3,847 research outputs found

    Probing the Birth of Super Star Clusters: Implications for Massive Star Formation

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    Super Star Clusters are one of the most extreme star forming environments in the universe, and the most massive and dense of these may be proto globular clusters. Like individual massive stars, the earliest stages of super star cluster evolution are deeply obscured, and therefore our knowledge about their birth environments is currently very incomplete. However, the study of natal super star clusters has become somewhat of a cottage industry in recent years, and the sample of such objects has been growing rapidly with high-quality long-wavelength data now available from a number of observatories. The natal super star clusters identified in thermal-infrared and radio observations represent the youngest stage of massive star cluster evolution yet observed. Their properties appear to be similar to those of ultracompact HII regions in the Milky Way, but scaled up in total mass and luminosity. I will overview what we think we know about these objects based on existing observations, discuss their relationship to ultracompact HII regions, present new models of their spectral energy distributions based on 3-D simulations, and outline some of the most significant gaps in our current understanding.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, to appear in the proceedings of IAU Symp 227, Massive Star Birth: A Crossroads of Astrophysics, (Cesaroni R., Churchwell E., Felli M., Walmsley C. editors

    Radio continuum observations of local star-forming galaxies using the Caltech Continuum Backend on the Green Bank Telescope

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    We observed radio continuum emission in 27 local (D < 70 Mpc) star-forming galaxies with the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope between 26 GHz and 40 GHz using the Caltech Continuum Backend. We obtained detections for 22 of these galaxies at all four sub-bands and four more marginal detections by taking the average flux across the entire bandwidth. This is the first detection (full or marginal) at these frequencies for 22 of these galaxies. We fit spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for all of the four-sub-band detections. For 14 of the galaxies, SEDs were best fit by a combination of thermal free-free and nonthermal synchrotron components. Eight galaxies with four-sub-band detections had steep spectra that were only fit by a single nonthermal component. Using these fits, we calculated supernova rates, total number of equivalent O stars, and star formation rates within each ~23 arcsecond beam. For unresolved galaxies, these physical properties characterize the galaxies' recent star formation on a global scale. We confirm that the radio-far-infrared correlation holds for the unresolved galaxies' total 33 GHz flux regardless of their thermal fractions, though the scatter on this correlation is larger than that at 1.4 GHz. In addition, we found that for the unresolved galaxies, there is an inverse relationship between the ratio of 33 GHz flux to total far-infrared flux and the steepness of the galaxy's spectral index between 1.4 GHz and 33 GHz. This relationship could be an indicator of the timescale of the observed episode of star formation.Comment: 36 pages, 9 figures; accepted for publication in ApJ. First and second author affiliation updated to reflect departmental name chang

    Genomic and Transcriptomic Alterations Associated with STAT3 Activation in Head and Neck Cancer.

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    BackgroundHyperactivation of STAT3 via constitutive phosphorylation of tyrosine 705 (Y705) is common in most human cancers, including head and neck squamous carcinoma (HNSCC). STAT3 is rarely mutated in cancer and the (epi)genetic alterations that lead to STAT3 activation are incompletely understood. Here we used an unbiased approach to identify genomic and epigenomic changes associated with pSTAT3(Y705) expression using data generated by The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA).Methods and findingsMutation, mRNA expression, promoter methylation, and copy number alteration data were extracted from TCGA and examined in the context of pSTAT3(Y705) protein expression. mRNA expression levels of 1279 genes were found to be associated with pSTAT3(705) expression. Association of pSTAT3(Y705) expression with caspase-8 mRNA expression was validated by immunoblot analysis in HNSCC cells. Mutation, promoter hypermethylation, and copy number alteration of any gene were not significantly associated with increased pSTAT3(Y705) protein expression.ConclusionsThese cumulative results suggest that unbiased approaches may be useful in identifying the molecular underpinnings of oncogenic signaling, including STAT3 activation, in HNSCC. Larger datasets will likely be necessary to elucidate signaling consequences of infrequent alterations
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