18 research outputs found

    Tweeting in open public space : case study Belgrade

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    Public spaces represent essential elements of vibrant, inclusive, and smart cities. Being attractive, safe, comfortable, active and sociable, open public spaces play the main role in revitalizing communities, supporting their sense of identity and culture and triggering their economic development. Considering the current trends and demands in design and use of open public spaces, the role of ICT becomes more important. This paper will present and analyze the connections which are established and intensified between users and open spaces via online social networks. The emphasis will be on Twitter which currently has around 300 million active users. The case study is a network of several open public spaces placed in the historical urban core of Belgrade. The analyzed network presents one of the most attractive and important urban route for pedestrians with the squares as nodes. The method that was used in analysis is the method of mapping users on the social maps (via social networks) and through the other ICT tools. It was based on a new software application ā€“ Twitter search engine ā€“ developed at the University of Nis, Faculty of Electronic engineering, during the PhD course ā€œAdvanced topics in data and knowledge engineeringā€. The aim was measuring the concentrations of users in open public spaces. The obtained results have enabled the determination of the image of the open public spaces perceived by the users, as well as the intensity of users and tweets through the social networks, with the aim to measure the quality of open public spaces and concentration of users. This research has indicated the potential of the analyzed area for the formation of transverse and longitudinal pedestrian flows. On the one hand they could enable active use of a selected segment of the network as one of the most important urban pedestrian route of the city, as well as to improve the image of it.Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union.peer-reviewe

    The Rare earth Neodymium Zinc Titanite properties in microwave telecommunications and fractal nature structure analysis

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    In this paper we present the research results on dielectric properties based on Rare earth Neodymium Zinc Titanites (NZT). These results show that we have a stable perovskite structure and the other structure search suggest that the monoclinic crystal structure could be proposed for NZT. Modelling and simulation were used in this research to define the atomic position and crystal structure of NZT. The compositions have very specific dielectric properties which could useful in microwave telecommunications. It is very important to reduce the size, weight and microelectronic devices coast for future applications. So, the new miniaturization, better packaging and higher level of integrations, by using multi-layer processes and advanced interconnection methods are very important for modern telecommunications. In that sense, some new results and knowledges about fractal nature in materials, electronic ceramics and perovskites are very important for new fractal microelectronics applications for modern communications and IT technologies. Instead of classic semiconductor technologies, which are not anymore so much perspective and promising in this area. Finally, all of these aspects are very important for microanthena systems in telecommunications

    Determination of electromagnetic field exposure in public spaces

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    The monitoring of electromagnetic (EM) field, caused by the presence of radio frequency (RF) and microwave radiation from ICT devices as various sources of EM field, has emerged as an important technical and social challenge in terms of planning, management and usage of open public spaces. Considering the necessity of EM field level determination in the context of using ICT devices in service areas, as well as monitoring of EM field exposure in public spaces, the several technical issues have been foreseen in the analyses based on corresponding examples: from the method for modelling of EM field propagation in the vicinity of RF and microwave sources - base stations for mobile networks, broadcasting transmitters, local wireless networks, together with the distribution of EM field from ICT devices, through the appropriate measurement and exposure assessment methods, to the adequate software support for geo-visualisation, the data acquisition and processing.Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union.peer-reviewe

    Measuring the quality of streets as open public spaces in the city center in Belgrade, Serbia

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    The quality of the environment is of vital importance for urban areas, and streets and squares, as the specific form of open public space, represent an essential part of the city. In urban areas, total road traffic kilometres will grow by 40 % between 1995 and 2030. This particular research focuses on the secondary streets that represent an integral part of a city center not only in a functional way but also in a formal, structural and cultural sense. The research aims to analyze the overall quality of urban streets in the center of Belgrade. The paper represents the segment of the research done alongside approximately 500 students from the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, as a part of the teaching course entitled: Urban Design of Open Public Space as the research polygon of more than 100 streets from the central urban borough in Belgrade were chosen. The principal methodology is based on the Criteria & Indicators network analysis, with five selected quality criteria: safety, comfort, accessibility, readability, and liveability. Results of the research represent the quality assessment of streets, identifying specific problems and potentials in the context of open public space in the city center. Therefore, one of the expected contributions of the paper are the guidelines and knowledge base for upgrading the pedestrian network and urban design of open public space - the streets in Belgrade's inner historical city center, thus improving the overall quality of life.U dokumentu je uočena greÅ”ka prilikom navođenja prezimena autora Aleksandre Djukić. Ispravan oblik imena naveden je u sadržaju publikacije

    Creating a Digital Atlas for Heritage Cities and Towns along the Danube

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    The traditional meaning of an atlas has changed recently, with the prompt rise of digitalisation. This process has also opened new perspectives to collect and present atlas data; the interconnection of the huge quantities of the different data sets, including the new types of data and introducing atlases with new topics as an innovation. The essential meaning of an atlas has been, however, preserved even in its digitalised version ā€“ to present spatially related phenomena and items thorough their mapping. The aim of this paper is to discuss about the structure of a digital urban atlas on the example of the creation a new one ā€“ the digital atlas of heritage cities and towns along the Danube, one of the main deliverables of DANUrB+ INTERREG Project. This atlas, planned in both hardcopy and digital versions, is still in progress; hence, the main contribution of the paper is to show the expected structure of the digital DANUrB+ Atlas by comparing the project inputs with several already existing digital urban atlases as role-models

    Creating Š° Digital Atlas for Heritage Cities and Towns Along the Danube

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    The traditional meaning of an atlas has changed recently, with the prompt rise of digitalisation. This process has also opened new perspectives to collect and present atlas data; the interconnection of the huge quantities of the different data sets, including the new types of data and introducing atlases with new topics as an innovation. The essential meaning of an atlas has been, however, preserved even in its digitalised version ā€“ to present spatially related phenomena and items thorough their mapping. The aim of this paper is to discuss about the structure of a digital urban atlas on the example of the creation a new one ā€“ the digital atlas of heritage cities and towns along the Danube, one of the main deliverables of DANUrB+ INTERREG Project. This atlas, planned in both hardcopy and digital versions, is still in progress; hence, the main contribution of the paper is to show the expected structure of the digital DANUrB+ Atlas by comparing the project inputs with several already existing digital urban atlases as role-models.This paper is done for INTERREG EU Danube Project ā€œDANube Urban Brand + Building Regional and Local Resilience through the Valorisation of Danubeā€™s Cultural Heritage ā€“ DANUrB+ā€ 2020-2022 (No. DTP3-433-2.2)

    How to adapt the research of public space to enhance cultural tourism: the case of Golubac town in Iron Gate Gorge, Serbia

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    Cultural tourism has become an important driver for local socio-economic development. Therefore, it has a profound reflection into urban space and inevitably influences urban planning and design. Nevertheless, convenient approaches to research and plan cultural tourism is insufficiently resolved field. A special challenge in this approach is the situation with fast development of cultural tourism. It makes a pressure to general spatial development and, in particular, for open public spaces, heavily used by the rising number of cultural tourists. This paper proposes three innovative methods for the research how cities and towns can study and plan its space in line with rising cultural tourism. The first method is the customised theory of city image, developed by Kevin Lynch, where the attitudes of both local people and cultural tourists towards cultural-tourism led open public spaces are examined and compared. Then, the second approach is based on the research of the systematisation and spatial distribution of stakeholders involved in culturaltourism sector. The last used method is the investigation of social networks ā€“ Tweeter and Instagram ā€“ that have become very important indicators of newer trends globally. All named methods are new in Serbian urban-planning context. The aim of this paper is to show how they can be used for the upgrading of future policy documents for open urban spaces in Golubac Town. This small town in Eastern Serbia is a typical example of a place with recently booming cultural tourism. Golubac is located at the riverside of the Danube River, the second longest river in Europe. The lower part of river has become a major tourist route only recently, bringing the immense inflow of (cultural) tourists in this region. Nevertheless, the linear character of the route and the inherited weakness of Golubac economy have limited the boom of cultural tourism to the main tourist attractions in Golubac area, leaving local community without bigger benefits. Hence, this paper intends to analyse the intersections between cultural tourism and open public spaces in Golubac by the mentioned methods to improve ordinary urban planning and design

    Automated identification of land cover type using multispectral satellite images

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    Detection of specific terrain features and vegetation, referenced as a landscape classification, is an important component in the management and planning of natural resources. The different land types, man-made materials in natural backgrounds and vegetation cultures can be distinguished by their reflectance. Although remote sensing technology has great potential for acquisition of detailed and accurate information of landscape regions, the determination of land-use data with high accuracy is generally limited by the availability of adequate remote sensing data, in terms of spatial and temporal resolution, and digital image analysis techniques. Therefore, remote sensing with multi-spectral or/and hyper spectral data derived from various satellites in combination with topographic variables is a valuable tool in landscape type classification. The different methods based on reflectance data from multi-spectral Landsat satellite image sets are used for automatic landscape type recognition. In order to characterize reflectance of landscape types represented in an image, construction of a multi-spectral descriptor, as a vector of acquired reflectance values by wavelength bands, is proposed. The applied algorithms for landscape type classification (artificial neural network, support vector machines and logistic regression) have been analysed and results are compared and discussed in terms of accuracy and time of execution

    Automated identification of land cover type using multispectral satellite images

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    Detection of specific terrain features and vegetation, referenced as a landscape classification, is an important component in the management and planning of natural resources. The different land types, man-made materials in natural backgrounds and vegetation cultures can be distinguished by their reflectance. Although remote sensing technology has great potential for acquisition of detailed and accurate information of landscape regions, the determination of land-use data with high accuracy is generally limited by the availability of adequate remote sensing data, in terms of spatial and temporal resolution, and digital image analysis techniques. Therefore, remote sensing with multi-spectral or/and hyper spectral data derived from various satellites in combination with topographic variables is a valuable tool in landscape type classification. The different methods based on reflectance data from multi-spectral Landsat satellite image sets are used for automatic landscape type recognition. In order to characterize reflectance of landscape types represented in an image, construction of a multi-spectral descriptor, as a vector of acquired reflectance values by wavelength bands, is proposed. The applied algorithms for landscape type classification (artificial neural network, support vector machines and logistic regression) have been analysed and results are compared and discussed in terms of accuracy and time of execution