1,726 research outputs found

    Combined effect of coherent Z exchange and the hyperfine interaction in atomic PNC

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    The nuclear spin-dependent parity nonconserving (PNC) interaction arising from a combination of the hyperfine interaction and the coherent, spin-independent, PNC interaction from Z exchange is evaluated using many-body perturbation theory. For the 6s-7s transition in 133Cs, we obtain a result that is about 40% smaller than that found previously by Bouchiat and Piketty [Phys. Lett. B 269, 195 (1991)]. Applying this result to 133Cs, leads to an increase in the experimental value of nuclear anapole moment and exacerbates differences between constraints on PNC meson coupling constants obtained from the Cs anapole moment and those obtained from other nuclear parity violating experiments. Nuclear spin-dependent PNC dipole matrix elements, including contributions from the combined weak-hyperfine interaction, are also given for the 7s-8s transition in 211Fr and for transitions between ground-state hyperfine levels in K, Rb, Cs, Ba+, Au, Tl, Fr, and Ra+.Comment: Revtex4 preprint 19 pages 4 table

    Uncertainties in the Solar Neutrino Flux

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    I discuss three issues relevant to solar neutrino flux measurements: cross section uncertainties in pp chain reactions, uncertainties in the GALLEX/SAGE response to 7Be and 51Cr neutrinos, and the implications of helioseismology for nonstandard suns with mixed cores. A few comments are also offered on electron neutrino to tauon neutrino oscillations, cosmologically interesting neutrino masses, and recent proposals for supernova neutrino observatories.Comment: Neutrino 98 Talk; 8 pages, 5 figure

    Binary Collisions and the Slingshot Effect

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    We derive the equations for the gravity assist manoeuvre in the general 2D case without the constraints of circular planetary orbits or widely different masses as assumed by Broucke, and obtain the slingshot conditions and maximum energy gain for arbitrary mass ratios of two colliding rigid bodies. Using the geometric view developed in an earlier paper by the authors the possible trajectories are computed for both attractive or repulsive interactions yielding a further insight on the slingshot mechanics and its parametrization. The general slingshot manoeuvre for arbitrary masses is explained as a particular case of the possible outcomes of attractive or repulsive binary collisions, and the correlation between asymptotic information and orbital parameters is obtained in general.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication Dec'07, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronom

    Order parameter model for unstable multilane traffic flow

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    We discuss a phenomenological approach to the description of unstable vehicle motion on multilane highways that explains in a simple way the observed sequence of the phase transitions "free flow -> synchronized motion -> jam" as well as the hysteresis in the transition "free flow synchronized motion". We introduce a new variable called order parameter that accounts for possible correlations in the vehicle motion at different lanes. So, it is principally due to the "many-body" effects in the car interaction, which enables us to regard it as an additional independent state variable of traffic flow. Basing on the latest experimental data (cond-mat/9905216) we assume that these correlations are due to a small group of "fast" drivers. Taking into account the general properties of the driver behavior we write the governing equation for the order parameter. In this context we analyze the instability of homogeneous traffic flow manifesting itself in both of the mentioned above phase transitions where, in addition, the transition "synchronized motion -> jam" also exhibits a similar hysteresis. Besides, the jam is characterized by the vehicle flows at different lanes being independent of one another. We specify a certain simplified model in order to study the general features of the car cluster self-formation under the phase transition "free flow synchronized motion". In particular, we show that the main local parameters of the developed cluster are determined by the state characteristics of vehicle motion only.Comment: REVTeX 3.1, 10 pages with 10 PostScript figure

    A Far-Ultraviolet View of Starburst Galaxies

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    Recent observational and theoretical results on starburst galaxies related to the wavelength regime below 1200 A are discussed. The review covers stars, dust, as well as hot and cold gas. This wavelength region follows trends similar to those seen at longer wavelengths, with several notable exceptions. Even the youngest stellar populations show a turn-over in their spectral energy distributions, and line-blanketing is much more pronounced. Furthermore, the O VI line allows one to probe gas at higher temperatures than possible with lines at longer wavelengths. Molecular hydrogen lines (if detected) provide a glimpse of the cold phase. I cover the crucial wavelength regime below 912 A and the implications of recent attempts to detect the escaping ionizing radiation.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, Invited Talk, Starbursts--From 30 Doradus to Lyman-Break Galaxies, ed. R. de Grijs & R. M. Gonzalez Delgado (Dordrecht: Kluwer

    Louse (Insecta : Phthiraptera) mitochondrial 12S rRNA secondary structure is highly variable

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    Lice are ectoparasitic insects hosted by birds and mammals. Mitochondrial 12S rRNA sequences obtained from lice show considerable length variation and are very difficult to align. We show that the louse 12S rRNA domain III secondary structure displays considerable variation compared to other insects, in both the shape and number of stems and loops. Phylogenetic trees constructed from tree edit distances between louse 12S rRNA structures do not closely resemble trees constructed from sequence data, suggesting that at least some of this structural variation has arisen independently in different louse lineages. Taken together with previous work on mitochondrial gene order and elevated rates of substitution in louse mitochondrial sequences, the structural variation in louse 12S rRNA confirms the highly distinctive nature of molecular evolution in these insects

    Limited diversity in natal origins of immature anadromous fish during ocean residency

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    Author Posting. © The Authors, 2009. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of NRC Research Press for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 67 (2010): 1699-1707, doi:10.1139/F10-086.Variable migration patterns can play a significant role in promoting diverse life history traits among populations. However, population and stage specific movement patterns are generally unknown yet crucial aspects of life history strategies in many highly migratory species. We used a natural tag approach using geochemical signatures in otoliths to identify natal origins of one-year-old anadromous American shad (Alosa sapidissima) during ocean residency. Otolith signatures of migrants were compared to a database of baseline signatures from 20 source populations throughout their spawning range. Samples were dominated by fish from only two rivers, while all other potential source populations were nearly or completely absent. These data support the hypothesis that American shad exhibit diverse migratory behaviors and immature individuals from populations throughout the native range do not all mix on northern summer feeding grounds. Rather, our results suggest populations of anadromous fish are distributed heterogeneously at sea in the first year of life and thus may encounter different ocean conditions at a critical early life history stage.This work was funded by National Science Foundation grants OCE-0215905 and OCE-0134998 to SRT and by a WHOI Ocean Life Institute grant to BDW

    A new type of carbon resistance thermometer with excellent thermal contact at millikelvin temperatures

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    Using a new brand of commercially available carbon resistor we built a cryogenic thermometer with an extremely good thermal contact to its thermal environment. Because of its superior thermal contact the thermometer is insensitive to low levels of spurious radio frequency heating. We calibrated our thermometer down to 5mK using a quartz tuning fork He-3 viscometer and measured its thermal resistance and thermal response time.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Nuclear Physics without High-Momentum Potentials: Constructing the Nuclear Effective Interaction Directly from Scattering Observables

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    The traditional approach to nuclear physics encodes phase shift information in a nucleon-nucleon (NN) potential, producing a nucleon-level interaction that captures the sub-GeV consequences of QCD. A further reduction to the nuclear scale is needed to produce an effective interaction for soft Hilbert spaces, such as those employed in the shell model. Here we describe an alternative construction of this effective interaction, from QCD directly to the nuclear scale, that is direct and precise. This eliminates the need for constructing and renormalizing the high-momentum NN potential. Instead, continuum phase shifts and mixing angles are used directly at the nuclear scale. The method exploits the analytic continuity in energy of HOBET (Harmonic-Oscillator-Based Effective Theory) to connect bound states to continuum solutions at specific energies. The procedure is systematic, cutoff independent, and convergent, yielding keV accuracy at NNLO or N3^3LO, depending on the channel. Lepage plots are provided.Comment: 9 page