31 research outputs found

    Miller et al BAM File

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    Sequence alignments (one .bam file per individual) of Illumnia reads to the domestic sheep genome

    NBR genotyoes

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    Microsatellite genotype data for bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) from National Bison Range in Montana, USA. Columns A-C contain locus names, linkage group (lg), and position on the linkage group respectively. Subsequent columns are individual genotypes. For individual genotypes row 1 indicates if the individual is an NBR founder (ParentPop1), a transplanted individual (ParentPop2), or a hybrid progeny (Hybrid); row 2 is the individual ID corresponding to the modeling table. Missing data is coded as NA/NA

    NBR modeling_table

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    Data used for analyses of geographic ancestry and individual fitness. Column headings for columns A-G are as follows: ID = individual ID (corresponding to that in genotype data, Gender = sex of the sheep, h.index = hybrid index value as calculated from INTROGRESS analyses, Year_Birth = year of birth or introduction, Longevity = longevity as of 2010, Progeny = number of progeny that individual contributed to the pedigree, Introduced = binary indicator if that sheep was introduced to the population or not. Subsequent columns are genotypes at each locus coded as a factor with three levels (0, 1, or 2) corresponding to the number of alleles predicted to be derived from founders during the INTROGRESS analysis. Missing data is coded as NA


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    Microsatellite genotypes for the National Bison Range population