64 research outputs found

    Characterisation of meat and offal quality frompurebred pigs reared in Vojvodina

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    U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji urađena je karakterizacija senzornog (boja i mramoriranost), tehnološkog (vrednost pH, boja, sposobnost vezivanja vode), nutritivnog (sadržaj vlage, proteina, ukupne masti, ukupnog pepela, P, K, Na, Mg, Ca, Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn) i toksikološkog (Cd) kvaliteta mesa (M. semimembranosus i M. longissimus dorsi) i iznutrica (jetra i bubreg) pet plemenitih čistih rasa (Velika Bela, Landras, Durok, Hempšir i Pietren) svinja koje su odgajane u komercijalnom tovu i mesa (M. semimembranosus, M. longissimus dorsi, M. psoas major i M. triceps brachii) i iznutrica (jezik, srce, pluća, jetra, slezina, bubreg, mozak i kičmena moždina) jedne primitivne autohtone čiste rase (Mangulica, odnosno soj Lasasta Mangulica) svinja koje su odgajane u tradicionalnom slobodnom ispustu, a koje se u Srbiji, odnosno u Vojvodini, dominantno koriste za proizvodnju mesa. Generalno, može se zaključiti da kod mesa svinja plemenitih rasa, od svih ispitanih parametara kvaliteta, rasa svinja značajno utiče samo na inicijalnu vrednost pH i to kod M. semimembranosus, dok mišić utiče na boju (senzorno ocenjenu i vrednosti L*, a* i b*) i sposobnost vezivanja vode (vrednost M/RZ i vrednost M/T). Kod mesa svinja Lasaste Mangulice mišić značajno utiče na krajnju vrednost pH, boju (senzorno ocenjenu, vrednosti L* i a*), mramoriranost, sposobnost vezivanja vode (vrednost T), sadržaj vlage, ukupne masti, P, Na, Mg, Ca, Zn, Fe, Cu i Mn. Sa druge strane, osim u slučaju sadržaja Ca u jetri i bubregu svinja plemenitih rasa, vrsta tkiva iznutrica značajno utiče na sva ispitana svojstva kvaliteta iznutrica svinja plemenitih rasa i svinja Lasaste Mangulice. Utvrđene pojedinačne vrednosti svih ispitanih faktora kvaliteta mesa i iznutrica ukazuju na veoma veliko variranje kvaliteta mesa i iznutrica, što ukazuje na potrebu povezivanja tehnologije odgajivanja svinja i tehnologije proizvodnje mesa optimizacijom svih faktora proizvodnje, koji sami po sebi nisu karakteristike kvaliteta mesa, ali koji značajno utiču na njegov kvalitet.In this PhD thesis, characterization of sensory (color and marbling), technological (pH, color, water holding capacity), nutritional (content of moisture, protein, total fat, total ash, P, K, Na, Mg, Ca, Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn) and toxicological (content of Cd) quality of meat (M. semimembranosus and M. longissimus dorsi) and offal (liver and kidney) from five modern purebred pigs (Large White, Landras, Durok, Hempšir and Pietren) reared in commercial condition was done. Also, characterization of meat (M. semimembranosus, M. longissimus dorsi, M. psoas major and M. triceps brachii) and offal (tongue, heart, lungs liver, spleen, kidney, brain, spinal cord) quality from free-range reared indigenous purebred pigs of Swallow-belly Mangulica, was done. These modern and indigenous purebreds are predominantly used for meat production in Serbia, and in Vojvodina. Generally, it can be concluded that in modern purebred pigs, only the initial pH value in M. semimembranosus, of all the investigated quality parameters, was significantly affected by bred, whily the muscle significantly affected the color (sensory evaluated and the value of L*, a* and b*) and water holding capacity (the value of M/RZ, the value of M/T). In Swallow-belly Mangulica pigs type of the muscle significantly affected the ultimate pH, color (sensoryrated, the value of L* a*), marbling, water holding capacity (value of T), content of moisture, total fat, P, Na, Mg, Ca, Zn, Fe, Cu and Mn. On the other hand, except in the case of the Ca content in the liver and kidney of modern purebred pigs, type of the tissue significantly affected all of the investigated quality properties of offal from modern purebred pigs and Swallow-belly Mangulica pigs. Determined individual values of all investigated factors of meat and offal quality indicated a very large variation of meat and offal quality, what indicates the need to combine pig breding technology and meat technology by optimization of all factors of production, which in themselves are not the characteristics of meat quality, but significantly affect on it’s quality

    Effect of preservation method and storage condition on ascorbic acid loss in beverages

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    Global market is flooded with vitamin-enriched foods, mainly beverages. Major vitamins for enriching beverages are the antioxidant vitamins A, C and E. Ascorbic acid is readily oxidized and lost during storage of the beverages, at rates depending on the conditions of storage. This fact is of great importance for the consumer who must know how to store beverages and when to consume them in order to get the maximum benefit of added vitamin C. The objective of this paper was to determine the amount of ascorbic acid lost in beverages applying different preservation methods and storage condition. Beverage was made in laboratory conditions with synthetic L-ascorbic acid added according to the national legislations. After 30 days of storage at 4-8oC ascorbic acid overall loss was from 81.01% to 90.27% in thermally pasteurized samples and from 97.83 % to almost complete loss in samples preserved with sodium benzoate

    Phenotypic variability of bread wheat genotypes for nitrogen harvest index

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    Gorjanovic B., M. Brdar-Jokanovic, and M. Kraljevic-Balalic (2011): Phenotypic variability of bread wheat genotypes for nitrogen harvest index-Genetika, Vol 43, No. 2, 419 -426. Nitrogen harvest index (grain nitrogen content over total nitrogen content ratio) is a measure of the efficiency of nitrogen translocation from the vegetative portions of the plant to the grain. It can be recommended as a selection criterion for nitrogen use efficiency improvement. The aim of this study was to investigate nitrogen harvest index in twelve bread wheat genotypes at three nitrogen levels and to classify genotypes according to their phenotypic similarity for the examined trait. The results of factorial ANOVA showed that nitrogen harvest index was influenced mostly by the year x genotype interaction, year of investigation and genotype; and to the lowest extent by the applied nitrogen rate. Increasing nitrogen doses did not lead to the increased nitrogen harvest index. The calculated nitrogen harvest index values were the highest for wheat growing season 2004/05, and the smallest for the season 2006/07. The highest nitrogen harvest indices were calculated for cultivars Pobeda at the N-0 rate and Zlatka at the N-100 rate (0.93), and the lowest for cultivar Tamaro at the N-0 rate (0.63). Analyzing the constructed dendogram, cultivars Pobeda and Renan at all three levels of nitrogen supply can be singled out as the genotypes with the highest, and cultivar Tamaro as the variety with the lowest harvest index value. The results of this study may be used in developing new high-yielding bread wheat cultivars with improved nitrogen use efficiency. Growing such cultivars would provide the savings in mineral fertilizers and minimize their possible harmful effect on environment

    Skafoldi u inženjerstvu koštanog tkiva

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    Treatment of bone tissue injuries and diseases is still a great challenge for surgeons, but also for researchers who work with materials. Today stem cells are commonly used in bone tissue engineering. However, advances in biocompatible materials design, especially biodegradable porous structure (scaffold) is gaining an important role in the treatment of diseased bone tissue. The basic advantage of these carriers is specifically designed scaffold with defined porosity and pore structure that is favourable for cells settlement. Scaffolds are most commonly used as ceramic brackets because they have excellent characteristics in biodegradation and bioactivity. The process of scaffold production is important because the appropriate technology must ensure control of liquids and reproducibility of scaffold production through standardized process. The aim of this study was to present some of different procedures of scaffold production in bone tissue engineering and point out the advantages and disadvantages of these methods.Terapija i lečenje brojnih povreda i oboljenja koštanog tkiva je još uvek veliki izazov za hirurge, ali i za one istraživače koji se bave materijalima. Na polju inženjerstva koštanog tkiva danas se najčešće koriste matične ćelije. Međutim, napredak u dizajniranju biokompatibilnih materijala, a posebno biodegradibilnih poroznih struktura (skafolda) sve više dobija vrlo značajnu ulogu u lečenju obolelih koštanih tkiva. Specifično dizajnirani skafoldi sa definisanom poroznošću i strukturom pora koja je povoljna za naseljavanje ćelija osnovna je prednost ovih nosača. Skafoldi se najčešće koriste kao keramički nosači jer imaju izvanredne osobine vezane za biodegradaciju i jako izraženu bioaktivnost. Postupak izrade skafolda je vrlo važan jer se odgovarajućom tehnologijom mora obezbediti kontrola tečnosti i reproduktivnost izrade skafolda kroz standardizaciju procesa. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se predstave različiti metodološki postupci izrade skafolda u inženjerstvu koštanog tkiva i ukaže na određene prednosti i nedostatke tih metoda

    La inuencia de la localización anatómica del lomo de cerdo sobre la calidad de los letes durante la descongelación rápida

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    The objectives of this research was to evaluate if the effects of very fast hot water thawing method on the meat quality attributes of pork tenderloin steaks are influenced by anatomical location of steaks within the tenderloin. Thawing was performed using a hot water bath at 39°C for 7 ± 0.5 min. Frozen steaks were cut approximately 2.5 cm thick with their thickness measured and accounted for individually for each steak after cutting. Starting from the tail end, steaks were identified as being from either the anterior (A), middle (M) or posterior (P) portions of the tenderloins. Minor but significant differences in thawing, cooking, and texture attributes of the steaks from various anatomical locations within the tenderloins were observed. When adjusted for SV, medium parts of tenderloin exhibited highest thaw drip loss. Cooking yield was influenced by steak location only when adjusted for SV ratio and increased from the anterior to the posterior end of the tenderloin. Location within tenderloin also influenced steak tenderness measurements. Steaks from medium parts of tenderloin had higher WBSF values compared to anterior and posterior parts of the steaks. Color changes in thawed steaks due to either thawing treatment or steak location were minimal and not detectable visually.Ciljevi su ovog istraživanja bili procijeniti utječe li metoda vrlo brzog odmrzavanja mesa vrućom vodom na kvalitetu odrezaka s obzirom na anatomski položaj svinjskog .lea. Odmrzavanje je provedeno uranjanjem u toplu vodu temperature od 39 °C, u trajanju od 7 ± 0,5 min. Smrznuti odresci rezani su na oko 2,5 cm debljine, a debljina je svakog pojedinog odreska izmjerena i određena nakon rezanja. Počevši od stražnjeg dijela svinjske polovice, određeno je pripadaju li odresci prednjem, središnjem ili stražnjem dijelu .lea. Uočene su manje ali značajne razlike značajki odmrzavanja, kuhanja i teksture odrezaka .lea različitog anatomskog položaja. Nakon prilagodbe za površinu-volumen, središnji dijelovi .lea pokazali su najveći gubitak mesnog soka prilikom odmrzavanja. Utvrđeno je da smještaj odreska utječe na korisne učinke kuhanja isključivo kada se u obzir uzmu omjer površina-volumen i povećanje od prednjeg do stražnjeg dijela .lea. Položaj unutar .lea utjecao je i na izmjerenu mekoću odreska. Odresci od središnjih dijelova .lea imali su veće vrijednosti WBSF u odnosu na odreske od prednjih i stražnjih dijelova. Promjene boje odmrznutih odrezaka uzrokovane bilo procesom odmrzavanja ili položaja samog odreska bile su zanemarive, odnosno nisu bile vidljive okom.Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es einzuschätzen, ob bei der Anwendung der Methode des schnellen Auftauens von Fleisch mit heißem Wasser die anatomische Lage des Schnitzels im Filet die Qualitätsindikatoren der Schweineschnitzel beein€usst. Das Auftauen bestand im Eintauchen in warmes Wasser mit einer Temperatur bis zu 39 °C in Dauer von 7 ± 0,5 Minuten. Die eingefrorenen Schnitzel wurden in circa 2,5 cm dicke Scheiben geschnitten; die Stärke eines jeden einzelnen Schnitzels wurde nach dem Schneiden gemessen und festgelegt. Beginnend vom hinteren Teil des Schweins wurde bestimmt, ob die Schnitzel dem vorderen (engl. anterior, A), mittleren (engl. middle, M) oder dem hinteren (engl. posterior, P) Filetteil angehören. Es wurden geringe, aber signikante Unterschiede bei den Auftau-, ubereitungs- und Texturmerkmalen der Filetschnitzel in Abhängigkeit von ihrer anatomischen Lage festgestellt. Nach der Anpassung für das Ober€äche-zu-Volumen-Verhältnis wurde bei den mittleren Filetteilen der größte Verlust an Fleischsaft beim Auftauen beobachtet. Es wurde festgestellt, dass sich die Position des Schnitzels auf die positiven Auswirkungen der Zubereitung nur dann auswirkt, wenn das Ober€äche-zu-Volumen-Verhäl- tnis und die Steigerung vom vorderen zum hinteren Teil des Filets berücksichtigt werden. Die Lage innerhalb des Filets wirkte sich auch auf die gemessene Zartheit des Schnitzels aus. Die Schnitzel aus mittleren Teilen wiesen höhere WBSF-Werte im Vergleich zu Schnitzeln aus vorderen und hinteren Teilen auf. Die farblichen Veränderungen der aufgetauten Schnitzel, bedingt entweder durch den Auftauprozess oder durch die Lage des Schnitzels selbst, waren unbedeutend, beziehungsweise mit dem bloßen Auge nicht sichtbar.Gli obiettivi di questa ricerca consistono nel valutare l’incidenza della posizione anatomica delle fettine di letto sugli indicatori della qualitŕ delle fettine di suino sottoposte a processo di scongelamento molto rapido con acqua calda. Lo scongelamento avviene immergendo la carne in acqua calda a 39 °C per una durata di 7 ± 0,5 min. Le fettine congelate hanno uno spessore di circa 2,5 cm. Lo spessore di ogni singola fettina viene misurato e stabilito dopo il taglio. Partendo dalla parte posteriore del maiale, va stabilito se le fettine appartengono alla parte anteriore (in inglese anterior, A), mediana (in inglese middle, M) o posteriore (in inglese posterior, P) del letto. Sono state evidenziate alcune minori ma signicative di%erenze nelle caratteristiche di scongelamento, cottura e consistenza delle fettine di letto di di%erente posizione anatomica. Dopo l’adattamento di supercie e volume, le parti mediane del letto, sottoposte allo congelamento, hanno fatto registrare la maggior perdita di succhi. Č stato accertato che la posizione anatomica della fettina incide sugli e%etti utili della cottura esclusivamente quando vengono presi in considerazione il rapporto supercie-volume e l’aumento dalla parte anteriore a quella posteriore del letto. La posizione mediana ha anche in€uito sulla morbidezza della fettina di letto. Le fettine della parte mediana del letto hanno fatto registrare, infatti, valori di WBSF piů alti rispetto alle fettine delle parti anteriore e posteriore. Le variazioni cromatichedelle fettine scongelate, causate sia dal processo di scongelamento, sia dalla posizione della stessa fettina, non sono signicative, ossia non sono visibili a occhio nudo.Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron evaluar si la localización anatómica del lomo de cerdo in€uye sobre los indicadores de calidad de lete de cerdo durante el método de la descongelación rápida. La descongelación fue hecha sumergiendo las muestras en el agua caliente de 39 °C, durante 7 ± 0,5 minutos. Los letes congelados fueron cortados a 2,5 cm y cada espesor de lete fue medido y denido despues de cortar. Fue determinado si los letes pertenecen a la parte delantera (ingl. anterior, A), a la parte central (ingl. middle, M) o a la parte posterior (ingl. posterior, P) del lete, empezando por la parte posterior del cerdo. Fueron notadas pequeńas pocas pero signicantes diferencias entre las características de la descongelación, cocción y las texturas de los letes de las localizaciónes anatómicas diferentes. Después del ajuste a la supercie y al bolumen, los partes centrales del lete mostraron la mayor pérdida del juego de carne durante la descongelación. Fue determinado que la localización del lomo in€uye sobre los efectos beneciosos de la cocción únicamente cuando se toma en cuenta la proporción de la supercie y del volumen y el incremento desde la parte anterior hasta la parte posterior del lete. La localización dentro del lete in€uyó también sobre la medida blandura del lete. Los letes hechos de la parte central tuvieron los valores de WBSF más altos en comparación con los letes hechos de las partes delanteras y posteriores. Los cambios en color de los letes descongelados causados por el proceso de la descongelación o por la misma localizacíon fueron irrelevantes, es decir, no eran visibles por el ojo

    Primena lasera u stomatologiji – pregled literature

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    In this paper the mechanism of stimulated emission is described as the fundamental of laser technology. The types of lasers from the aspect of their operation are also given. The particular attention is paid to dental lasers and their effect on healing processes in bone, dentin, enamel etc.U ovom radu opisan je mehanizam stimulisane emisije, kao osnova tehnologije rada lasera. Navedeni su i tipovi lasera sa aspekta njihove primene. Posebna pažnja je posvećena laserima u stomatologiji, kao i uticaju njihovih karakteristika na mogućnost regene-racije kosti, dentina i drugih oralnih tkiva

    Strukturne karakteristike i mehanizmi mehanohemijske sinteze fluorapatita

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    This paper analyzes mechanisms of fluorapatite mechanochemical synthesis and its structural characteristics. Several studies of Jokanovic et al. published in appropriate journals and the book 'Nanomedicine, the biggest challenge of the 21st century' are the base for this article. Characteristics of obtained materials show numerous biological advantages associated with the specific structural design of material during the process of synthesis. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and infrared spectroscopy with Fourier transform (FTIR) were used for studying the processes of fluorapatite synthesis.U radu su analizirani mehanizmi mehanohemijske sinteze fluorapatita i njegove strukturne karakteristike. Suštinu istraživanja čine istraživanja V. Jokanovića i saradnika objavljena u odgovarajućim časopisima i knjizi Nanomedicina, najveći izazov 21. veka. Karakteristike dobijenih materijala pokazuju njihove brojne biološke prednosti, koje su povezane sa specifičnostima strukturnog dizajna materijala tokom procesa sinteze. Kao osnove za proučavanje procesa sinteze i mehanizma nastajanja fluorapatita korišćene su metode rendgenske difrakcije (XRD) i infracrvene spektroskopije sa Furijeovom transformacijom (FTIR)

    Determination of nickel content in the semimembranosus muscle of pigs produced in Vojvodina

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    The content of nickel was investigated in the M. semimembranosus of sixty-nine pigs from ten different genetic lines produced in Vojvodina. Nickel was determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry after mineralization by dry ashing. The difference in the nickel content in the analyzed muscle tissues among different genetic lines of pigs was not significant (P > 0.05). Nickel levels ranged from 12.93 to 80.18 μg/100 g, with a general average of 32.41 μg/100 g. The average level of nickel was found to be higher than the levels observed in pork in some developed countries

    The influence of vitamin C and early-age thermal conditioning on the quality of meat and specific production characteristics of broilers during heat stress

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    Heat stress (HS) is one of the greatest problems in contemporary chicken production and it entails significant economic losses. The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of early-age thermal conditioning (ETC), vitamin C (Vit C) supplementation, and their combination on the production characteristics and specific quality parameters of the meat of broilers which were exposed to chronic HS in the last two weeks of breeding. Four hundred broilers (Cobb 500) of both sexes were divided into 4 experimental groups. Group C was given Vit C (2 g/L) dissolved in water from day 22 until the end of production. Group T was exposed to ETC for a period of 24 h at the temperature of 38 +/- 1 degrees C and 40%-60% relative humidity on the fifth day of breeding. Group TC was the combination of the groups T and C, while group K was the control group. The results indicate that ETC, independently or in combination with Vit C, improves the production characteristics in terms of feed conversion reduction (P < 0.05). The examined treatments increase the volume (P < 0.05) of certain parts of the body (carcass, legs and thighs, and back) with regards to total body weight, especially in group TC. Regarding meat quality determined according to pH value and meat color criteria (CIEL*), the best results were also observed in group TC, followed by groups T and C. These results justify the use of Vit C and ETC in summer conditions, when heat stress is expected; however, the best results can be achieved by combining these two methods, thus producing a synergistic effect

    Analysis of tap water for gross alpha/beta activity

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    This paper describes determination of gross alpha and beta activity in tap waters used for drinking in Serbia. 19 samples from different cities were investigated. Method used for sample preparation was EPA 900.0 and activity was determined by proportional counter. Obtained gross alpha activity was in range MDA-0.318 Bq/l, while gross beta activity was in range MDA-0.370 Bq/l. With these values individual dose criterion of 0.1 mSv/year will not be exceeded. Based on the fact that all investigated samples met the criteria given in Serbian rule book, further analyzes were not conducted.14th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; 24-28 September 2018, Belgrade, Serbia