu pojedinih reproduktivnih poremećaja kod svinja

    Efekti dodavanja pojedinih mikroelemenata - selena, cinka i bakra u hranu za mlečne krave na zdravlje i reproduktivne performanse

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    Microelements such as selenium, zinc and copper are indispensable nutrients for preserving major physiological functions, improving reproductive characteristics and overall health state. By their adequate use different ailments are prevented, while at the same time they have a positive effect on fertility and resistance. Insufficient quantities of these microelements, inadequate absorption and interaction with other microelements may lead to the impairment of the immune response due to metabolic and oxidative stress. In recent years, mainly organic forms of microelements have been administered to animals because they show better biological availability and can be retained longer in the organism. Besides, organic forms improve quality of products for human nutrition. Antioxidants should be added in optimal quantities in food for dairy cows with the aim of maximizing immune function and protection of tissues.Mikroelementi selen, cink i bakar su neophodni nutrijenti za očuvanje osnovnih fizioloŔkih funkcija, zdravlja i poboljŔanje reproduktivnih karakteristika. Njihovom adekvatnom primenom preveniraju se različita oboljenja, a istovremeno pozitivno utiče na fertilitet i otpornost. Nedovoljna količina ovih mikroelemenata u obroku, neadekvatna apsorpcija i interakcija sa drugim mikroelementima, mogu dovesti do slabljenja imunskog odgovora usled metaboličkog i oksidativnog stresa. Poslednjih godina, uglavnom se daju organske forme mikroelemenata, jer imaju bolju bioloŔku raspoloživost i duže se zadržavaju u organizmu. Pored toga, organske forme poboljŔavaju kvalitet proizvoda namenjenih za ishranu ljudi. Antioksidanse treba dodavati u optimalnim količinama u hranu za mlečne krave u cilju maksimiziranja imunske funkcije i zaŔtite tkiva

    Mere zdravstvene zaŔtite pčela od varooze u Crnoj Gori

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    Varroosis is a disease of bees and their brood caused by Varroa destructor, an ectoparasitic mite (acarine). This parasite is present throughout the year in bee colonies feeding on hemolymph from adult bees, larvae and pupae. Varroosis is also present in the beekeeping of Montenegro. Measures to prevent varroosis include beekeeping on favorable terrains, early detection of diseases, control of newly procured colonies, application of the principles of good beekeeping practice, control of treatment efficiency etc. Diagnostic examination for varroosis is carried out once a year - until the end of March in all bee colonies. For mite control, only registered products should be used. In Montenegro, natural preparations are registered - Apiguard (based on thymol) and Api Life Var (based on thymol, eucalyptus oil, camphor and L-menthol). Varroa quickly becomes resistant to synthetic chemical preparations based on compounds, such as amitraz, coumaphos, synthetic pyrethroids - fluvalinate and flumethrin. In addition to gaining resistance, there is a great danger of depositing residues in bee products. Such bee products are a source of contamination for humans through the consumption of bee products (honey, royal jelly, propolis, etc.) and bee wax is a source of contamination through cosmetic products that contain it. Therefore, these synthetic preparations should not be used for the treatment of bee colonies against varroa.Varooza je bolest pčelinjeg legla i pčela koju izaziva ektoparazit, krpelj (akarina) Varroa destructor. Ovaj parazit je prisutan tokom cele godine u pčelinjoj zajednici i hrani se hemolimfom pčela, larvi i lutki. Mere za sprečavanje varooze se sastoje u primeni principa dobre pčelarske prakse, pčelarenju na povoljnim terenima, ranom otkrivanju bolesti, kontroli novonabavljenih druŔtava, kontroli efikasnosti lečenja i dr. Dijagnostičkom ispitivanju na varoozu podležu jednom godiŔnje - do kraja marta, svi pčelinjaci. Za uniŔtavanje krpelja treba koristiti samo registrovane preparate. U Crnoj Gori su registrovani prirodni preparati - Apiguard (na bazi timola) i ApiLife Var (na bazi timola, eukaliptusovog ulja, kamfora i levomentola. Varoa veoma brzo stiče rezistenciju na sintetičke hemijske preparate na bazi jedinjenja kao Ŕto su amitraz, kumafos, sintetički piretroidi - fluvalinat i flumetrin. Osim sticanja rezistencije, postoji velika opasnost od deponovanja rezidua u pčelinjim proizvodima. Takvi pčelinji proizvodi su izvor kontaminacije za ljude preko konzumiranja pčelinjih proizvoda (med, matična mleč, propolis i dr.), a pčelinji vosak predstavlja izvor kontaminacije preko kozmetičkih preparata koji ga sadrže. Zbog toga ova sredstva ne treba koristiti za tretiranje pčelinjih druŔtava protiv varoe

    Uticaj različitih nivoa organskog selena na telesnu masu, prirast, iskoriŔćavanje hrane i koncentraciju selena u pojedinim tkivima kod svinja

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    Thirty-nine gilts, 82 days old, divided into 3 groups, were fed the main diet supplemented by 0; 0.3 and 0.6 mg Se/kg in the form of Seenriched yeast during 99 days. Selenium levels of 0.3 and 0.6 mg/kg diet led to no significant bodyweight gain nor increase in body mass in any of the studied periods. However, gilts fed a diet supplemented with selenium (0.3 and 0.6 mg/kg) during the whole research period had somewhat higher body mass (1.17 and 3.36%, respectively) and higher average daily bodyweight gain (1.07 and 4.30%, respectively). Selenium supplemented diet influenced also more efficient feed conversion for 3.11 and 2.18%, respectively. The highest content of selenium was observed in the kidneys, then in liver and heart whilst the lowest selenium content was observed in the leg and neck musculature. Selenium concentration in kidneys ranged from 1.23 mg/kg to 1.38 mg/kg and no statistically significant differences were established among studied groups. Selenium concentration in the liver was 3-4 times lower, and in the heart muscle even up to 6 times lower in comparison with the kidneys. Among the studied groups statistically significant differences were established (P lt 0.01) for selenium levels in liver and heart muscle. The highest levels were observed in the group fed 0.6 mg Se/kg diet, that is, in the liver 0.511 mg/kg and in the heart 0.313 mg/kg. Selenium concentration in the leg and neck muscle was twice, i.e., three times higher in gilts fed 0.3 mg Se/kg and 0.6 mg Se/kg diet in relation to animals fed no supplemented selenium diets (P lt 0.01).Trideset i devet nazimica starih 82. dana, podeljenih u 3 grupe, hranjeno je osnovnim obrokom dopunjenim sa 0, 0,3 i 0,6 mg Se/kg u obliku seleniziranog kvasca u toku 99 dana. Nivoi selena od 0,3 i 0,6 mg/kg hrane nisu doveli do značajnog povećanja prirasta i telesne mase ni u jednom ispitivanom periodu. Međutim, nazimice hranjene obrocima sa dodatkom selena (0,3 i 0,6 mg/kg) u toku celog perioda ispitivanja imale su neÅ”to veću telesnu masu (1,17 i 3,36%, redom) i prosečan dnevni prirast (1,07 i 4,30%, redom). Dodati selen u hranu je uticao i na efikasnije iskoriŔćavanje hrane za 3,11 i 2,18% redom. Najveći sadržaj selena ustanovljen je u bubrezima, a zatim u jetri i srcu, a najmanji u butnoj i vratnoj muskulaturi. Koncentracija selena u bubrezima kretala se od 1,23 do 1,38 mg/kg i nisu ustanovljene statistički značajne razlike između ispitivanih grupa. U jetri, koncentracija selena je bila 3-4 puta niža, a u srčanoj muskulaturi čak i do 6 puta niža nego u bubrezima. Između ispitivanih grupa ustanovljene su statistički značajne razlike (P lt 0,01) u nivou selena u jetri i srčanoj muskulaturi. NajviÅ”i nivo ustanovljen je u grupi hranjene sa 0,6 mg Se/kg hrane i to u jetri 0,511, a u srcu 0,313 mg/kg. Koncentracija selena u butnoj i vratnoj muskulaturi bila je dva, odnosno tri puta veća kod nazimica hranjenih sa 0,3 i 0,6 mg Se/kg hrane u odnosu na grla koja nisu dobijala dodatak selena (P lt 0,01)

    FizioloŔki aspekti ponaŔanja krmača i prasadi u toku laktacionog perioda

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    Maternal ability represents complex interactions between different forms of behaviour and physiological characteristics. Behaviour and metabolic processes are partly under the control of endocrine and nervous systems. Sows are different from other mammals, in that sows bear a large number mature baby, capable immediately to suckling. Post partum anabolic processes become catabolic, giving priority to dairy gland in relation to other tissues. Maximum secretated milk takes place between 2. and 3. week. Sows lost in body mass and it is appeared the change in value of some bloods parameters. Haemotologic analyses have suggested the increase in total number of leukocytes and neutrophilic granulocytes and the decrease in the number of lymphocytes, monocytes and eosinophils on the first day postpartum. In the third and fourth week of lactation a statistically significant fall in the number of leukocytes and granulocytes in relation to the first day was observed, along with a significant increase in limphocytes, monocytes and eosinophils. Erythrocyte count, haemoglobin concentration and haematocrit value decreased during the lactation period. Level of glucose in plasma is low (it is decreasing for more than 50%), while the level of urea is high, due to huge proteins available. It can also be noticed that there is a high mobilisation of body fat an increasing level of NEFA (non-esterified fatty acid). Secretion of milk is under control prolactin and oxytocin. Oxytocin affects on maternal behaviour and prolactin is linked with timing of suck.Materinska sposobnost predstavlja kompleksne interakcije između različitih oblika ponaÅ”anja i fizioloÅ”kih karakteristika. PonaÅ”anje i metabolički procesi su delimično pod kontrolom endokrinog i nervnog sistema. Krmače se razlikuju od drugih sisara po tome Å”to rađaju veliki broj zrelih mladih sposobnih da odmah sisaju. Nakon partusa anabolički procesi prelaze u kataboličke, dajući tako prioritet mlečnoj žlezdi u odnosu na druga tkiva. Maksimalna sekrecija mleka odvija se između 2. i 3. nedelje. Krmače gube telesnu masu i dolazi do promena vrednosti pojedinih parametara u krvi. HematoloÅ”ke analize su ukazale na povećanje ukupnog broja leukocita i neutrofilnih granulocita i smanjenje broja limfocita, monocita i eozinofila prvog dana po partusu. Treće i četvrte nedelje laktacije, doÅ”lo je do statistički značajnog pada broja leukocita i granulocita u odnosu na prvi dan, a značajnog porasta limfocita, monocita i eozinofila. Broj eritrocita, koncentracija hemoglobina i vrednost hematokrita smanjuju se tokom laktacionog perida. Nivo glukoze u plazmi je veoma nizak (niži je za preko 50%), dok je nivo ureje visok usled obimnog iskoriŔćavanja proteina. Takođe je ustanovljeno da značajna mobilizacija telesnih masti dovodi do povećanja nivoa NEFA (nezasićenih masnih kiselina). Sekrecija mleka je pod kontrolom prolaktina i oksitocina. Oksitocin utiče na materinsko ponaÅ”anje a prolaktin je u korelaciji sa dužinom sisanja

    Leukocitarni profil u krmača tokom laktacionog perioda

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    During prepartum and postpartum period, there occurs in sows a significant change in the values of haematologic and biochemical parameters. The objective of this research paper was to examine the change in the count of the cells of white blood line in the course of lactation period. The trial was conducted on ten Swedish Landrace breed sows, having the blood taken on the first day postpartum (1-6h), and in the third and fourth week of lactation. The results obtained for haemotologic analyses have suggested the increase in total number of leukocytes and neutrophilic granulocytes, and the decrease in the number of lymphocytes, monocytes and eosinophils on the first day postpartum. In the third and fourth week of lactation a statistically significant fall in the number of leukocytes and granulocytes in relation to the first day was observed, along with a significant increase in limphocytes, monocytes and eosinophils. In examined time intervals the number of basophils did not change significantly. The neutrophil-limphocyte index was highest on the first day postpartum, while in the third and fourth week it was significantly lower.Za vreme prepartalnog i postpartalnog perioda, kod krmača dolazi do značajnih promena vrednosti hematoloÅ”kih i biohemijskih parametara. Cilj ovoga rada je bio da se ispitaju promene broja ćelija bele krvne loze u toku laktacionog perioda. Ogled je izveden na deset krmača rase Å vedski Landras, od kojih je uzimana krv, prvog dana po partusu (1-6 h), treće i četvrte nedelje laktacije. Dobijeni rezultati hematoloÅ”kih analiza ukazali su na povećanje ukupnog broja leukocita i neutrofilnih granulocita, a smanjenje broja limfocita, monocita i eozinofila prvog dana po partusu. Treće i četvrte nedelje laktacije, doslo je do statistički značajnog pada broja leukocita i granulocita u odnosu na prvi dan, a značajnog porasta limfocita, monocita i eozinofila. U ispitivanim vremenskim intervalima broj bazofila se nije značajno menjao. Neutrofilno-limfocitni indeks je bio najviÅ”i prvog dana po partusu, a treće i četvrte nedelje značajno niži

    Selen i vitamin E - reproduktivni poremećaji kod mlečnih krava

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    Selenium and vitamin E deficiency leads to reproductive disorders in dairy cows: placental retention, ovarian cysts, metritis, reduced percentage of conception, abortions, birthing of poorly vital calves. Placental retention is a post partal disorder of multifactorial etiology which has harmful effects on reproduction and the feasibility of milk production. The administration of selenium and vitamin E reduces the incidence of placental retention, which suggests that oxidative stress is responsible for the occurrence of this disorder. The occurrence of ovarian cysts has as its consequence a disorder in the oestral cycle. Vitamin E prevents oxidative damage of lipid membranes by preventing the forming of destructive hydroperoxides, acting in synergy with selenium. These nutrients protect cell membranes and lipid organelles, inhibit and destroy endogenous peroxides, and in that way protect the integrity of the membranes and reduce oxidative stress.Deficit selena i vitamina E dovodi do reproduktivnih poremećaja kod mlečnih krava: retencije placente, ovarijalnih cista, metritisa, smanjenog procenta koncipiranja, abortusa, rađanja slabo vitalne teladi. Zaostajanje posteljice je postpartalno oboljenje, multifaktorijalne etiologije koje ima Å”tetne efekte na reprodukciju i rentabilnost proizvodnje mleka. Davanjem selena i vitamina E smanjuje se pojava zaostajanja posteljice Å”to sugeriÅ”e da je oksidativni stres odgovoran za nastanak ovog oboljenja. Nastanak ovarijalnih cista ima za posledicu poremećaj estralnog ciklusa. Vitamin E prevenira oksidativna oÅ”tećenja lipidnih membrana, tako Å”to sprečava formiranje razornih hidroperoksida, delujuć i sinergistički sa selenom. Ovi nutricijenti Å”tite ćelijske membrane i lipidne organele, inhibiÅ”u i razaraju endogene perokside i na taj način čuvaju integritet membrana i smanjuju oksidativni stres

    Selenoenzimā€“Glutation Peroksidaza (GSH-Px)

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    Uticaj visokih nivoa neorganskog selena na aktivnost glutation-peroksidaze (GSH-Px) u krvnoj plazmi brojlera

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    The effect of high levels of inorganic selenium (NaiSeOs) was investigated on activity GSH-Px in blood plasma of chickens. For experiment, 140 chickens were used which were divided in 7 groups. The experiment lasted 42 days. The chickens of I group were not fed supplemental selenium. The chickens of II III, IV, V, VI and VII group were fed 2, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30mg Se/kg of diet in form of Na2SO3. For determination of activity of GSH-Px spectrografic method was used. The highest activity of GSH-Px was found at the beginning of the experiment in all examined chickens (the eleventh day). The chickens of II, III, IV and V group had significantly higher activity and chickens of VI and VII group had lower activity then I group.Ispitivan je uticaj visokih nivoa neorganskog selena (natrijum-selenita) na aktivnost glutation-peroksidaze (GSH-Px) u krvnoj plazmi brojlera. Za ogled je koriŔćeno 140 pilića (Hybro provenijence), podeljenih u 7 grupa. Pilići su hranjeni smesama u koje je dodato 0. 2, 5, 10, 15, 20 ili 30mg Se/kg hrane. Kod svih oglednih grupa, osim prve, najviÅ”i nivoi ovog enzima ustanovljeni su na početku tova (11. dana). Kod pilića hranjenih sa 2, 5, 10 i 15mg Se/kg hrane (grupe II, III, IV i V) aktivnost enzima je bila značajno visa (P lt 0,05), nego kod pilića hranjenih smeÅ”om bez dodatka selena (grupa I). Kod pilića VI i VII grupe ustanovljena je značajno (P lt 0,05) niža vrednost u odnosu na I. Već u drugoj nedelji tova zapažen je značajan pad (P lt 0,05) aktivnosti enzima kod svih grupa. Aktivnost seleno-enzima kod ispitivanih grupa se srazmerno smanjivala sa dužinom ekspozicije

    Effect of high levels of organic selenium on glutation-peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity in blood plasma of broilers

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    An experiment lasting 45 days was performed on 125 Hybro broilers divided into five groups. All compounds for broiler feed mixes used in the experiment contained 0.15 mg Se/kg, in the form of sodium selenite. The control group (K-group) of broilers was fed mixes without added organic selenium, and the experimental groups with mixes to which selenium, in the form of selenized-yeast, was added in quantities of 2, 5, 10, or 15 mg/kg. Selenized yeast (ICN - Gaienika) was obtained from beer yeast and contained 1.51, or 1.45 mg/g total, or organically bound selenium. At the beginning of the fattening period, GSH-Px plasma activity in broilers of the K-group ranged around 16.55 Ī¼kat/L, while GSH-Px plasma activity in broilers of experimental groups was statistically significantly higher, but without any major differences among the individual groups (on the average 25.53fjkat/L). In the blood plasma of K-group, GSH-Px activity dropped already in the second week of life and was maintained at a relatively constant level (about 10 Ī¼kat/L) until the end of the experiment. The same phenomenon was observed in the experimental groups, but the trend of declining GSH-Px activity in blood plasma was more expressed, and, contrary to the control group, was expressed also in the later phases of the experiment. In the 3rd week of the fattening period, GSH-Px plasma activity in broilers of the control and experimental groups was relatively equal, and then the plasma activity of GSH-Px in broilers of the experimental groups decreased, but there were no major differences among the individual groups