49 research outputs found

    Hemoptysis Complicating Mitral Stenosis: Case report with attention to differential diagnosis and a review of the literature

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    The differential diagnosis of hemoptysis in patients with mitral stenosis includes many primary pulmonary problems besides those peculiar to mitral stenosis. We describe the case of a 40-year-old woman with a 40-pack-year smoking history whose presenting symptom of hemoptysis was wrongly ascribed to pulmonary embolus and infarction, based on a presumably positive angiogram, and to chronic bronchitis, based on endoscopic findings at fiberoptic bronchoscopy, as provided by the referring physician. The features differentiating between cardiac and primary pulmonary disease are described, and the pathophysiology of hemoptysis in mitral stenosis is reviewed. In a case like the one we describe, hemoptysis is an important manifestation of severe valvular stenosis, and surgical intervention, i.e., mitral commissurotomy or mitral valve replacement, should be considered

    RegenBase: a knowledge base of spinal cord injury biology for translational research.

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    Spinal cord injury (SCI) research is a data-rich field that aims to identify the biological mechanisms resulting in loss of function and mobility after SCI, as well as develop therapies that promote recovery after injury. SCI experimental methods, data and domain knowledge are locked in the largely unstructured text of scientific publications, making large scale integration with existing bioinformatics resources and subsequent analysis infeasible. The lack of standard reporting for experiment variables and results also makes experiment replicability a significant challenge. To address these challenges, we have developed RegenBase, a knowledge base of SCI biology. RegenBase integrates curated literature-sourced facts and experimental details, raw assay data profiling the effect of compounds on enzyme activity and cell growth, and structured SCI domain knowledge in the form of the first ontology for SCI, using Semantic Web representation languages and frameworks. RegenBase uses consistent identifier schemes and data representations that enable automated linking among RegenBase statements and also to other biological databases and electronic resources. By querying RegenBase, we have identified novel biological hypotheses linking the effects of perturbagens to observed behavioral outcomes after SCI. RegenBase is publicly available for browsing, querying and download.Database URL:http://regenbase.org

    Multicenter study of the impact of community-onset Clostridium difficile infection on surveillance for C. difficile infection

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influence of community-onset/healthcare facility-associated cases on Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) incidence and outbreak detection. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort. SETTING: Five acute-care healthcare facilities in the United States. METHODS: Positive stool C. difficile toxin assays from July 2000 through June 2006 and healthcare facility exposure information were collected. CDI cases were classified as hospital-onset (HO) if they were diagnosed > 48 hours after admission or community-onset/healthcare facility-associated if they were diagnosed ≤ 48 hours from admission and had recently been discharged from the healthcare facility. Four surveillance definitions were compared: HO cases only and HO plus community-onset/healthcare facility-associated cases diagnosed within 30 (HCFA-30), 60 (HCFA-60) and 90 (HCFA-90) days after discharge from the study hospital. Monthly CDI rates were compared. Control charts were used to identify potential CDI outbreaks. RESULTS: The HCFA-30 rate was significantly higher than the HO rate at two healthcare facilities (p<0.01). The HCFA-30 rate was not significantly different from the HCFA-60 or HCFA-90 rates at any healthcare facility. The correlations between each healthcare facility’s monthly rates of HO and HCFA-30 CDI were almost perfect (range, 0.94–0.99, p<0.001). Overall, 12 time points had a CDI rate >3 SD above the mean, including 11 by the HO definition and 9 by the HCFA-30 definition, with discordant results at 4 time points (κ = 0.794, p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Tracking community-onset/healthcare facility-associated cases in addition to HO cases captures significantly more CDI cases but surveillance of HO CDI alone is sufficient to detect an outbreak

    SDF1 in the dorsal corticospinal tract promotes CXCR4+ cell migration after spinal cord injury

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF1) and its major signaling receptor, CXCR4, were initially described in the immune system; however, they are also expressed in the nervous system, including the spinal cord. After spinal cord injury, the blood brain barrier is compromised, opening the way for chemokine signaling between these two systems. These experiments clarified prior contradictory findings on normal expression of SDF1 and CXCR4 as well as examined the resulting spinal cord responses resulting from this signaling.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>These experiments examined the expression and function of SDF1 and CXCR4 in the normal and injured adult mouse spinal cord primarily using CXCR4-EGFP and SDF1-EGFP transgenic reporter mice.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the uninjured spinal cord, SDF1 was expressed in the dorsal corticospinal tract (dCST) as well as the meninges, whereas CXCR4 was found only in ependymal cells surrounding the central canal. After spinal cord injury (SCI), the pattern of SDF1 expression did not change rostral to the lesion but it disappeared from the degenerating dCST caudally. By contrast, CXCR4 expression changed dramatically after SCI. In addition to the CXCR4+ cells in the ependymal layer, numerous CXCR4+ cells appeared in the peripheral white matter and in the dorsal white matter localized between the dorsal corticospinal tract and the gray matter rostral to the lesion site. The non-ependymal CXCR4+ cells were found to be NG2+ and CD11b+ macrophages that presumably infiltrated through the broken blood-brain barrier. One population of macrophages appeared to be migrating towards the dCST that contains SDF1 rostral to the injury but not towards the caudal dCST in which SDF1 is no longer present. A second population of the CXCR4+ macrophages was present near the SDF1-expressing meningeal cells.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These observations suggest that attraction of CXCR4+ macrophages is part of a programmed response to injury and that modulation of the SDF1 signaling system may be important for regulating the inflammatory response after SCI.</p

    The immediate and long-term effects of exercise and patient education on physical, functional, and quality-of-life outcome measures after single-level lumbar microdiscectomy: a randomized controlled trial protocol

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    BACKGROUND: Low back pain remains a costly quality-of-life-related health problem. Microdiscectomy is often the surgical procedure of choice for a symptomatic, single-level, lumbar disc herniation in younger and middle-aged adults. The question of whether a post-microdiscectomy exercise program enhances function, quality of life, and disability status has not been systematically explored. Thus, the overall purpose of this study is to assess immediate and long-term outcomes of an exercise program, developed at University of Southern California (USC), targeting the trunk and lower extremities (USC Spine Exercise Program) for persons who have undergone a single-level microdiscectomy for the first time. METHODS/DESIGN: One hundred individuals between the ages of 18 and 60 who consent to undergo lumbar microdiscectomy will be recruited to participate in this study. Subjects will be randomly assigned to one of two groups: 1) one session of back care education, or 2) a back care education session followed by the 12-week USC Spine Exercise Program. The outcome examiners (evaluators), as well as the data managers, will be blinded to group allocation. Education will consist of a one-hour "one-on-one" session with the intervention therapist, guided by an educational booklet specifically designed for post-microdiscectomy care. This session will occur four to six weeks after surgery. The USC Spine Exercise Program consists of two parts: back extensor strength and endurance, and mat and upright therapeutic exercises. This exercise program is goal-oriented, performance-based, and periodized. It will begin two to three days after the education session, and will occur three times a week for 12 weeks. Primary outcome measures include the Oswestry Disability Questionnaire, Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire, SF-36(® )quality of life assessment, Subjective Quality of Life Scale, 50-foot Walk, Repeated Sit-to-Stand, and a modified Sorensen test. The outcome measures in the study will be assessed before and after the 12-week post-surgical intervention program. Long-term follow up assessments will occur every six months beginning one year after surgery and ending five years after surgery. Immediate and long-term effects will be assessed using repeated measures multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). If significant interactions are found, one-way ANOVAs will be performed followed by post-hoc testing to determine statistically significant pairwise comparisons. DISCUSSION: We have presented the rationale and design for a randomized controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of a treatment regimen for people who have undergone a single-level lumbar microdiscectomy

    Polymicrobal Pneumonia in a Corticosteroid-Treated Patient with Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease

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    The immunosuppressive properties of corticosteroids are well established and cause a depression of pulmonary defense mechanisms. We report the case of a patient treated with short-term corticosteroids for an exacerbation of chronic obstructive lung disease who developed a multiple organism pneumonia

    The Invalidity of Monitoring Transcutaneous Oxygen Tension in Patients Who Have Chronic Renal Failure

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    We assessed accuracy of monitoring transcutaneous oxygen tension (PtcO2) in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF). Sixteen stable individuals undergoing chronic maintenance hemodialysis were studied. Correlations between simultaneously determined PtcO2 and arterial oxygen tension (PaO2) were made both before and during dialysis. Comparisons were made with a group of 22 consecutive patients in whom respiration was mechanically assisted, who were hemodynamically stable (urine output greater than 30 mL/hour, pulse less than 130 beats/min, and mean arterial blood pressure greater than 80 mm Hg in the absence of pressor agents), and who had normal renal function. Among CRF patients, the correlation between PtcO2 and PaO2 was poor (R = .5232, p ⩽ .05), regardless of whether determined immediately before (R = .5454, p ⩽ .05) or during hemodialysis (R = .4353, p = ⩽ .05). In contrast, the PtcO2 correlated well with PaO2 among stable, mechanically ventilated patients (R = .9822, p ⩽ .01). PtcO2 monitoring in patients with CRF requiring maintenance hemodialysis is of limited value whether performed before or during dialysis