868 research outputs found

    The Role-Based Performance Scale: Validity Analysis of a Theory-Based Measure

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    This study introduces a theory-based measure of employee performance (Role Based Performance Scale, RBPS) that is supported with results from a validation study using 10 data sets from six companies. In contrast to traditional, job-related measures of employee performance, we propose an alternative measure of performance based on role theory and identity theory. Because our results support the validity of the scale, we think that the instrument can be used for future research that requires a generalizable measure of performance. The scale demonstrates diagnostic properties that make it useful for practitioners as well as researchers

    Word Association and Schizophrenia Symptomatology

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    Literature Search Strategies for Systematic Review: Occupational Therapy Interventions for Post-Concussion Syndrome

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    Contains the strategies for the database searches for the systematic review. The EndNote library with all the citations and an Excel sheet with links to the clinical trials is also included

    Does a low-salt diet reduce morbidity and mortality in congestive heart failure?

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    No randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have addressed the independent role of sodium restriction in the morbidity or mortality of congestive heart failure. However, current guidelines recommend sodium restriction for secondary prevention of congestive heart failure exacerbation.(Grade of recommendation: D.) Clinical trials of multifactorial, nondrug interventions have shown an association of sodium restriction with reduced morbidity and improved quality of life in some populations with congestive heart failure.(Grade of recommendation: C.

    Are any oral iron formulations better tolerated than ferrous sulfate?

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    Ferrous salt preparations (ferrous sulfate, ferrous gluconate, and ferrous fumarate) are equally tolerable. (Grade of recommendation: A, based on randomized controlled trial.) Controlled-release iron preparations cause less nausea and epigastric pain than conventional ferrous sulfate (grade of recommendation: A, based on randomized controlled trials), although the discontinuation rates between the 2 iron formulations were similar. Ferrous sulfate remains the standard first-line treatment of iron-deficiency anemia given its general tolerability, effectiveness, and low cost

    Does surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome improve outcomes?

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    Good evidence supports the use of surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome over nonsurgical therapies such as wrist splints, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), physical therapy, occupational therapy, local steroid injections, work modification, and oral vitamin B6 (Grade of Recommendation: A, based on extrapolation from a systematic review of 1 randomized controlled trial [RCT], 1 additional recent RCT, and 2 cohort studies). Surgery is likely worth the extra costs when conservative therapy (up to 3 months) fails to improve symptoms and return of function, because delayed surgery is as successful as surgery performed shortly after diagnosis. Closed endoscopic release and open release surgery are equally effective therapies for controlling symptoms (Grade of Recommendation: C, based on extrapolation from a systematic review of RCTs). However, whether endoscopic release results in more rapid regain of function and return to work is unclear

    Effects of Selection Systems on Job Search Decisions

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    On the basis of Gilliland\u27s (1993) model of selection system fairness, the present study investigated the relationships between selection procedures, perceived selection system fairness, and job search decisions in both hypothetical and actual organizations. We conducted two studies to test the model. In Study 1, we used an experimental method to examine job seekers\u27 perceptions of, and reactions to, five widely used selection procedures. Results suggested that applicants viewed employment interviews and cognitive ability tests as more job related than biographical inventories (biodata), personality tests, and drug tests, and that job relatedness significantly affected fairness perceptions, which in turn affected job search decisions. Study 2 examined the hypothesized relationships between the selection systems and job seekers\u27 pursuit of actual, relevant organizations. Results from both studies offer support for the hypothesized model, suggesting that selection tests have differential effects on perceived selection system validity and fairness, which affect subsequent job search decisions

    What is the most effective treatment for tinea pedis (athlete's foot)?

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    Topical therapy is effective for tinea pedis. Topical terbinafine has a 70% cure rate, is available over the counter (OTC), and requires only 1 to 2 weeks of therapy. Two other OTC topicals, tolnaftate and miconazole, require 2 to 4 weeks to achieve slightly lower cure rates, but are considerably less expensive. (Grade of recommendation: A) The most effective treatment for tinea pedis is oral terbinafine 250 mg twice a day for 2 weeks (94% clinical cure rate). However, oral terbinafine is expensive and not approved for this indication. Oral therapy may be required for patients with hyperkerototic soles, severe disease, topical therapy failure, chronic infection or immunosuppression. (Grade of recommendation: B, based on small randomized controlled trials [RCTs] with limited head-to head comparisons of drugs

    What treatments are effective for varicose veins?

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    For larger trunk varicose veins, as in the saphenous vein, therapeutic options include conservative measures (such as leg elevation and compression stockings), injection sclerotherapy, and surgical vein ligation, with or without stripping.Long-term outcomes appear superior with surgical treatment. For mid-sized reticular veins and spider telangiectasias, several options are available, including sclerotherapy, laser ablation, and thermal ablation. However, no randomized trials have compared the relative effectiveness of these treatments. Venotonic medications (primarily plantderived and synthetic flavonoids, such as horse chestnut seed extract, that improve venous tone) provide symptom relief. Head- to-head comparisons are needed to identify the most efficacious therapies (strength of recommendation: C, based on case series and extrapolations from small trials.
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