815 research outputs found

    Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy: Indications, technique and complications at Groote Schuur Hospital

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    Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) is a relatively new technique in South Africa. It is useful in the management of patients with neurological and oropharyngeal disorders in whom long-term feeding is necessary. The PEGs inserted in patients at Groote Schuur Hospital between June 1986 and March 1990 as part of an on-going study to evaluate this procedure are reported

    Electronic Structure and Heavy Fermion Behavior in LiV_2O_4

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    First principles density functional calculations of the electronic and magnetic properties of spinel-structure LiV2_{2}O4_{4} have been performed using the full potential linearized augmented planewave method. The calculations show that the electronic structure near the Fermi energy consists of a manifold of 12 bands derived from V t2gt_{2g} states, weakly hybridized with O p states. While the total width of this active manifold is approximately 2 eV, it may be roughly decomposed into two groups: high velocity bands and flatter bands, although these mix in density functional calculations. The flat bands, which are the more atomic-like lead to a high density of states and magnetic instability of local moment character. The value of the on-site exchange energy is sensitive to the exact exchange correlation parameterization used in the calculations, but is much larger than the interaction between neighboring spins, reflecting the weak coupling of the magnetic system with the high velocity bands. A scenario for the observed heavy fermion behavior is discussed in which conduction electrons in the dispersive bands are weakly scattered by local moments associated with strongly correlated electrons in the heavy bands.This is analogous to that in conventional Kondo type heavy fermions, but is unusual in that both the local moments and conduction electrons come from the same d-manifold.Comment: 6 Revtex pages, Postscript figs embedded. Revision: figure 4 replaced with a better version, showing the band character explicitel

    Ising Spins on Thin Graphs

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    The Ising model on ``thin'' graphs (standard Feynman diagrams) displays several interesting properties. For ferromagnetic couplings there is a mean field phase transition at the corresponding Bethe lattice transition point. For antiferromagnetic couplings the replica trick gives some evidence for a spin glass phase. In this paper we investigate both the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic models with the aid of simulations. We confirm the Bethe lattice values of the critical points for the ferromagnetic model on ϕ3\phi^3 and ϕ4\phi^4 graphs and examine the putative spin glass phase in the antiferromagnetic model by looking at the overlap between replicas in a quenched ensemble of graphs. We also compare the Ising results with those for higher state Potts models and Ising models on ``fat'' graphs, such as those used in 2D gravity simulations.Comment: LaTeX 13 pages + 9 postscript figures, COLO-HEP-340, LPTHE-Orsay-94-6

    Tensionless structure of glassy phase

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    We study a class of homogeneous finite-dimensional Ising models which were recently shown to exhibit glassy properties. Monte Carlo simulations of a particular three-dimensional model in this class show that the glassy phase obtained under slow cooling is dominated by large scale excitations whose energy ElE_l scales with their size ll as EllΘE_l\sim l^{\Theta} with Θ1.33(5)\Theta\sim 1.33(5). Simulations suggest that in another model of this class, namely the four-spin model, energy is concentrated mainly in linear defects making also in this case domain walls tensionless. Two-dimensinal variants of these models are trivial and energy of excitations scales with the exponent Θ=1.05(5)\Theta=1.05(5).Comment: 5 page

    Herd-level risk factors of bovine tuberculosis in England and Wales after the 2001 foot-and-mouth disease epidemic

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    We present the results of a 2005 case–control study of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) breakdowns in English and Welsh herds. The herd management, farming practices, and environmental factors of 401matched pairs of case and control herds were investigated to provide a picture of herd-level risk factors in areas of varying bTB incidence. A global conditional logistic regression model, with region-specific variants, was used to compare case herds that had experienced a confirmed bTB breakdown to contemporaneous control herds matched on region, herd type, herd size, and parish testing interval. Contacts with cattle from contiguous herds and sourcing cattle from herds with a recent history of bTB were associated with an increased risk in both the global and regional analyses. Operating a farm over several premises, providing cattle feed inside the housing, and the presence of badgers were also identified as significantly associated with an increased bTB risk. Steps taken to minimize cattle contacts with neighboring herds and altering trading practices could have the potential to reduce the size of the bTB epidemic. In principle, limiting the interactions between cattle and wildlife may also be useful; however this study did not highlight any specific measures to implement

    CuSiO_3 : a quasi - one - dimensional S=1/2 antiferromagnetic chain system

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    CuSiO_3, isotypic to the spin - Peierls compound CuGeO_3, was discovered recently as a metastable decomposition product of the silicate mineral dioptase, Cu_6Si_6O_{18}\cdot6H_2O. We investigated the physical properties of CuSiO_3 using susceptibility, magnetization and specific heat measurements on powder samples. The magnetic susceptibility \chi(T) is reproduced very well above T = 8 K by theoretical calculations for an S=1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg linear chain without frustration (\alpha = 0) and a nearest - neighbor exchange coupling constant of J/k_{B} = 21 K, much weaker than in CuGeO_3. Below 8 K the susceptibility exhibits a substantial drop. This feature is identified as a second - order phase transition at T_{0} = 7.9 K by specific heat measurements. The influence of magnetic fields on T_{0} is weak, and ac - magnetization measurements give strong evidence for a spin - flop - phase at \mu_0H_{SF} ~ 3 T. The origin of the magnetic phase transition at T_{0} = 7.9 K is discussed in the context of long - range antiferromagnetic order (AF) versus spin - Peierls(SP)order. Susceptibility and specific heat results support the AF ordered ground state. Additional temperature dependent ^{63,65}Cu nuclear quadrupole resonance experiments have been carried out to probe the Cu^{2+} electronic state and the spin dynamics in CuSiO_3

    First principles electronic structure of spinel LiCr2O4: A possible half-metal?

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    We have employed first-principles electronic structure calculations to examine the hypothetical (but plausible) oxide spinel, LiCr2O4 with the d^{2.5} electronic configuration. The cell (cubic) and internal (oxygen position) structural parameters have been obtained for this compound through structural relaxation in the first-principles framework. Within the one-electron band picture, we find that LiCr2O4 is magnetic, and a candidate half-metal. The electronic structure is substantially different from the closely related and well known rutile half-metal CrO2. In particular, we find a smaller conduction band width in the spinel compound, perhaps as a result of the distinct topology of the spinel crystal structure, and the reduced oxidation state. The magnetism and half-metallicity of LiCr2O4 has been mapped in the parameter space of its cubic crystal structure. Comparisons with superconducting LiTi2O4 (d^{0.5}), heavy-fermion LiV2O4 (d^{1.5}) and charge-ordering LiMn2O4 (d^{3.5}) suggest the effectiveness of a nearly-rigid band picture involving simple shifts of the position of E_F in these very different materials. Comparisons are also made with the electronic structure of ZnV2O4 (d^{2}), a correlated insulator that undergoes a structural and antiferromagnetic phase transition.Comment: 9 pages, 7 Figures, version as published in PR

    Mass Parameterizations and Predictions of Isotopic Observables

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    We discuss the accuracy of mass models for extrapolating to very asymmetric nuclei and the impact of such extrapolations on the predictions of isotopic observables in multifragmentation. We obtain improved mass predictions by incorporating measured masses and extrapolating to unmeasured masses with a mass formula that includes surface symmetry and Coulomb terms. We find that using accurate masses has a significant impact on the predicted isotopic observables.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure