39 research outputs found

    A Comparative Study on the Thermodynamics of Halogen Bonding of Group 10 Pincer Fluoride Complexes

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    The thermodynamics of halogen bonding of a series of isostructural Group 10 metal pincer fluoride complexes of the type [(3,5-R2-tBuPOCOPtBu)MF] (3,5-R2-tBuPOCOPtBu=κ3-C6HR2-2,6-(OPtBu2)2 with R=H, tBu, COOMe; M=Ni, Pd, Pt) and iodopentafluorobenzene was investigated. Based on NMR experiments at different temperatures, all complexes 1-tBu (R=tBu, M=Ni), 2-H (R=H, M=Pd), 2-tBu (R=tBu, M=Pd), 2-COOMe (R=COOMe, M=Pd) and 3-tBu (R=tBu, M=Pt) form strong halogen bonds with Pd complexes showing significantly stronger binding to iodopentafluorobenzene. Structural and computational analysis of a model adduct of complex 2-tBu with 1,4-diiodotetrafluorobenzene as well as of structures of iodopentafluorobenzene in toluene solution shows that formation of a type I contact occurs

    Meßtechnische Untersuchungen zur Kohleeinblasung am Hochofen

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    A multichannel flow injection analysis system described earlier /1/, is adapted to mammalian cell fermentations by increasing the sensitivity of the system. The analysis is based on the conversion of the compounds by immobilized dehydrogenases, resulting in the built up or consumption of NADH which is measured with a fluorescence- detector. The method presented here has a linear glucose determination range of 0.05 g/1 to 3.5 g/1 and a non-linear range for lactate of 0.05 g/1 to 2.7 g/l

    Multilayer optics for intense synchrotron x‐ray beams: Recent results on their performance

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    Present‐day synchrotron x‐ray beams are very demanding in terms of thermal, mechanical, and radiation stability of any optical element to be inserted in the beam. A set of multilayers was recently exposed and could resist to an x‐ray power density in excess of 7.5 W/mm2, which is comparable to the one expected for the multilayers to be used at ESRF. Such a power density was obtained by setting the multilayers at a grazing angle of about 2° in a focused wiggler beam of 4.6 keV critical energy. The specimen, W/B4C and W/Si multilayers, were cooled either at room temperature or down to liquid nitrogen temperature during an 8–16 h exposure time