723 research outputs found

    P- and S- wave velocities of consolidated sediments from a seafloor seismic survey in the North Celtic Sea Basin, offshore Ireland

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    A geophysical survey was conducted over a hydrocarbon prospect in the North Celtic Sea Basin using a small array of ocean-bottom seismographs (OBSs). The purpose of this study was to determine the ratio of (P) compressional- to (S) shear-wave velocity of consolidated sedimentary rocks in order to constrain possible subsurface variations in pore-fluid content. The ratio of VP and VS- is known to be particularly sensitive to lithology, porosity and pore-fluid content, making it a useful parameter for evaluating hydrocarbon prospects. OBSs offer a relatively cheap and time-effective means of acquiring multi-component data compared with ocean-bottom cables. In this contribution, we demonstrate the ability of an OBS survey comprising three pairs of two OBSs spaced at 1.6 km to recover lateral variations in the VP/VS ratio. A key requirement of this type of study is that S-waves will be generated by mode conversions in the subsurface, since they cannot be generated in nor travel through fluids. In this survey, the contrast in physical properties of the hard seabed of the North Celtic Sea Basin provided a means of generating converted S-waves. Two-dimensional ray-tracing and forward modeling was used to create both VP and VS models along a profile crossing the Blackrock prospect in the North Celtic Sea Basin. These models comprise four layers and extend to a maximum depth of 1.1 km. The observed northward decrease in the VP/VS ratio at depths of 500-1000 m below the seafloor in the study area is interpreted to represent lateral variation in the amount of gas present in the pore space of Upper Cretaceous chalks and shales overlying the prospective reservoir

    Numerical model of the Tikitere geothermal system

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    The Tikitere geothermal field is one of the 21 high-enthalpy geothermal fields in the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) in New Zealand. The field is renowned for the tourist attraction Hell’s Gate, which consists of many natural geothermal surface features. Based on geoscientific data from the open-source literature, a conceptual model was set up in Leapfrog Geothermal. A corresponding natural state reservoir model was then set up and calibrated using temperature and heat flux data from fourteen thermal areas. The calibrated numerical model matches the higher temperatures at the locations of some of the surface thermal features but does not match the estimated heat flows

    Numerical model of the Tikitere geothermal system

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    The Tikitere geothermal field is one of the 21 high-enthalpy geothermal fields in the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) in New Zealand. The field is renowned for the tourist attraction Hell’s Gate, which consists of many natural geothermal surface features. Based on geoscientific data from the open-source literature, a conceptual model was set up in Leapfrog Geothermal. A corresponding natural state reservoir model was then set up and calibrated using temperature and heat flux data from fourteen thermal areas. The calibrated numerical model matches the higher temperatures at the locations of some of the surface thermal features but does not match the estimated heat flows

    Effects of thrombin, PAR-1 activating peptide and a PAR-1 antagonist on umbilical artery resistance in vitro

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    BACKGROUND: The non-thrombotic effects of thrombin in cardiovascular tissues, as mediated via the protease activated receptors (PARs), and particularly PAR-1, have been the focus of much recent research. The aims of this study were to evaluate the effects of thrombin, a specific PAR-1 activating peptide (PAR1-AP), and a PAR-1 antagonist on human umbilical artery tone in vitro. METHODS: Human umbilical artery samples were obtained from 17 women at term. Arterial rings were suspended under physiologic conditions for isometric recording. The in vitro effects of thrombin (0.5 units/mL to 3 units/mL), PAR1-AP TFLLR-NH2 [10(-9) to 10(-6) M], and PAR-1 antagonist (N-trans cinnamoyl- p-fluoroPhe-p-guanidinoPhe-Leu-Arg-Orn-NH2) [10(-9) M to 10(-5) M] on umbilical artery tone were measured. RESULTS: Both thrombin and TFLLR-NH2 exerted a potent cumulative vasodilatory effect on human umbilical artery resistance (P < 0.001). The mean net maximal inhibition (MMI) for thrombin was 53.05% (n = 6; SEM = 1.43) at tissue bath concentration of 3 units/mL. The MMI with TFLLR-NH2 was 61.50 % (n = 6; SEM = 1.43) at bath concentration of 10(-6) M. In comparison to vehicle control, the PAR-1 antagonist did not show a significant relaxant or contractile effect (P > 0.05). CONCLUSION: These findings highlight a potential role for thrombin and PAR-1 receptors in vascular regulation of feto-placental blood flow in normal pregnancy, and in association with the vascular lesions associated with IUGR and pre-eclampsia

    Mining Explainable Predictive Features for Water Quality Management

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    With water quality management processes, identifying and interpreting relationships between features, such as location and weather variable tuples, and water quality variables, such as levels of bacteria, is key to gaining insights and identifying areas where interventions should be made. There is a need for a search process to identify the locations and types of phenomena that are influencing water quality and a need to explain how the quality is being affected and which factors are most relevant. This paper addresses both of these issues. A process is developed for collecting data for features that represent a variety of variables over a spatial region and which are used for training models and inference. An analysis of the performance of the features is undertaken using the models and Shapley values. Shapley values originated in cooperative game theory and can be used to aid in the interpretation of machine learning results. Evaluations are performed using several machine learning algorithms and water quality data from the Dublin Grand Canal basin

    Semaphorin 6A knockout mice display abnormalities across ethologically-based topographies of exploration and in motor learning

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    Semaphorins are secreted or membrane-bound proteins implicated in neurodevelopmental processes of axon guidance and cell migration. Exploratory behaviour and motor learning was examined ethologically in Semaphorin 6A (Sema6A) mutant mice. The ethogram of initial exploration in Sema6A knockout mice was characterised by increased rearing to wall with decreased sifting; over subsequent habituation, locomotion, sniffing and rearing to wall were increased, with reduced habituation of rearing seated. Rotarod analysis indicated delayed motor learning in Sema6A heterozygous mutants. Disruption to the axonal guidance and cell migration processes regulated by Sema6A is associated with topographically specific disruption to fundamental aspects of behaviour, namely the ethogram of initial exploration and subsequent habituation to the environment, and motor learning
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