5 research outputs found

    Variability studies on NS oil crops collections

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    Varijabilnost biljnih genetičkih resursa pruža mogućnost oplemenjivačima da razviju nove i poboljÅ”ane sorte izmenjenog kvaliteta i otporne na bolesti i nepovoljne uslove sredine. Oplemenjivanje uljanih biljnih vrsta u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo (IFVCNS) ima uspeÅ”nu pedesetogodiÅ”nju tradiciju čiji je rezultat kolekcija od 7000 linija gajenog suncokreta, kao i kolecija divljih srodnika suncokreta i značajne kolekcije genetičkih resursa uljane repice, bundeva i joÅ” 24 alternativne uljane biljne vrste. Poznavanje genetske konstitucije i odnosa između genotipova unutar kolekcije je od suÅ”tinskog značaja za efikasno koriŔćenje germplazme. U studijama varijabilnosti, molekularni markeri imaju prednost u odnosu na druge tehnike jer su nezavisni od uslova životne sredine i faze razvoja biljke, te se sve viÅ”e se koriste za analizu genetičke varijabilnosti. U skladu sa tim, varijabilnost IFVCNS kolekcija divljeg i gajenog suncokreta, uljane repice, bundeve i Å”afranjike je analizirana upotrebom različitih molekularnih markera. Molekularne analize su pokazale postojanje velike inter- i intraspecies varijabilnosti u testiranim populacijama. U većini slučajeva, dobijeno grupisanje genotipova je odražavalo filogenetske odnose. Dobijeni su različiti rezultati u pogledu geografskog porekla, odnosno nije utvrđena korelacija između grupisanja i geografskog porekla testiranih genotipova bundeve, dok su se kod uljane repice genotipovi grupisali prema geografskom poreklu. Utvđena je i potvđena povezanost pojedinih markera i otpornosti na bolesti, izmenjenog kvaliteta, kao i pojedinih kvantitativnih svojstava. Pomoću do sada koriŔćenih molekularnih analiza nije pronađena čvrsta korelacija za morfoloÅ”ka i svojstva uslovljena većim brojem gena. Dalja istraživanja će se fokusirati na asocijativno mapiranje i dalje pronalaženje veza između molekularnih markera i agronomski važnih osobina.Diversity in plant genetic resources provides an opportunity for plant breeders to develop new and improved cultivars with altered quality traits, resistant to diseases and unfavourable environment. Oil crops breeding at Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops (IFVCNS) has a successful 50-year long tradition that resulted in collection of 7000 sunflower inbred lines, as well as collection of wild sunflowers and substantial collections of genetic resources of rapeseed, pumpkins and 24 minor oil crops. The knowledge of genetic constitution and relationships among genotypes within the collection is essential for effective utilization of germplasm. In variability studies, molecular markers have advantages over other techniques as they are independent of the environment and plant growth stage and they have been increasingly employed for genetic diversity analyses. Hence, variability of IFVCNS collections of wild and cultivated sunflower, rapeseed, pumpkins and safflower were accessed with the use of different molecular markers. Molecular analyses revealed great inter- and intra-species variability of tested accessions. In most cases, molecular clustering reflected phylogenetic relationships. Contrasting results were obtained regarding geographic origin, as no correlation was found between clustering and geographical origin of tested pumpkin genotypes, while in rapeseed tested genotypes clustered according to geographic origin. Relationship between certain markers and disease resistance, altered quality, as well as certain quantitative properties was established and verified. No solid correlations were found for morphological and polygenic traits by molecular studies conducted so far. Further studies will focus on associative mapping studies and finding links between molecular markers and agronomically important traits. Key words: sunflower, rapeseed, pumpkins, minor oil crops, molecular marker

    Status of faecal pollution in ports: A basin-wide investigation in the Adriatic Sea

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    Ports are subject to a variety of anthropogenic impacts, and there is mounting evidence of faecal contamination through several routes. Yet, little is known about pollution in ports by faecal indicator bacteria (FIB). FIB spatio-temporal dynamics were assessed in 12 ports of the Adriatic Sea, a semi-enclosed basin under strong anthropogenic pressure, and their relationships with environmental variables were explored to gain insight into pollution sources. FIB were abundant in ports, often more so than in adjacent areas ; their abundance patterns were related to salinity, oxygen, and nutrient levels. In addition, a molecular method, quantitative (q)PCR, was used to quantify FIB. qPCR enabled faster FIB determination and water quality monitoring that culture-based methods. These data provide robust baseline evidence of faecal contamination in ports and can be used to improve the management of routine port activities (dredging and ballast water exchange), having potential to spread pathogens in the sea

    Comparative assessment of cardiac activity and DNA damage in haemocytes of the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis in exposure to tributyltin chloride

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    This study gives an insight in sensitivity of heart rate (Hr) of Mytilus galloprovincialis as a physiological biomarker. Impact of tributyltin chloride (TBT-Cl) on Hr was studied in parallel with evaluation of mutagenic, genotoxic and cytotoxic potential of TBT-Cl (10,100 and 1000 mu g/L) within 96 h treatment in static conditions. Mutagenic potential was assessed by SOS/umuC assay while genotoxicity was assessed in haemocytes of M. galloprovincialis by using the comet assay and the micronucleus test. Benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P) was used as a positive control. Hr variations detected in TBT-Cl treatments can be linked to data obtained in the genotoxicological assays indicating that Hr can be considered and used as a reliable physiological biomarker for detecting the presence of organotin compounds. However despite the observed genotoxic potential of B(a)P, a noteworthy Hr response was not observed which further questions the potential of Hr in the detection of different types of pollutants