3,508 research outputs found


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    Today, many firms were struggling with the combined impact of high interest rates, growing international competition and shrinking productivity, which led to the demand for greater accountability in all functions of the company. The new human resource function was not exempt from this trend, and while methods for assessing the costs and benefits of HR programs were available, they were not widely utilized. Strategic alliances between firms are now a ubiquitous phenomenon. Their proliferation has led to a growing stream of research by strategy and organizational scholars who have examined some of the causes and consequences of such partnerships, mostly at the dyadic level. It will develop a social network perspective on some of the key questions associated with strategic alliances, going beyond the dyadic level to the larger network in which alliances are embedded. Over the years, there has been tremendous emphasis placed on HR practitioners becoming strategic business partners and being a value-added source within organizations. Furthermore, the HR function is often viewed as an expense-generator and an administrative function and not as a value-added partner. Businesses have long understood the importance of networking and how it helps them grow their business through referrals. In recent years, there has been a shift from traditional local networking events arranged by chambers or associations to online networking, which is global in nature. According to all reality conditions above and the fundamental basic concept that HR always become an specific asset and have several roles in organization to reach goals, So, the specific question is how we prepare our HR to have strong capabilities as Human Capital (HC) to enable the organization network activities implementation will be more effective and efficient. This condition will impact organization value and its capability to have higher competitive advantage chance

    FACTS MODEL UNTUK PEMBINAAN MOTIVASI BAGI PENINGKATAN KINERJA KARYAWAN (Studi Kasus Motivasi pada Badan Usaha Jasa Penerbangan Internasional di Surabaya)

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    A conceptual argumentations on basic motivation for workers in repetitive tasks usually known and picture as a constan curve. All efforts to increase employee's motivation find the successful whenever management enable to create a specific program such as employee recognition or employee involvement programs. In otherwise, personal characteritics, such as marital status, age, tenure, education background has conftibution to reach the diversification pattern on creating employee's motivation. According to this research, we found that motivation patterns of International Airline company employees for Reservation & Ticketing, Traffic and cargo depends on their satisfaction of fisiological needs affiliation needs, and work condition but its not enough enable to incrcase their achievement motivations'. Our argument, by using FACTS ModeL, an opportunity to increase employees motivation in International Airline Company will be needed especially for one's that responsible in repetitive tasks for achieving higher performance in the futur

    Income Tax Revenue Elasticities in Spain: Individual and Aggregate Measures

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    This paper derives analytical expressions for the revenue elasticity of the Spanish personal income tax system, as applied to tax units and in aggregate. This is complicated by the schedular nature of the system, and the role of central and regional governments, along with the existence of a range of tax credits and eligible expenditures and deductions. Empirical estimates are obtained using a cross-sectional dataset which enables a number of important ancillary elasticities (relating to allowances and tax credits, and different income sources) to be estimated. It was found that there is considerable variation among tax units in the revenue elasticity, with highly (positively)skewed distributions. The nature of the distributions varies among regions of Spain, and the aggregate elasticities for each region were found to display some variation associated with income distribution differences. The national aggregate is found to be around 1.3.


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    Pemilihan Kepala Daerah merupakan amanat dari Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945, dalam ketentuan Pasal 18 ayat 4 dinyatakan bahwa Gubernur, Bupati, dan Walikota masing-masing sebagai kepala pemerintahan daerah provinsi, kabupaten dan kota dipilih secara demokratis. Pilkada di awal reformasi dilakukan atau dipilih oleh Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) dan diselenggarakan setiap lima tahun sekali. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Profesionalisme KPU dalam Verifikasi pencalonan pada pemilihan Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur Gorontalo tahun 2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa KPU Provinsi Gorontalo selalu memberikan pelayanan dengan hak yang sama kepada seluruh pasangan calon dan seluruh elemen pemangku kepentingan dalan pelaksanaan pemilihan Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur Provinsi Gorontalo. Hal ini ditunjukan berdasarkan keterangan narasumber yakni pasangan calon atau tim pemenangan calon yang datang ke kantor KPU Provinsi Gorontalo untuk diskusi atau berkonsultasi dengan anggota Kpu Provinsi Gorontalo terkait dengan tata kelola pencalonan selalu mendapat perlakuan dan pelayanan yang sama tanpa melihat afiliasi politik, serta Konsep Profesionalisme penyelenggara pemilu tidak hanya terbatas pada penegakan kerangka hukum. Keadilan pemilu juga merupakan faktor yang memengaruhi perilaku para pemangku kepentingan dalam proses tersebut, Karena sistem pemilu yang berkeadilan juga mengacu terhadap KPU bagaimana memulihkan dan melindungi hak pilih setiap warga Negara.Kata Kunci : Profesionalisme, Komisi Pemilihan Umum, Verifikasi, Pemilihan Kepala Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur


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    This study aims to determine the effect of the performance of cooperative financial institutions by using the concept of a balanced scorecard. Balance scorecard attributes used as independent variables in this study are financial, customer, internal business, growth and learning perspectives. The cooperative financial institution that is the object of research is the Putri Manunggal Cooperative in Sukoharjo. This research is a type of quantitative descriptive research. The population in this study were the employees and customers of the Putri Manunggal Cooperative, while the sample used was selected through a random sampling technique by distributing questionnaires to 500 respondents. The technique of collecting data is a questionnaire, which is done by giving a set of questions or written statements to the respondents to be answered. The weight of the assessment or the number of the questionnaire results in this study is in accordance with what is described in the Likert scale. The dependent variable in this study is Cooperative Performance (Y), while the independent variables in this study are financial perspective (X1), customer perspective (X2), internal business process perspective (X3), and learning and growth perspective (X4). The data analysis technique of this research uses multiple linear regression analysis, F test, t test, and coefficient of determination (R2) test. The results showed that the financial, customer and internal business perspective variables partially had a significant effect on financial performance. While the growth and learning perspectives have no significant effect on financial performance. Simultaneously the financial, customer, internal business, growth and learning perspectives have a significant effect on financial performance. Keywords: balance scorecard, financial performance, cooperative financial institutio

    Removal of Chromium (VI) from water by using Lanthanum based Hybrid Materials

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    In various studies it is found that contamination of Chromium (VI) in water posed severe health problems throughout the world. Several methods are available to remove chromium from the aqueous environment but they are not feasible in all places and conditions due to various reasons. Some of the process are electrochemical precipitation, ion exchange, activated carbon adsorption, solvent extraction, reverse osmosis, etc., from contaminated water. The development of low cost adsorbent is essential for the benefit of the common people. In this present work, Cr (VI) has been removed from water by a synthesized Lanthanum based hybrid material as adsorbent. The removal of fluoride was 98.50 % at optimum condition from the synthetic solution having initial Cr(VI) concentration of 100 mg/L The extend of adsorption was investigated as a function of solution pH, contact time, adsorbent concentration, reaction temperature, Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm were used to model the adsorption equilibrium data

    Evaluasi Persepsi Konsumen Terhadap Product Positioning Strategy Sabun Deterjen Rinso Di Surabaya

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    Ketatnya persaingan antar perusahaan dewasa ini telah memaksa perusahaan- perusahaan tersebut untuk menerapkan strategi yang tepat guna menarik konsumen agar mau membeli produknya. Salah satunya adalah dengan membentuk suatu citra/image tertentu terhadap produk-produknya di dalam benak konsumen, sebab konsumen hanya akan membeli produk yang mempunyai citra/image yang baik di mata mereka. Beranjak dari masalah tersebutlah maka penulis melakukan studi secara deskriptif mengenai product positioning strategy yang telah dijalankan oleh Unilever khususnya untuk produk sabun deterjen Rinso . Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah product positioning strategy yang t elah dijalankan oleh Unilever tersebut sudah berhasil atau belum. Untuk melakukan studi ini, penulis menyebarkan daftar pertanyaan kepada 90 orang konsumen yang pernah menggunakan sabun Rinso di daerah Surabaya. Jawaban dari daftar pertanyaan tersebut kemudian diolah dengan Skala Semantic Differential, sehingga diperoleh rata-rata tanggapan konsumen terhadap atribut yang dipositioningkan perusahaan ..

    The Effects of Individual, Family, and Community Factors on Adult Resilience: A Study on the Tsunami Survivors of 12/26/2004

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    This study examined the various factors at the individual, family, and community level that helped the adult individuals survive the trans-oceanic tsunami which hit the coastal areas of India on December 26, 2004.The study made use of a concurrent mixed methods design to achieve the above objective. The quantitative section of the research examined the effects of individual, family, and community factors on adult post-traumatic growth. The qualitative section of the study sought to capture the subjective experience of the tsunami survivors using a phenomenological approach. The target population were adults, aged 18 to 55 from Kerala, India, who were exposed to the tsunami natural disaster of 2004. Using the purposive sampling method, I recruited 301 participants for the quantitative research and 8 participants for the qualitative research. Analysis of the quantitative data, using hierarchical regression analysis, revealed that religion, employment, family type, family flexibility, and family communication were the significant predictors of post-traumatic growth. Analysis of the qualitative data, using the modified form of the Van Kaam\u27s method of phenomenological analysis, revealed 6 major themes, including the subjective experience of encountering killer waves, the subjective experience during rescue and relief phase, the subjective experience during recovery process, resources at the personal, family, and community level, obstacles to recovery, and recommendations to improve disaster services. Implications for social work practice, research and education, and policy were discussed. The findings of this study may enhance the ability of social scientists to influence disaster-related practice, policy, and research in India