1,962 research outputs found

    Outcomes of an Evidence-Based, Data Driven-Model Fieldwork Experience for Occupational Therapy Students

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    Over the past decade, there has been an increased emphasis on evidence-based practice (EBP) and the use of outcome measurement in clinical practice, however, the implementation of evidence into practice remains challenging and irregular. During fieldwork, students often experience a disconnect between the emphasis on EBP in the classroom and lack of use in the clinic. Recognizing the need to develop high-quality, evidence-based and data-driven models of practice for student training, we partnered with local fieldwork educators to develop an innovative program that guides students and simultaneously trains fieldwork educators (FWE) in the use of a systematic data driven decision making (DDDM) process to infuse evidence into practice. Using a pre-post quasi-experimental design, we evaluated the impact of this program on students’ perceived knowledge and skills in use of EBP and DDDM. A focus group with participating fieldwork educators captured their knowledge and attitudes in the use of EBP and DDDM in their clinical sites. Eleven FWEs and twenty four students participated. Results revealed significant change in students’ knowledge and skill in use of EBP and DDDM. FWEs reported the program clarified the role of occupational therapy, enhanced communication, and validated the value of occupational therapy in their clinical site. This program serves as a model for training students to implement evidence and data driven approaches in clinical practice, thus bridging the gap between classroom and clinic

    Report of Findings on the Student Transportation Cost Component of the EPS Funding Model

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    Background Prior to 2005-06, Maine used an expenditure-reimbursement model for funding transportation costs. School administrative units annually submitted their transportation expenditure to the State, and the school administrative units (SAUs) were reimbursed for a portion of these expenditures based on an ability-to-pay formula. Beginning 2005-06, Maine implemented Essential Programs and Services (EPS), a cost-based school funding model based on two fundamental premises. First, there must be adequate resources in each Maine SAU and school to achieve desired outcomes. In transportation, desired outcomes include safety, reasonable ride times by age group, meeting all student transportations needs including special needs, and others. Second, there must be equity in the distribution of these adequate resources among Maine SAUs. Equity means similar school administrative units should be treated similarly in the school funding formula, and dissimilar school administrative units should be treated dissimilarly

    VCP-dependent muscle degeneration is linked to defects in a dynamic tubular lysosomal network in vivo.

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    Lysosomes are classically viewed as vesicular structures to which cargos are delivered for degradation. Here, we identify a network of dynamic, tubular lysosomes that extends throughout Drosophila muscle, in vivo. Live imaging reveals that autophagosomes merge with tubular lysosomes and that lysosomal membranes undergo extension, retraction, fusion and fission. The dynamics and integrity of this tubular lysosomal network requires VCP, an AAA-ATPase that, when mutated, causes degenerative diseases of muscle, bone and neurons. We show that human VCP rescues the defects caused by loss of Drosophila VCP and overexpression of disease relevant VCP transgenes dismantles tubular lysosomes, linking tubular lysosome dysfunction to human VCP-related diseases. Finally, disruption of tubular lysosomes correlates with impaired autophagosome-lysosome fusion, increased cytoplasmic poly-ubiquitin aggregates, lipofuscin material, damaged mitochondria and impaired muscle function. We propose that VCP sustains sarcoplasmic proteostasis, in part, by controlling the integrity of a dynamic tubular lysosomal network

    International Students in Higher Education: A Follow-up Study of University Graduates

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    Despite current concern about declining foreign student enrolments in Canadian post-secondary institutions, there remains a paucity of information regarding international students' perceptions and performance after returning to their own countries. To assist in overcoming this deficiency, this paper reports about methodological procedures, results and research and policy implications from an investigation of CIDA graduates who had studied at the University of Alberta between 1972 and 1984. A range of substantive outcomes are presented: educational attainments and characteristics of students; marital and family circumstances; preferred programs of study; use of and satisfaction with university facilities; academic and personal interaction; prior and subsequent employment; adjustments to Canada; advantages and disadvantages accruing from studying in Canada; as well as comments about the experience and advice for prospective international students. The findings had policy implications relating to correction of imbalances according to gender, nationality and employment background of students, as well as to provision for academic, personal, recreational and financial needs of international students. Suggestions are also made about data collection emphases, strategies for establishing and maintaining contact with informants, and productive avenues for future inquiry.Malgré les inquiétudes que suscite actuellement la baisse des inscriptions d'étudiants étrangers dans les établissements postsecondaires canadiens, il y a pénurie d'informations sur les perceptions des étudiants internationaux et sur leurs résultats après leur retour dans leur pays. Dans le but de combler cette lacune, le présent article rend compte des démarches méthodologiques, des résultats et des implications pour la recherche et les politiques à partir d'une étude faite auprès de diplômés de l'ACDIqui ont étudié à l'Université de l'Alberta, entre 1972 et 1984. Une gamme de constations indépendantes y est présentée: réalisations et caractéristiques éducationelles des étudiants; situation conjugale et familiale; programmes d'études préférés; utilisation des installations universitiares et satisfaction à leur endroit; interaction personnelle et universitaire; emploi avant et après les études; ajustement au Canada; commentaires sur l'expérience et conseils aux futurs étudiants internationaux. Les conclusions ont affecté les politiques pour réduire les disproportions relatives au sexe, à la nationalité et aux antécédents d'emploi des étudiants, ainsi que les moyens de répondre aux besoins des étudiants internationaux en matière d'ensignement et de loisirs ainsi qu'à leurs besoins personnels et financiers. Des suggestions sont également faites sur l'importance de recueillir les données, sur des méthodes en vue d'établir et de maintenir le contact avec les informateurs, et sur des moyens efficaces d'obtenir des renseignements à l'avenir

    Recent interannual upper ocean variability in the deep southeastern Bering Sea

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    Recent seasonal and interannual variability of the upper ocean in the southeast Aleutian Basin of the Bering Sea is related to air sea fluxes, ocean advection, and mixing. Between the winter of 2001/2002 and that of 2002/2003 a warming and freshening of the upper ocean was observed in data from a regional array of profiling Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) floats. The mild winter of 2002/2003 resulted in an unusually warm, fresh, light, and shallow winter mixed layer and a weakly ventilated temperature minimum layer. These unusual winter conditions contributed to a substantial reduction in the subsurface temperature inversion characteristic of the southeast Aleutian Basin. Heat budget analysis, one-dimensional upper ocean model runs, and altimeter sea-surface height anomalies suggest that a combination of atypical ocean advection and anomalous atmospheric forcing contributed to the unusual upper ocean conditions in 2002/2003. The observed warming and disappearance of the temperature minimum in 2002/2003 appears to have preconditioned the water column toward a similar structure in 2003/2004, despite a return to more normal atmospheric forcing

    Essential Programs and Services Report of Findings: System Administration Component

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    SUMMARY This analysis of the System Administration component of Maine’s Essential Programs and Services school funding model was prepared for the Commissioner of Education as part of the ongoing review of the cost formula, as required by Maine statute. Specific elements for analysis were determined in collaboration with the Maine Department of Education
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