150 research outputs found

    Vesikattojen korjausrakentaminen : Pientalot

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    Tiivistelmä Opinnäytetyössä tavoitteena oli kertoa, miten kahden 1980-luvun pientalon vesikatto uusitaan. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli laatia aineistoa tulevan oman yrityksen käyttöön. Opinnäytetyössä tarkasteltiin aluksi asetuksia ja ohjeita, jotka liittyvät peltikattojen korjaamiseen. Lisäksi selostettiin muotopeltikaton vesikattorakenteet ja yleisimmät korjaustarpeen aiheuttajat. Tässä hyödynnettin tekijän ammatillista osaamista. Tämän jälkeen tarkasteltiin kahta esimerkkikohdetta, joiden keskeinen tavoite oli kertoa, miten vesikatto uusitaan, kun haluttu katepinta on muotolevykate. Kohteina olivat kaksi keskenään erilaista pientaloa, joista toiseen tehtiin pienempi ja toiseen laajempi korjaus. Esimerkkien tavoitteena oli esittää asiakkaille laajuudeltaan kaksi eri vaihtoehtoa kattoremontin toteuttamiseksi. Työn tuloksena saatiin käyttökelpoista tietoa sekä aineistoa vastaavanlaisia vesikattoprojekteja varten. Kattoremonttia suunnittelevalle työ tarjoaa mahdollisuuden tutustua tulevan remontin vaiheisiin ja mahdollisiin kustannuksiin. Työ tulee toimimaan oman yrityksen aineistona, asiakirjana työmenetelmissä ja apuna kustannuslaskentavaiheessa. Asiakirja palvelee uusia asiakkaita kuvin ja selityksin selventämään vesikaton eri korjaustyövaiheet.Abstract In this final project, the aim was to explain how the roofs of two detached houses built in the 1980`s were renovated. In addition, the aim was to create material for the future company of the author. First, building regulations and instructions which affect repairing tin roofs were studied. The roof structure of shaped tin roof and the most usual causes for the need for reparation were also reported. Professional experience of the author was valuable in this part of thesis. Then two constructions were studied to explain how the roof was repaired when the roof material chosen is shaped tin roof. These constructions were two different kind of detached houses, where one needed a smaller and the other one a wider renovation. The purpose was to inform the customers about two different alternatives for the roof reparation. As a result of this project there was useful information to be used when doing similar roof project. The thesis offers the persons who plan repairing the roof information about the phases and the possible costs. The thesis will serve as part of the company´s information material, as a document about working methods and it will help when calculating the costs. For new customers the document clarifies the phases of the roof renovation with photos and descriptions

    Oxygen and nitrogen plasma hydrophilization and hydrophobic recovery of polymers

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    Plasma hydrophilization and subsequent hydrophobic recovery are studied for ten different polymers of microfabrication interest: polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), polymethylmethacrylate, polycarbonate, polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, epoxy polymer SU-8, hybrid polymer ORMOCOMP, polycaprolactone, and polycaprolactone/D,L-lactide (P(CL/DLLA)). All polymers are treated identically with oxygen and nitrogen plasmas, in order to make comparisons between polymers as easy as possible. The primary measured parameter is the contact angle, which was measured on all polymers for more than 100 days in order to determine the kinetics of the hydrophobic recovery for both dry stored and rewashed samples. Clear differences and trends are observed both between different polymers and between different plasma parameters.Peer reviewe

    Globalisaation vaikutukset valtion taloudelliseen suvereniteettiin : Aasian kriisi ja Korean tasavallan taloudellinen murros

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    Only abstract. Paper copies of master’s theses are listed in the Helka database (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Electronic copies of master’s theses are either available as open access or only on thesis terminals in the Helsinki University Library.Vain tiivistelmä. Sidottujen gradujen saatavuuden voit tarkistaa Helka-tietokannasta (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Digitaaliset gradut voivat olla luettavissa avoimesti verkossa tai rajoitetusti kirjaston opinnäytekioskeilla.Endast sammandrag. Inbundna avhandlingar kan sökas i Helka-databasen (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Elektroniska kopior av avhandlingar finns antingen öppet på nätet eller endast tillgängliga i bibliotekets avhandlingsterminaler.Tässä työssä on tarkasteltu taloudellisen globalisaation vaikutusta valtion taloudelliseen suvereniteettiin. Työn alkuosan pääpaino on käsitteellisessä tarkastelussa, jossa pyritään valottamaan globalisaation vaikutuksia valtion suvereniteetille. Työn loppuosa koostuu tapaustutkimuksesta, jossa tarkastellaan työn alussa löytyneiden tulosten soveltuvuutta Korean tasavallan tilanteeseen. Suvereniteetti ei ole käsitteenä yksiselitteinen tai kiistaton, ja siitä on käyty kansainvälisen politiikan tutkimuksen parissa laajaa keskustelua. Perinteisesti määriteltynä suvereniteetti on tiukasti territoriaalinen ja lakiin sidottu käsite, joka ei sellaisenaan sovellu nykyiseen voimakkaasti keskinäisriippuvaiseen maailmaan. Työn ensimmäisenä tutkimuskysymyksenä onkin, kuinka määritellään suvereniteetti vastaamaan nykypäivän globalisoituvan maailman haasteita. Toisena keskeisenä tutkimuskysymyksenä on, mitä tarkoitetaan taloudellisella globalisaatiolla ja miten se vaikuttaa valtion suvereniteettiin. Kolmantena keskeisenä tutkimuskysymyksenä on, miten taloudellinen globalisaatio vaikuttaa valtion talouspolitiikkaan ja voidaanko enää puhua suvereenista talouspolitiikan harjoittamisesta. Työn tapaustutkimusosassa edelliset kysymykset viedään yksittäisen valtion tasolle. Korean tasavalta on valittu tapaustutkimuksen kohteeksi, sillä sitä on pidetty esimerkkimaana siitä, miten valtio voi nopeasti kehittyä talousmahdiksi. Viime aikainen kriisi kuitenkin näyttäisi muuttaneen asetelmia. Korean tasavalta on ollut suhteellisen suljettu talous aina 1990-luvulle asti ja sen takia globalisaation luomien paineiden pitäisi olla selvästi näkyvillä nykyisessä tilanteessa. Edellä mainittuihin kysymyksiin on etsitty vastauksia tarkastelemalla taloudellisen globalisaation eri osa-alueita. Työn huomio kiinnittyy erityisesti kansainvälisen kaupan, suorien ulkomaisten sijoitusten, monikansallisten yhtiöiden ja finanssijärjestelmän tarkasteluun sekä yleisellä tasolla että Korean tasavallan kohdalla. Näillä osa-alueilla tapahtuneita muutoksia on tarkasteltu erilaisten tilastojen avulla. Työssä on käytetty pääasiassa YK:n ja OECD:n julkaisemaa tilastoja. Työn keskeisenä havaintona on taloudellisen globalisaation monitahoinen vaikutus valtion taloudelliseen suvereniteettiin. Suvereniteettia tarkastellaan työssä neljän eri aspektin kautta: sisäinen autonomia, ulkoinen autonomia, subjektiivinen autonomia ja resurssit. Globalisaation vaikutus ei ole yksiselitteinen yhteenkään näistä eri aspekteista, vaan vaikutus riippuu huomattavasti valtion suhteellisesta asemasta kansainvälisessä järjestelmässä sekä sen materiaalisista resursseista. Valtion tiiviimpi sitoutuminen globalisoituvaan maailmantalouteen ei siis välttämättä heikennä sen taloudellista suvereniteettia, vaan se voi myös vahvistaa sitä. Työlle suuntaa-antavana teoriana toimii neoklassinen realismi, joka ohjaa analyysia järjestelmää painottavaan lähtökohtaan. Työn yhtenä tarkoituksena onkin osoittaa neoklassisen realismin soveltuvuus talouspoliittisten valintojen selittäjäksi

    Inkjet Printed Silver Electrodes on Macroporous Paper for a Paper-Based Isoelectric Focusing Device

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    We demonstrate a combined printing process utilizing inkjet printing of silver electrodes and solid-ink technology for printing hydrophobic wax barriers for fabricating paper microfluidic devices with integrated electrodes. Optimized printing parameters are given for achieving conducting silver lines on the top of macroporous chromatography paper down to 250 mu m-300 mu m resolution. Electrical characterization and wicking experiments demonstrate that the printed silver patterns are simultaneously conductive and porous enough to allow reliable capillary wicking across the electrodes. The combined wax and silver printing method is used for fabrication of paper microfluidic isoelectric focusing devices for separation and concentration of proteins. Published by AIP Publishing.Peer reviewe

    Depth and intensity of the sulfate-methane transition zone control sedimentary molybdenum and uranium sequestration in a eutrophic low-salinity setting

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    Molybdenum (Mo) and uranium (U) contents in sedimentary archives are often used to reconstruct past changes in seafloor oxygenation. However, their sequestration processes are as yet poorly constrained in low-salinity coastal waters, which often suffer from anthropogenic eutrophication but only mild oxygen depletion. Due to the consequent lack of robust long-term paleo-redox reconstructions in such settings often characterized by a shallow front of dissolved sulfide accumulation within the sediment pore waters, inadequate understanding of the long-term drivers behind oxygen loss impedes cost-effective mitigation of this environmental problem. Here, we investigate the mechanisms of Mo and U sequestration in an oxic, low-salinity coastal setting in the northern Baltic Sea where anthropogenic eutrophication over the 20th century has resulted in formation of a shallow sulfate-methane transition zone (SMTZ) in the sediment column of this brackish-water basin. Our results demonstrate remarkably similar patterns for authigenic Mo and U sequestration, whereby the depth and intensity of the SMTZ exerts a first-order control on their solid-phase uptake. Sequential extraction analysis suggests that a large part of the authigenic Mo pool is hosted by refractory Fe-S phases such as pyrite and nanoscale FeMoS4, implying that the Fe-sulfide pathway is the dominating process of authigenic Mo scavenging. However, we also observe a pool of extremely labile Mo deep within the SMTZ, which might record an intermediate phase in authigenic Mo sequestration and/or partial switch to the organic matter (OM) pathway at low dissolved Fe levels. Authigenic U resides in acid-extractable and refractory phases, likely reflecting uptake into poorly crystalline monomeric U(IV) and crystalline uraninite, respectively. Similarly to Mo, authigenic U uptake is active at two fronts within the SMTZ, paralleled by increases in dissolved sulfide levels, suggesting coupling between sulfide production and U reduction. Our results imply that both Mo and U could provide viable proxies for mild bottom water deoxygenation in these settings, through the indirect link between seafloor oxygen conditions and the depth of SMTZ. Of these, Mo appears to more robustly capture variations in seafloor oxygen levels due to the significantly higher share of the authigenic pool. However, temporal resolution of these proxies is limited by the vertical offset between seafloor and the zone of authigenic uptake, and the superimposed character of the signal at a given depth due to vertical migrations of the SMTZ. These results have important implications for the use of Mo and U as paleo-redox proxies in other low-salinity coastal settings exposed to eutrophication.Peer reviewe

    Terrestrial organic matter input drives sedimentary trace metal sequestration in a human-impacted boreal estuary

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    Coastal sediments play a fundamental role in processing anthropogenic trace metal inputs. Previous studies have shown that terrestrial organic matter (OM) is a significant vector for trace metal transport across the land-to-sea continuum, but little is known about the fate of land-derived metal-OM complexes in coastal sediments. Here, we use a comprehensive set of sediment pore water and solid-phase analyses to investigate how variations in terrestrial OM delivery since the 1950s have influenced trace metal accumulation and diagenesis in a human-impacted boreal estuary in the northern Baltic Sea. A key feature of our dataset is a strong correlation between terrestrial OM deposition and accumulation of metal-OM complexes in the sediments. Based on this strong coupling, we infer that the riverine input of terrestrial metal-OM complexes from the hinterland, followed by flocculation-induced settling in the estuary, effectively modulates sedimentary trace metal sequestration. While part of the trace metal pool associated with these complexes is efficiently recycled in the surface sediments during diagenesis, a substantial fraction is permanently buried as refractory metal-OM complexes or through incorporation into insoluble sulfides, thereby escaping further biological processing. These findings suggest that terrestrial OM input could play a more pivotal role in trace metal processing in coastal environments than hitherto acknowledged. (c) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.Peer reviewe

    Water and Blood Repellent Flexible Tubes

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    A top-down scalable method to produce flexible water and blood repellent tubes is introduced. The method is based on replication of overhanging nanostructures from an aluminum tube template to polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) via atomic layer deposition (ALD) assisted sacrificial etching. The nanostructured PDMS/titania tubes are superhydrophobic with water contact angles 163 +/- 1 degrees (advancing) and 157 +/- 1 degrees (receding) without any further coating. Droplets are able to slide through a 4 mm (inner diameter) tube with low sliding angles of less than 10 degrees for a 35 mu L droplet. The superhydrophobic tube shows up to 5,000 times increase in acceleration of a sliding droplet compared to a control tube depending on the inclination angle. Compared to a free falling droplet, the superhydrophobic tube reduced the acceleration by only 38.55%, as compared to a 99.99% reduction for a control tube. The superhydrophobic tubes are blood repellent. Blood droplets (35 mu L) roll through the tubes at 15 degrees sliding angles without leaving a bloodstain. The tube surface is resistant to adhesion of activated platelets unlike planar control titania and smooth PDMS surfaces.Peer reviewe

    A Microfluidic Chip Architecture Enabling a Hypoxic Microenvironment and Nitric Oxide Delivery in Cell Culture

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    A hypoxic (low oxygen level) microenvironment and nitric oxide paracrine signaling play important roles in the control of both biological and pathological cell responses. In this study, we present a microfluidic chip architecture for nitric oxide delivery under a hypoxic microenvironment in human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293). The chip utilizes two separate, but interdigitated microfluidic channels. The hypoxic microenvironment was created by sodium sulfite as the oxygen scavenger in one of the channels. The nitric oxide microenvironment was created by sodium nitroprusside as the light-activated nitric oxide donor in the other channel. The solutions are separated from the cell culture by a 30 µm thick gas-permeable, but liquid-impermeable polydimethylsiloxane membrane. We show that the architecture is preliminarily feasible to define the gaseous microenvironment of a cell culture in the 100 µm and 1 mm length scales

    A Microfluidic Chip Architecture Enabling a Hypoxic Microenvironment and Nitric Oxide Delivery in Cell Culture

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    A hypoxic (low oxygen level) microenvironment and nitric oxide paracrine signaling play important roles in the control of both biological and pathological cell responses. In this study, we present a microfluidic chip architecture for nitric oxide delivery under a hypoxic microenvironment in human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293). The chip utilizes two separate, but interdigitated microfluidic channels. The hypoxic microenvironment was created by sodium sulfite as the oxygen scavenger in one of the channels. The nitric oxide microenvironment was created by sodium nitroprusside as the light-activated nitric oxide donor in the other channel. The solutions are separated from the cell culture by a 30 µm thick gas-permeable, but liquid-impermeable polydimethylsiloxane membrane. We show that the architecture is preliminarily feasible to define the gaseous microenvironment of a cell culture in the 100 µm and 1 mm length scales

    Inkjet-printed flexible silver electrodes on thiol-enes

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    Flexible and conductive silver electrodes were fabricated by inkjet printing on several different compositions of thiol-ene polymers. Conductive electrodes with resistivity down to 30 ??cm and good adhesion of the electrodes were obtained by optimizing the printing parameters. The maximum printing resolution was 100 ?m lines and 80 ?m gaps between the lines. Printing on top of cross-linked off-stoichiometric thiol-ene polymer was tested for compositions ranging from 30 % thiol excess to 5 % allyl (?ene?) excess. The roughness off the thiol-ene surfaces was shown to greatly improve the quality of the printed electodes: consistently high yield of conductive electrodes was obtained on rough surfaces (roughness ?1 ?m), whereas on smooth surfaces the electrodes were often cracked. The lowest resistivity values were obtained on electrodes printed on near stoichiometric thiol-ene substrates. The conductivity of the electrodes was retained after 5 % linear strain and after repeated bending with 1 mm radius of curvature, showing the potential for flexible sensors. The electrodes were also applied to electrical impedance-based monitoring of cell growth on thiol-ene surfaces, which showcased that the electrodes survive stressed cell culture conditions for at least 36 h.Peer reviewe