114,296 research outputs found

    Multispectral image dissector camera system

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    A sensor system which provides registered high-solution multispectral images from a single sensor with no mechanical moving parts is reported, and the operation of an image dissector camera (IDC) is described. An earth scene 100 nautical miles wide is imaged through a single lens onto a photocathode surface containing three spectral filters, thereby producing three separate spectral signatures on the photocathode surface. An electron image is formed, accelerated, focused, and electromagnetically, deflected across an image plane which contains three sampling apertures, behind which are located three electron multipliers. The IDC system uses electromagnetic deflection for cross-track scanning and spacecraft orbit motion for along-track scanning, thus eliminating the need for a mechanical scanning mirror

    Surface flux pinning in superconducting amorphous (Mo0.6Ru0.4)B18

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    Superconducting critical current density was measured as a function of a perpendicular applied magnetic field in glassy (Mo0.6Ru0.4)82B18. The pinning force density was observed to depend linearly on 1/w, where w is the sample width measured perpendicular to both the current and field. This dependence is attributed to pinning by the sample edges. The bulk pinning contribution can be separated from the edge pinning contribution by extrapolation of the Fp vs 1/w curve. The edge contribution of the flux pinning was nearly eliminated by electrolytically polishing the sample. The contribution of the flux pinning profile due to edge pinning is analyzed in terms of the dynamic pinning model modified for edge pinning

    Image tube

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    An optical image is projected onto a planar surface of a photocathode that derives an electron beam replica of the image. A target electrode displaced relative to the photocathode so that it does not obstruct the optical image includes a planar surface for receiving and deriving an accurate replica of the electron beam image. The two planar surfaces are parallel. The electron beam image is focused on the target electrode by providing throughout a region that extends between the planar surfaces of the photocathode and receiving electrode, constant homogeneous dc electric and magnetic fields. The electric field extends in a direction perpendicular to the planar surfaces while the magnetic field extends along a straight line that intersects the photocathode and target electrode at an acute angle

    Hip-joint simulator accurately duplicates human walking pattern

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    Device simulates all three motions of walking and provides realistic variable loading during each step. Simulator will enable laboratory evaluation of all known types of total hip prostheses

    A magnetically focused image tube employing an opaque photocathode

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    Image converter has been developed which uses opaque photocathode for improved efficiency. Device is easier to fabricate than previous semi-transparent photocathode converters and uses compounds from Groups 3-5 that are responsive to wave-lengths between ultraviolet (approximately 100 nm) and near infrared region (approximately 1000 nm)

    A method for calculating a real-gas two-dimensional nozzle contour including the effects of gamma

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    A method for calculating two-dimensional inviscid nozzle contours for a real gas or an ideal gas by the method of characteristics is described. The method consists of a modification of an existing nozzle computer program. The ideal-gas nozzle contour can be calculated for any constant value of gamma. Two methods of calculating the center-line boundary values of the Mach number in the throat region are also presented. The use of these three methods of calculating the center-line Mach number distribution in the throat region can change the distance from the throat to the inflection point by a factor of 2.5. A user's guide is presented for input to the computer program for both the two-dimensional and axisymmetric nozzle contours

    Experimental research studies on tools for extravehicular maintenance in space, phase 2 Final report

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    Space tool configurations for extravehicular maintenanc