168 research outputs found

    Improving Requirements Engineering within the European Space Industry

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    International audienceThe Next Generation Requirements Engineering (NextGenRE) (ESA/ESTEC Contract 4000101353/10/NL/SFe) project seeks to identify possibilities to improve the requirements engineering process within the European Space industry in connection with Model-based System Engineering (MBSE)

    Multi-target mode of action of a Clerodane-type diterpenoid from Polyalthia longifolia targeting African trypanosomes.

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    Natural products have made remarkable contributions to drug discovery and therapy. In this work we exploited various biochemical approaches to investigate the mode of action of 16-α-hydroxycleroda-3,13 (14)-Z-dien-15,16-olide (HDK-20), which we recently isolated from Polyalthia longifolia, on Trypanosoma brucei bloodstream trypomastigotes. HDK20 at concentrations ≥ EC50 (0.4μg/ml) was trypanocidal, with its efect irreversible after only a brief exposure time (<1h). Fluorescence microscopic assessment of DNA confguration revealed severe cell cycle defects after 8h of incubation with the compound, the equivalent of a single generation time. This was accompanied by DNA fragmentation as shown by Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP Nick-End Labelling (TUNEL) assays. HDK-20 also induced a fast and profound depolarisation of the parasites’ mitochondrial membrane potential and depleted intracellular ATP levels of T. brucei. Overall, HDK20 showed a multi-target mechanism of action, which provides a biochemical explanation for the promising antitrypanosomatid activity in our previous report

    The individual components of commercial isometamidium do not possess stronger trypanocidal activity than the mixture, nor bypass isometamidium resistance

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    The four components present in the trypanocidal treatment Samorin, the commercially available formulation of isometamidium, were separated and purified by column chromatography. These compounds as well as the Samorin mixture and the other phenanthridine trypanocide, homidium, were tested on Trypanosoma congolense and wild type, diamidine- and isometamidium-resistant Trypanosoma brucei brucei strains using an Alamar blue drug sensitivity assay. EC50 values obtained suggest that M&B4180A (2) was the most active of the components, followed by M&B38897 (1) in all the strains tested, whereas M&B4596 (4) was inactive. Samorin was found to be significantly more active than any of the individual components alone, against T. congolense and all three T. b, brucei strains. Samorin and all its active constituents displayed reduced activity against the previously characterised isometamidium-resistant strain ISMR1

    The Strong Anti-Kinetoplastid Properties of Bee Propolis: Composition and Identification of the Active Agents and Their Biochemical Targets

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    The kinetoplastids are protozoa characterized by the presence of a distinctive organelle, called the kinetoplast, which contains a large amount of DNA (kinetoplast DNA (kDNA)) inside their single mitochondrion. Kinetoplastids of medical and veterinary importance include Trypanosoma spp. (the causative agents of human and animal African Trypanosomiasis and of Chagas disease) and Leishmania spp. (the causative agents of the various forms of leishmaniasis). These neglected diseases affect millions of people across the globe, but drug treatment is hampered by the challenges of toxicity and drug resistance, among others. Propolis (a natural product made by bees) and compounds isolated from it are now being investigated as novel treatments of kinetoplastid infections. The anti-kinetoplastid efficacy of propolis is probably a consequence of its reported activity against kinetoplastid parasites of bees. This article presents a review of the reported anti-kinetoplastid potential of propolis, highlighting its anti-kinetoplastid activity in vitro and in vivo regardless of geographical origin. The mode of action of propolis depends on the organism it is acting on and includes growth inhibition, immunomodulation, macrophage activation, perturbation of the cell membrane architecture, phospholipid disturbances, and mitochondrial targets. This gives ample scope for further investigations toward the rational development of sustainable anti-kinetoplastid drugs

    A review of the antimalarial, antitrypanosomal, and antileishmanial activities of natural compounds isolated from Nigerian flora.

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    The West African country Nigeria features highly diverse vegetation and climatic conditions that range from rain forest bordering the Atlantic Ocean in the South to the Desert (Sahara) at the Northern extreme. Based on data from the World Conservation Monitoring Center of the United Nations Environmental Protection, Nigeria, with ~5,000 documented vascular plants, ranks amongst the top 50 countries in terms of biodiversity. Such a rich biodiversity implies that the country is rich in diverse secondary metabolites—natural products/unique chemicals produced by the plant kingdom to confer selective advantages to them. Like many tropical countries, Nigeria is also endemic to numerous infectious diseases particularly those caused by parasitic pathogens. These phytochemicals have been exploited for the treatment of diseases and as a result, a new branch of chemistry, natural product chemistry, has evolved, to try to reproduce and improve the therapeutic qualities of particular phytochemicals. In this review, we have compiled a compendium of natural products, isolated from Nigerian flora, that have been reported to be effective against certain protozoan parasites with the aim that it will stimulate interests for further investigations, and give impetus to the development of the natural products into registered drugs. In total 93 structurally characterized natural compounds have been identified with various levels of anti-parasite activity mainly from Nigerian plants. The synthesis protocol and molecular target for some of these natural anti-parasite agents have been established. For instance, the anti-plasmodial compound fagaronine (7), a benzophenanthridine alkaloid from Fagara zanthoxyloides has been successfully synthesized in the laboratory, and the anti-trypanosomal compound azaanthraquinone (55) elicits its effect by inhibiting mitochondrial electron transfer in trypanosomes. This review also discusses the barriers to developing approved drugs from phytochemicals, and the steps that should be taken in order to accelerate the development of new antiparasitics from the highlighted compounds

    Multiple signals mediate proliferation, differentiation, and survival from the granulocyte colony-stimulating factor receptor in myeloid 32D cells

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    Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) regulates neutrophil production through activation of its cognate receptor, the G-CSF-R. Previous studies with deletion mutants have shown that the membrane-proximal cytoplasmic domain of the receptor is sufficient for mitogenic signaling, whereas the membrane-distal domain is required for differentiation signaling. However, the function of the four cytoplasmic tyrosines of the G-CSF-R in the control of proliferation, differentiation, and survival has remained unclear. Here we investigated the role of these tyrosines by expressing a tyrosine 'null' mutant and single tyrosine 'add back' mutants in maturation-competent myeloid 32D cells. Clones expressing the null mutant showed only minimal proliferation and differentiation, with survival also reduced at low G-CSF concentrations. Analysis of clones expressing the add-back mutants revealed that multiple tyrosines contribute to proliferation, differentiation, and survival signals from the G-CSF-R. Analysis of signaling pathways downstream of these tyrosines suggested a positive role for STAT3 activation in both differentiation and survival signaling, whereas SHP-2, Grb2 and Shc appear important for proliferation signaling. In addition, we show that a tyrosine- independent 'differentiation domain' in the membrane-distal region of the G- CSF-R appears necessary but not sufficient for mediating neutrophilic differentiation in these cells

    Novel Point Mutation in the Extracellular Domain of the Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor (G-Csf) Receptor in a Case of Severe Congenital Neutropenia Hyporesponsive to G-Csf Treatment

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    Severe congenital neutropenia (SCN) is a heterogeneous condition characterized by a drastic reduction in circulating neutrophils and a maturation arrest of myeloid progenitor cells in the bone marrow. Usually this condition can be successfully treated with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF). Here we describe the identification of a novel point mutation in the extracellular domain of the G-CSF receptor (G-CSF-R) in an SCN patient who failed to respond to G-CSF treatment. When this mutant G-CSF-R was expressed in myeloid cells, it was defective in both proliferation and survival signaling. This correlated with diminished activation of the receptor complex as determined by signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) activation, although activation of STAT5 was more affected than STAT3. Interestingly, the mutant receptor showed normal affinity for ligand, but a reduced number of ligand binding sites compared with the wild-type receptor. This suggests that the mutation in the extracellular domain affects ligand–receptor complex formation with severe consequences for intracellular signal transduction. Together these data add to our understanding of the mechanisms of cytokine receptor signaling, emphasize the role of GCSFR mutations in the etiology of SCN, and implicate such mutations in G-CSF hyporesponsiveness

    Application of Low Coverage Genotyping by Sequencing in Selectively Bred Arctic Charr (Salvelinus alpinus)

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    Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) is a species of high economic value for the aquaculture industry, and of high ecological value due to its Holarctic distribution in both marine and freshwater environments. Novel genome sequencing approaches enable the study of population and quantitative genetic parameters even on species with limited or no prior genomic resources. Low coverage genotyping by sequencing (GBS) was applied in a selected strain of Arctic charr in Sweden originating from a landlocked freshwater population. For the needs of the current study, animals from year classes 2013 (171 animals, parental population) and 2017 (759 animals; 13 full sib families) were used as a template for identifying genome wide single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). GBS libraries were constructed using the PstI and MspI restriction enzymes. Approximately 14.5K SNPs passed quality control and were used for estimating a genomic relationship matrix. Thereafter a wide range of analyses were conducted in order to gain insights regarding genetic diversity and investigate the efficiency of the genomic information for parentage assignment and breeding value estimation. Heterozygosity estimates for both year classes suggested a slight excess of heterozygotes. Furthermore, F-ST estimates among the families of year class 2017 ranged between 0.009 - 0.066. Principal components analysis (PCA) and discriminant analysis of principal components (DAPC) were applied aiming to identify the existence of genetic clusters among the studied population. Results obtained were in accordance with pedigree records allowing the identification of individual families. Additionally, DNA parentage verification was performed, with results in accordance with the pedigree records with the exception of a putative dam where full sib genotypes suggested a potential recording error. Breeding value estimation for juvenile growth through the usage of the estimated genomic relationship matrix clearly outperformed the pedigree equivalent in terms of prediction accuracy (0.51 opposed to 0.31). Overall, low coverage GBS has proven to be a cost-effective genotyping platform that is expected to boost the selection efficiency of the Arctic charr breeding program

    Evidence That Rating of Perceived Exertion Growth During Fatiguing Tasks is Scalar and Independent of Exercise Mode

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    Introduction: The relationship between the percentage of a fatiguing ambulatory task completed and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) appears to be linear and scalar, with a relatively narrow “window.” Recent evidence has suggested that a similar relationship may exist for muscularly demanding tasks. Methods: To determine whether muscularly demanding tasks fit within this “ambulatory window,” we tested resistance-trained athletes performing bench press and leg press with different loadings predicted to allow 5, 10, 20, and 30 repetitions and measured RPE (category ratio scale) at the end of the concentric action for each repetition. Results: There was a regular, and strongly linear, pattern of growth of RPE for both bench press (r = .89) and leg press (r = .90) during the tasks that allowed 5.2 (1.2), 11.6 (1.9), 22.7 (2.0), and 30.8 (3.2) repetitions for bench press and 5.5 (1.5), 11.4 (1.6), 20.2 (3.0), and 32.4 (4.2) repetitions for leg press, respectively. Conclusions: The path of the RPE growth versus percentage task fit within the window evident for ambulatory tasks. The results suggest that the RPE versus percentage task completed relationship is scalar, relatively linear, and apparently independent of exercise mode
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