836 research outputs found

    To Walt Whitman, America

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    Community of individuals Whitman embodied America Walt Whitman is one of the foundational figures in American culture. His basic intellectual dilemma, which he grappled with in his life and poetry, was the still unanswered question of how to give a genuine sense of community to a...

    Gettysburg: This Hallowed Ground

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    Visual verse Photographs and parallel poetry memorialize the memorial How do you photograph memories of death? It\u27s an interesting dilemma, especially when the deaths--more than 50,000--occurred over 140 years ago during three days of fighting. Photography freezes time, while me...

    A Spitzer View of the Young Open Cluster NGC 2264

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    We have performed mid-IR photometry of the young open cluster NGC 2264 using the images obtained with the Spitzer Space Telescope IRAC and MIPS instruments and present a normalized classification scheme of young stellar objects in various color-color diagrams to make full use of the information from multicolor photometry. These results are compared with the classification scheme based on the slope of the spectral energy distribution (SED). From the spatial distributions of Class I and II stars, we have identified two subclusterings of Class I objects in the CONE region of Sung et al. The disked stars in the other star forming region S MON are mostly Class II objects. These three regions show a distinct difference in the fractional distribution of SED slopes as well as the mean value of SED slopes. The fraction of stars with primordial disks is nearly flat between log m = 0.2 -- -0.5, and that of transition disks is very high for solar mass stars. In addition, we have derived a somewhat higher value of the primordial disk fraction for NGC 2264 members located below the main pre-main sequence locus (so-called BMS stars). This result supports the idea that BMS stars are young stars with nearly edge-on disks. We have also found that the fraction of primordial disks is very low near the most massive star S Mon and increases with distance from S Mon.Comment: 38 pages, 21 figures, 5 tables (AJ accepted

    Open clusters as laboratories: The angular momentum evolution of young stars

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    This is the annual status report for the third year of our LTSA grant 'Open Clusters as Laboratories.' Because we have now had a few years to work on the project, we have started to produce and publish a large number of papers. We have been extremely successful in obtaining ROSAT observations of open clusters. With the demise of the PSPC on ROSAT, our main data source has come to an end and we will be able to concentrate on analyzing those data

    A Deep Imaging Survey of NGC 6475 and a Deep Survey of the Young Open Cluster Alpha Persei

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    We have published three papers directly related to the x-ray data (see below), and one other paper directly related to the optical photometry obtained in connection to the ROSAT data analysis (also listed below). In addition, we have used the x-ray data in combination with the optical photometry and with high resolution optical spectra that we have obtained (to derive spectroscopic rotational velocities) to address questions related to the dependence of coronal activity on the rotation rate, mass, and other characteristics of the target stars. The overall goal of our ROSAT projects has been to determine the time evolution of coronal activity in low mass stars, and from that behavior place constraints on the physical processes involved in generating coronal activity. NGC 6475 and Alpha Persei are important parts of that process. We are now beginning to address how these data constrain theoretical models of angular momentum evolution and dynamo magnetic field generation (see paper by Stauffer et al. and Krishnamurthi et al. listed below in the "related papers" section). We are still working on two papers pertaining to this grant (rotational velocities and chromospheric activity of Alpha Persei x-ray sources and rotational velocities and lithium abundances of NGC 6475 sources), but we will publish those papers using funds from other grants