55 research outputs found


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    xxix, 524 hlm ; 21 x 28 c

    Sociology : a global introduction

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    Görme engelli bireyler için oluşturulmuştur. Created for visually impaired individuals.Sociology: a global introduction represents a uniquely co-ordinated and complete learning resource for sociology students worldwide. International in outlook and culturally wide-ranging, it also reminds us that sociology is valuable. Unrivalled in breadth, it is a text of passion and sophistication helping you become an active, connected and critical learner.Part One: Introducing Sociology1 The Sociological Imagination2 Thinking Sociologically, Thinking Globally3 Studying the Social: An Introduction to Sociological MethodPart Two: The Foundations of Society: From Macro to Micro4 Societies5 Culture6 Groups, Organisations and the Rise of the Network Society7 Micro-sociology: The Social Construction of Everyday LifePart Three: The Unequal World: Difference, Division and Social Stratification8 Inequality, Social Divisions and Social Stratification9 Global Poverty/Global Inequality10 Class, Poverty and Welfare: The Case of the UK11 Racism, Ethnicities and Migration12 The Gender Order and Sexualities13 Age Stratification, Children and Later Life14 Disabilities, Care and the Humanitarian SocietyPart Four: Social Structures, Social Practices and Social Institutions15 Economies, Work and Consumption16 Power, Governance and Social Movements17 Control, Crime and Deviance18 Families, Personal Life and Living Together19 Religion and belief20 Education21 Health, Medicine and Well-being22 Communication and the New Media23 Science, Cyberspace and the Risk SocietyPart Five: Social Change and the Twenty-First Century24 Populations, Cities and the Space of Things to Come25 Social Change and the Environment26 Living in the Twenty-First CenturyPart Six: Resources for Critical Thinking: Creating Sociological Imaginations1 Films2 Novels3 Art and sociology4 Time and space5 Websites6 YouTube7 Key social thinkers8 World statistics9 Big debates of our time10 Abbreviations and acronyms11 Glossary12 References

    Society the basics

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    Sociology (Thirteen Edition)

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    xxxv, 708 p. : il.; 28 c


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    xxvii, 708 p.; 27 cm

    Sociology, 15th ed.

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    Buku ini memberdayakan siswa untuk memahami dunia di sekitar mereka melalui lensa sosiologis sehingga mereka dapat lebih memahami sosiologi dan kehidupan mereka. Dengan kerangka pedagogis yang terintegrasi pembaca akan dipandu melalui teks dan praktek untuk membangun ketrampilan berpikir kritis sambil belajar dasar-dasar sosiologi. Isi buku ini mendorong siswa untuk berpikir kritis dgn membangun pemikiran dan kemampuan belajar, melibatkan siswa dalam memahami sosiologi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yang relevan bagi siswa serta memahami perbedaan penelitian yang telah dilakukan oleh para ahli

    Society the basics

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    xxv, 454 p. : il.; 29 cm

    Xã hội học

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    777 tr. ; 27 c