96 research outputs found

    Implicitne pedagogije nastavnika i njihova inicijativa za saradnju s roditeljima

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    The article presents an analysis of the results of the research aimed at examining the relatedness of the teachers' implicit pedagogies and their initiatives for cooperation with students' parents. The starting hypothesis was that the acceptance of modern pedagogical ideas (new pedagogic paradigm) leads towards more successful initiative of the teachers for the cooperation with their students' parents. The sample included 118 subject teachers and 78 class teachers from elementary schools in Serbia. The procedure included a correlation chart and special assessment scales were construed for examining implicit pedagogies and teacher's readiness for cooperation with parents. The results indicate the lack of the initiative of both groups of teachers for enhanced cooperation with parents as it should be in modern school. The research showed the implicit pedagogies of the teachers are still somewhere between traditional and modern pedagogic ideas. Subject teachers showed lower levels of initiative for cooperation with parents, as well as lower levels of acceptance of the 'new pedagogic paradigm' in comparison with class teachers. Among the latter the relatedness of their implicit pedagogies and initiatives for cooperation with parents was established, while it was not evident among subject teachers. In order to enhance the cooperation between school and family the existing personal pedagogic ideas of the teachers should change and come closer to the 'new pedagogic paradigm' which might be achieved through pre-service and in-service teacher training and provision of more support by school and educational system.U radu su analizirani rezultati istraživanja koje je imalo za cilj ispitivanje povezanosti implicitnih pedagogija nastavnika i njihove inicijative za saradnju s roditeljima. Polazi se od pretpostavke da prihvatanje savremenih pedagoških ideja (nova pedagoška paradigma) doprinosi većoj inicijativi nastavnika za saradnju s roditeljima. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 118 nastavnika predmetne nastave i 78 nastavnika razredne nastave iz osnovnih škola u Srbiji. Primenjen je korelacioni nacrt, a za ispitivanje implicitnih pedagogija i inicijative nastavnika za saradnju s roditeljima kreirane su skale procene. Rezultati ukazuju na nedostatak inicijative učitelja i nastavnika za produbljeniju saradnju s roditeljima, kakva bi u savremenoj školi trebalo da se odvija. Istraživanje je pokazalo da su implicitne pedagogije nastavnika još uvek između tradicionalnih i savremenih pedagoških ideja. Rezultati našeg istraživanja ukazuju na manju inicijativu nastavnika predmetne nastave za saradnju s roditeljima, kao i na njihovo manje prihvatanje 'nove pedagoške paradigme', u poređenju s učiteljima. Kod nastavnika razredne nastave je utvrđena povezanost između njihovih implicitnih pedagogija i inicijative za saradnju s roditeljima, dok ta povezanost nije uočena kod predmetnih nastavnika. Za poboljšanje saradnje škole i porodice neophodno je da se postojeća lična pedagoška uverenja nastavnika promene i približe 'novoj pedagoškoj paradigmi', putem inicijalnog obrazovanja i daljeg stručnog usavršavanja nastavnika, kao i kroz obezbeđivanje veće podrške na nivou škole i obrazovnog sistema

    Specifičnosti nastave likovne kulture i potreba za individualizovanim pristupom učeniku

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    The paper considers the specifics of teaching art that emphasize the need for the individualized approach in the work with children. The first part offers a short account of the historical development of art teaching in the light of different views on the functions and aims of aesthetic education. Highlighted are developmental-psychological aspects and methodological issues related to aesthetic education. The second part stresses the importance of the individualized approach in work with children in art classes in order to meet the specific needs of each child, to stimulate their creativity in problem solving and develop a research approach in studying art contents, as well as integrating them with the contents of other school subjects. Stressed also is the need for adequate pre-service and in-service teacher training.U radu se razmatraju specifičnosti nastave likovne kulture i ističe se potreba za primenom individualizovanog pristupa u radu s decom. U prvom delu rada dat je prikaz istorijskog razvoja nastave likovne kulture kroz analizu različitih shvatanja o funkciji i ciljevima estetskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja. Ukazano je na razvojno-psihološki aspekt i metodička pitanja estetskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja. U drugom delu rada ističe se značaj primene individualizovanog pristupa u radu s decom na časovima likovne kulture radi izlaženja u susret osobenostima deteta i podsticanja kreativnog rešavanja problema i istraživačkog pristupa u učenju likovnih sadržaja i omogućavanje njihovog povezivanje sa sadržajima drugih predmeta. Ističe se potreba za adekvatnim inicijalnim obrazovanjem i stručnim usavršavanjem nastavnika iz ove oblasti

    Encouraging student motivation in fine arts teaching

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    U radu se razmatra značaj i mogućnosti podsticanja motivacije učenika u nastavi likovne kulture. Polazeći od specifičnosti ovog nastavnog predmeta i značaja likovne umetnosti za celokupan razvoj učenika, ukazuje se na ključne uloge nastavnika koje su usmerene ka ovom cilju. Naglašava se značaj holističkog i konstruktivističkog pristupa celokupnom procesu učenja i razvoju stvaralaštva bliskog metodici likovnog vaspitanja koja se oslanja na praktičan rad, stvaranje, istraživanje i otkrivanje. Ukazuje se na važnost primene diferenciranog pristupa u radu sa učenicima u čijoj je osnovi povezivanje procesa učenja sa individualnim specifičnostima, sposobnostima, potrebama i interesovanjima učenika, što omogućava podsticanje autentične zainteresovanosti i motivacije učenika za razvoj stvaralačkih potencijala i ličnog umetničkog izraza. U osmišljavanju različitih mogućnosti da se u nastavi i radu sa učenicima podstakne njihova motivacija za stvaralaštvo i učenje sadržaja iz oblasti likovne kulture i umetnosti od nastavnika se očekuje da pažnju usmeri i na pažljivo osmišljavanje i odabir sadržaja učenja, metoda i načina rada, kao i nastavnih sredstava koja se koriste tokom procesa učenja. Da bi sadržaji učenja i sredstva koja se koriste u nastavi likovne kulture imali pozitivan uticaj na zainteresovanost i motivaciju učenika, trebalo bi da prate njihova interesovanja i da se oslanjaju na njima blisku savremenu umetnost, uz korišćenje informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija koje su jedan od dominantnih savremenih načina učenja učenika u školi i van nje. Pitanje motivacije učenika za likovno stvaralaštvo i učenje sadržaja iz oblasti likovne kulture dovodi se u vezu i sa njihovom autonomijom, inicijativom i saradnjom u nastavi.The paper is looking at importance and possibilities of encouraging student motivation in fine arts classes. Having in mind uniqueness of this school subject and importance of art for overall student development, it indicates the key roles of a teacher directed towards this goal. It stresses the importance of holistic and constructivist approach to the entire learning process and development of creativity close to the methodology of fine arts education which relies upon practical work, creation, research and discovery. It emphasises the significance of applying differentiated approach when working with students, based on connecting the learning process with the student’s individualities, abilities, needs and interests. This enables encouragement of the student’s authentic interest and motivation for development of creative potentials and personal artistic expression. When designing different options for encouraging student motivation for creating and learning the fine arts contents, a teacher is expected to focus on meticulously designing and selecting the learning contents, working methods and teaching material used in the learning process. For the learning contents and materials used in fine arts education to have a positive effect on student interest and motivation, they need to follow students’ interests and rely on contemporary art close to them and use information and communication technologies as one of currently dominant ways of student learning, at school and elsewhere. The question of student motivation for fine arts works and learning the fine arts contents is also associated with their autonomy, initiative and cooperation in classes.Knjiga rezimea, 25. Međunarodna naučna konferencija "Pedagoška istraživanja i školska praksaBook of abstracts / 25th International Scientific Conference "Educational Research and School Practice

    Development of the transmission tower virtual 3D model for structural analysis in ANSYS

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    U ovom radu je opisana metodologija 3D modeliranja stuba dalekovoda. Zadatak je bio da se razvije virtualni 3D model, u potpunosti odgovarajući realnoj strukturi, koji će biti podvrgnut strukturalnoj analizi u ANSYS programskom paketu. Proces 3D modeliranja je od suštinskog značaja za ovaj postupak kompijuterske analize. Metoda zahteva precizno definisanje koordinata čvornih tačaka. I to ne samo ključnih čvornih tačaka strukture, nego i tačaka koje će biti važne za buduću analizu napona i deformacija. Ovo znači da osoba koja radi na kreiranju modela treba da bude dobro upoznata sa metodom strukturne analize kako bi unapred predodredila sve tačke koje su od značaja za konstrukciju i za analizu. Težište eksperimenta je određivanje dinamičkog ponašanja strukture izložene poznatom opterećenju. 3D model koji je u korelaciji sa stvarnom konstukcijom, sa potvrđenom geometrijom, statičkim i dinamičkim karakteristikama pruža priliku da se predvidi ponašanje strukture pod opterećenjima koja ne mogu da se primene na stvarne konstrukcije (ekstremna preopterećenja, kompleksna opterećenja i oštri vremenski uslovi).This paper describes a methodology for transmission tower 3D modelling. The task was to develop a virtual 3D model, corresponding to the real structure, which will be subjected to structural analysis in ANSYS software. The process of 3D modelling is crucial for this kind of computer analysis. It requires precise key point coordinates defining. Not only the important points of the structure, but also the points of interest for the future structural analysis have to be defined. This means that model developer should be familiar with the structural analysis so he could form adequate key points in advance. The main point of the experiment concept is to determine dynamic behaviour of the structure, exposed to a known load. Truly correlated 3D model, with verified geometric, static and dynamic properties offers the opportunity to predict the structure behaviour under loads that can hardly apply on a living structure (extreme overloads, complex loads, and harsh ambient condition)


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    Abstract Number of citizens in a country represents its primary production potential. Montenegro has significant natural resources for rural development. However, many problems follow rural development, and one of those problems is the demographic problem

    Mutual impact of different parameters in yield monitoring

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    Pri merenju i analizi lokacijski specifičnog prinosa poznatijeg kao monitoring prinosa u okviru šireg ciklusa precizne poljoprivrede meri se oko 30 parametara od interesa za mapiranje prinosa i šire. Najvažniji parametri uz podrazumevana tri parametra koja definišu lokaciju (latituda, longituda i elevacija) su maseni prinos zrna i vlažnost zrna. Uz ove podatke tokom monitoringa prinosa u ovom radu posmatrani su i temperatura zrna, brzina kretanja kombajna i odstupanje preciznosti lociranja (DOP). Jednostavnim statističkim testiranjem korelacije između ovih parametara utvrđen je nivo međusobnog uticaja, između ostalog i stepen uticaja svih navedenih i posmatranih parametara na prinos, kao odgovor na istraživačko pitanje da li na prinos utiče još neki parametar osim lokacije i fizičko-hemijskih osobina zemljišta na toj lokaciji. Utvrđen je različit stepen uticajnosti, ali nije otkriven ni jedan značajan dodatni uticaj na prinos izračunat posredstvom merenja i makon samog merenja. Za monitoring prinosa pri žetvi semenske pšenice na imanju 'Mladost' PKB, Tabla 2, korišćen je kombajn Class Lexion 450 sa nadograđenim sistemom za monitoring AGL Technology proizvođača. Za statističku analizu korišćena je parametarska metoda korelacije u okviru softverskog paketa SPSS Statistics v.21.When measuring and analyzing site-specific yield known as the yield monitoring within a wider cycle of precise agriculture, about 30 parameters are measured from inertia for mapping yields. The most important parameters with the default three parameters that define the location (latitude, longitude and elevation) are mass grain yield and grain moisture. In addition to this data during the yield monitoring, the temperature of the grain, speed of the combine and delution of precision (DOP) were also observed in this paper. By simple statistical testing of the correlation between these parameters, the level of mutual influence was determined, among other things, the degree of influence of all mentioned and observed parameters on yield, in response to the research question whether the yield affects another parameter other than the location and physical and chemical properties of the land at that location . A different degree of influence was determined, but no significant additional impact on the yield was calculated by measuring and measuring the measurement itself. For the monitoring of the yield of seed wheat harvesting on the 'Mladost' PKB, Tabla 2, the Class Lexion 450 harvester with an upgraded system for monitoring the AGL Technology manufacturer was used. For the statistical analysis, the parametric method of correlation within the software package SPSS Statistics v.21 was used

    Visions of students of faculty of fine arts of professional life and work

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    In our country, research about students' vision of their future professions are very rare. When it comes to fine arts students, these research does not exist at all. There is always a myth associated with the understanding of the personality of artists, and they are considered to be specific, charismatic persons, who have a strong motivation and a need to perform creative work. However, this myth has been challenged in the last decades due to the commercialisation of art. Therefore, in this paper, we will deal with their visions of their professional life and work. The aim of the research is to examine how the future artists visualise their professional life and whether the idea of a charismatic myth is present in their visions or whether they are perhaps shaped by requirements of the current situation in the field of culture and art in our country. The sample included 39 students of the fourth year of the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade. In the processing of data, we applied the qualitative thematic analysis of the content obtained based on the written testimonies given in the form of a story. The results of the research indicate that the ideas of a charismatic myth are a central motive in the narratives of students and that they are interwoven with the uncertain image of their future profession and their unpreparedness for new roles in society. The paper presents the implications related to higher education policies at faculties of fine arts, as well as the recommendations for further research in this field

    Family Holdings in Montenegro as Factors of Development of Villages and Agriculture

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    Agricultural production in Montenegro has a long tradition and due to available natural resources it could present a backbone of economic development. Almost the entire agricultural production in Montenegro is con­ducted at family holdings. According to the most recent agricultural census from 2010, the total number of agricultural holdings is 48,847, whereof 48,824 are family agricultural holdings or 99%, whilst only 46 companies perform agricultural activities. Regarding the number of hol­dings, the lowest number is in Tivat, 169, whilst Podgorica has the pri­macy with 7,254 holdings. The paper displays the analysis of socio-demo­graphic and agrarian factors at family agricultural holdings. Demo­graphic picture of Montenegrin agricultural population is unfavorable, since intensive aging process has many negative implications, which could be expected in the future period, too

    Implementation of inverted classroom methodology in 3D modeling course

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    3D modeliranje u SolidWorks-u se predaje na Mašinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu (Srbija) više od jedne decenije. Kao i svaka nova veština koju treba savladati, softverski paket SolidWorks zahteva dobro prilagođenu metodologiju podučavanja. Najbolji mogući način podučavanja bio bi individualni mentorski rad. Jedan profesor po studentu, koji bi bio apsolutno fokusiran na završetak zadatka studenta, i pružio najbolje rezultate . Nažalost, zbog nedostatka nastavnog osoblja i velikog broja studenata, ovaj pristup nije moguć. Umesto toga, jedan profesor bi predstavio zadatak iz 3D modeliranja grupi od 80 studenata. Oni bi pratili celokupnu prezentaciju i tek kada se završi celokupna prezentacija, studenti bi se podelili u četiri učionice sa po 20 računara i vežbali predstavljene zadatke. Tokom poslednje decenije primećeno je nekoliko velikih problema u ovim nastavnim metodama. Primenjen je novi pristup nastavi. Ovaj rad predstavlja novu metodologiju nastave i postignute rezultate u poboljšanju nastavnog procesa.More than one decade 3D modeling in SolidWorks is taught at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Belgrade (Serbia). As every new skill that has to be mastered, SolidWorks software package demands well-tailored teaching methodology. The best possible way of teaching would be one-on-one tutoring. One teacher per student, who would be absolutely focused on student's task completion, would provide the best results. Unfortunately, due to the lack of teaching staff and vast number of students this approach isn't possible. Instead, one teacher would present the 3D modeling task of interest on the video presenter to a group of 80 students. They would follow the whole presentation and only when the whole presentation ends, students would split into four classrooms with 20 computers each, and practice the presented tasks. During the last decade few major problems in these teaching methods were recognized. A new teaching approach was implemented. This paper presents a novel teaching methodology and achieved results in the teaching process improvement

    Implementation of inverted classroom methodology in 3D modeling course

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    3D modeliranje u SolidWorks-u se predaje na Mašinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu (Srbija) više od jedne decenije. Kao i svaka nova veština koju treba savladati, softverski paket SolidWorks zahteva dobro prilagođenu metodologiju podučavanja. Najbolji mogući način podučavanja bio bi individualni mentorski rad. Jedan profesor po studentu, koji bi bio apsolutno fokusiran na završetak zadatka studenta, i pružio najbolje rezultate . Nažalost, zbog nedostatka nastavnog osoblja i velikog broja studenata, ovaj pristup nije moguć. Umesto toga, jedan profesor bi predstavio zadatak iz 3D modeliranja grupi od 80 studenata. Oni bi pratili celokupnu prezentaciju i tek kada se završi celokupna prezentacija, studenti bi se podelili u četiri učionice sa po 20 računara i vežbali predstavljene zadatke. Tokom poslednje decenije primećeno je nekoliko velikih problema u ovim nastavnim metodama. Primenjen je novi pristup nastavi. Ovaj rad predstavlja novu metodologiju nastave i postignute rezultate u poboljšanju nastavnog procesa.More than one decade 3D modeling in SolidWorks is taught at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Belgrade (Serbia). As every new skill that has to be mastered, SolidWorks software package demands well-tailored teaching methodology. The best possible way of teaching would be one-on-one tutoring. One teacher per student, who would be absolutely focused on student's task completion, would provide the best results. Unfortunately, due to the lack of teaching staff and vast number of students this approach isn't possible. Instead, one teacher would present the 3D modeling task of interest on the video presenter to a group of 80 students. They would follow the whole presentation and only when the whole presentation ends, students would split into four classrooms with 20 computers each, and practice the presented tasks. During the last decade few major problems in these teaching methods were recognized. A new teaching approach was implemented. This paper presents a novel teaching methodology and achieved results in the teaching process improvement