15 research outputs found

    Literature database used for review

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    Full literature database collected in a pre-selection process and used for further review. Open source BibTeX file format (.bib) readable by most reference management software

    Final selection of references

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    Set of references used in the final publication. Provided in open source BibTeX file format (.bib) compatible with most reference manager software

    Quantitative Bray-Curtis similarity indices for stem density, basal area and recovery (mean of stem density and basal area) showing the recovery of four gap plots compared with their controls (plot pairs 1–4) and with their pre-gap composition.

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    <p>For comparison, the mean similarity index amongst 19 plots in the surrounding forest in 2009 is also shown. Maximum similarity for the spatial comparison was taken as the mean similarity between pre-gap and pre-control plots and, for the temporal comparison, as the mean similarity between the pre-control and post-control plots. The differences in mean quantitative Bray-Curtis similarity index within each of the three panels were computed using paired t-tests between bars labelled with the same letter; where the letter is shown as lower case it indicates a significant difference from where it is upper case, where both are shown as upper case the difference was not significant.</p

    Woody species abundance (mean ± standard error for each plot category) in five gap plots and four control plots pre- and 24–35 years post-gap formation (Pit und = <i>Pittosporum undulatum</i>).

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    <p>The statistical test is the difference in the <i>change</i> from pre- to post- enumerations between the gap and the control plots using a two-tailed paired t-test (n.s. indicates no significance;* P≤0.05; *** P<0.001).</p

    The ten woody species with the highest importance values (IV) = {(relative density+relative basal area)/2}; stems ≥3 cm dbh in gap and control plots pre- and 24–35 years post-gap formation.

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    <p>Regeneration type is restricted to a two-class categorization from previous research (based on seedling population distribution and response to disturbance):</p>*<p>species favoured by gap formation,</p>+<p>shade-tolerant species. Alc lat = <i>Alchornea latifolia</i>, Bru com = <i>Brunellia comocladiifolia</i>, Cha glo = <i>Chaetocarpus globosus</i>, Cle occ = <i>Clethra occidentalis</i>, Clu hav = <i>Clusia havetioides</i>, Cyr rac = <i>Cyrilla racemiflora</i>, Eug mon = <i>Eugenia monticola</i>, Eug vir = <i>Eugenia virgultosa</i>, Gua gla = <i>Guarea glabra</i> Vahl., Hae inc = <i>Haenianthus incrassatus</i>, Hed arb = <i>Hedyosmum arborescens</i>, Ile mac = <i>Ilex macfadyenii</i>, Lyo oct = <i>Lyonia octandra</i>, Mic dod = <i>Miconia dodecandra</i>, Myr cor = <i>Myrsine coriacea</i>, Oco pat = <i>Ocotea patens</i> (Sw.) Nees, Pit und = <i>Pittosporum undulatum</i>, Pod urb = <i>Podocarpus urbanii</i> Pilger, Sol pun = <i>Solanum punctulatum</i>.</p

    Forest recovery determined by spatial and temporal comparisons measured by the Chao-modified Jaccard index, the Horn-Morista index and the Tanner index.

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    <p>Forest recovery determined by spatial and temporal comparisons measured by the Chao-modified Jaccard index, the Horn-Morista index and the Tanner index.</p

    Full plot analysis data

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    Characterization of the location, environmental parameters, list of recorded species and full vegetation inventories for each 5x5 m sampling plot on and along abandoned logging roads in Central Africa

    Environmental factors in successional tropical dry forests of Costa Rica

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    This dataset gives the values of environmental factors (micro-climate, soil physical and chemical properties, forest structure) of 12 plots in successional tropical dry forests of Costa Rica

    Functional trait values, height and crown illumination index for each tree

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    This dataset gives the value of leaf functional traits (mean value for the three, or fewer, measured leaves), height and crown illumination index for 852 sapling trees belonging to 69 species of Costa Rican tropical dry forests

    Species codes

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    This file gives the list of species measured in a study of sapling in successional tropical dry forests of Costa Rica, their families, and the species code used in the dataset of functional traits