522 research outputs found

    FDG-PET Lacks Sufficient Sensitivity to Detect Myxoid Liposarcoma Spinal Metastases Detected by MRI

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    Purpose. To document a case of myxoid liposarcoma in which PET scan was less sensitive than MRI in detecting spinal metastasis. Materials and Methods. The case of a 65-year-old female with a history of myxoid liposarcoma (MLS) of the thigh resected 5 years previously and now presenting with low back pain is presented. Her medical oncologist ordered an FDG-PET scan to evaluate distant recurrence. Subsequently, an MRI of her spine was obtained by her surgeon. Results. The FDG-PET scan was obtained 1 week prior to the MRI, and it did not show increased glucose uptake in the spine. Her MRI did show increased signal intensity in her lumbar spine. CT needle biopsy confirmed the lesion to be metastatic MLS. Conclusion. FDG-PET scans are utilized to detect distant recurrence of cancerous lesions. Myxoid liposarcoma has a unique propensity to metastasize to the spine. Previous reports have documented the unreliability of bone scintigraphy to diagnose these metastases. Our report demonstrates that FDG-PET may also lack the sensitivity needed to detect these lesions. We advocate total spine MRI when screening for metastases in this population when they present with back pain

    Estimating Survival in Patients with Operable Skeletal Metastases: An Application of a Bayesian Belief Network

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    BACKGROUND: Accurate estimations of life expectancy are important in the management of patients with metastatic cancer affecting the extremities, and help set patient, family, and physician expectations. Clinically, the decision whether to operate on patients with skeletal metastases, as well as the choice of surgical procedure, are predicated on an individual patient's estimated survival. Currently, there are no reliable methods for estimating survival in this patient population. Bayesian classification, which includes bayesian belief network (BBN) modeling, is a statistical method that explores conditional, probabilistic relationships between variables to estimate the likelihood of an outcome using observed data. Thus, BBN models are being used with increasing frequency in a variety of diagnoses to codify complex clinical data into prognostic models. The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of developing bayesian classifiers to estimate survival in patients undergoing surgery for metastases of the axial and appendicular skeleton. METHODS: We searched an institution-owned patient management database for all patients who underwent surgery for skeletal metastases between 1999 and 2003. We then developed and trained a machine-learned BBN model to estimate survival in months using candidate features based on historical data. Ten-fold cross-validation and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis were performed to evaluate the BNN model's accuracy and robustness. RESULTS: A total of 189 consecutive patients were included. First-degree predictors of survival differed between the 3-month and 12-month models. Following cross validation, the area under the ROC curve was 0.85 (95% CI: 0.80-0.93) for 3-month probability of survival and 0.83 (95% CI: 0.77-0.90) for 12-month probability of survival. CONCLUSIONS: A robust, accurate, probabilistic naïve BBN model was successfully developed using observed clinical data to estimate individualized survival in patients with operable skeletal metastases. This method warrants further development and must be externally validated in other patient populations

    Additive Influence of Extracellular pH, Oxygen Tension, and Pressure on Invasiveness and Survival of Human Osteosarcoma Cells

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    Background/Purpose: The effects of chemical and physical interactions in the microenvironment of solid tumors have not been fully elucidated. We hypothesized that acidosis, hypoxia, and elevated interstitial fluid pressure (eIFP) have additive effects on tumor cell biology and lead to more aggressive behavior during tumor progression. We investigated this phenomenon using three human osteosarcoma (OS) cell lines and a novel in vitro cell culture apparatus. Materials and Methods: U2OS, SaOS, and MG63 cell lines were cultured in media adjusted to various pH levels, oxygen tension (hypoxia 2% O(2), normoxia 20% O(2)), and hydrostatic gage pressure (0 or 50 mmHg). Growth rate, apoptosis, cell cycle parameters, and expression of mRNA for proteins associated with invasiveness and tumor microenvironment (CA IX, VEGF-A, HIF-1A, MMP-9, and TIMP-2) were analyzed. Levels of CA IX, HIF-1α, and MMP-9 were measured using immunofluorescence. The effect of pH on invasiveness was evaluated in a Matrigel chamber assay. Results: Within the acidic–hypoxic–pressurized conditions that simulate the microenvironment at a tumor’s center, invasive genes were upregulated, but the cell cycle was downregulated. The combined influence of acidosis, hypoxia, and IFP promoted invasiveness and angiogenesis to a greater extent than did pH, pO(2), or eIFP individually. Significant cell death after brief exposure to acidic conditions occurred in each cell line during acclimation to acidic media, while prolonged exposure to acidic media resulted in reduced cell death. Furthermore, 48-h exposure to acidic conditions promoted tumor invasiveness in the Matrigel assay. Conclusion: Our findings demonstrate that tumor microenvironmental parameters – particularly pH, pO(2), and eIFP – additively influence tumor proliferation, invasion, metabolism, and viability to enhance cell survival and must be controlled in OS research

    Histopathologic and Radiologic Assessment of Chemotherapeutic Response in Ewing's Sarcoma: A Review

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    Ewing's sarcoma is a highly malignant tumor that metastasizes rapidly and is thus associated with a low survival rate. The intensification of chemotherapy has been shown to improve the overall survival of patients with Ewing's sarcoma. However, intensified chemotherapy can lead to increased toxicity or even the development of secondary malignancies. The stratification of patients with Ewing's sarcoma into “good” and “poor” responders may help guide the administration of progressively more intensified chemotherapy. Thus, an accurate assessment of the chemotherapeutic response, as well as the extent of chemotherapy-induced tumor necrosis, is critical for avoiding potential treatment-related complications in these patients. This paper reviews the methods currently used to evaluate chemotherapeutic response in Ewing's sarcoma, focusing specifically on histopathologic and imaging analyses, and discusses novel therapies and imaging methods that may help improve the overall survival of these patients

    The detection of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia by electrical impedance spectroscopy: The effects of acetic acid and tissue homogeneity

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    Objective. To evaluate the efficacy of an electrical impedance probe (Epitheliometer) in the diagnosis of high grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) in women referred with cervical smear abnormalities and to assess the effect of acetic acid (AA) and tissue boundaries on the measurements. Methods. A prospective observational study was undertaken in the colposcopy clinic. One hundred and sixty-five women, either with a clinical indication or abnormal cervical cytology, were recruited into the study. A pencil type probe was used to record impedance spectra from 12 points on the cervix before and after the application of 5% AA. Spectra were also recorded from tissue boundaries. Colposcopic examinations, including probe positioning, were video recorded to allow for correlations between histopathological diagnosis of colposcopically directed biopsies, colposcopic impression and the diagnosis based on impedance measurements. Results. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were derived. The areas under the curves (AUCs) to discriminate original squamous from high grade CIN were 0.80 (pre AA) and 0.79 (post AA). Comparison of these curves showed no significant difference, indicating that application of AA does not produce a large change in spectra. The probe Could distinguish tissue boundaries from homogeneous tissue points. Conclusion. The Epitheliometer has the potential to be used as an adjunct to colposcopy in the diagnosis of high grade CIN. It has the advantage of real time results, decreasing the need for diagnostic cervical biopsies, and facilitates a wider use of the 'see and treat' policy without the risk of overtreatment. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Epithelioid hemangioma of bone harboring FOS and FOSB gene rearrangements:A clinicopathologic and molecular study

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    The diagnosis of epithelioid hemangioma (EH) remains challenging due to its rarity, worrisome histologic features and locally aggressive clinical and radiographic presentation. Especially in the bone, EH can be misdiagnosed as a malignant vascular neoplasm due its lytic, often destructive or multifocal growth, as well as atypical morphology. The discovery of recurrent FOS and FOSB gene fusions in the pathogenesis of most EH has strengthened its stand-alone classification, distinct from other malignant epithelioid vascular lesions, such as epithelioid hemangioendothelioma or angiosarcoma. In this study we investigate a group of molecularly confirmed skeletal EH by the presence of FOS or FOSB gene rearrangements to better define its clinical and pathologic characteristics within a homogenous molecular subset. The cohort included 38 patients (25 males, 13 females), with a mean age at diagnosis of 38 years (range, 4–75). Regional, multifocal presentation was noted in 10 cases. Only six cases were correctly recognized as EH by the referring institutions, while most were misdiagnosed as other vascular tumors. Of the 17 patients with follow-up data available, 5 patients (29%) developed local recurrence after marginal en bloc excision (n = 3) or curettage (n = 2). Local recurrence-free survival rates were 84% at 3 years and 38% at 5 years. No metastasis or disease-related death was identified. Imaging studies exhibited no specific features, showing cortical bone destruction and soft-tissue extension in 14 (38%) cases. FOS gene rearrangements were detected in 28 (74%) of cases, while FOSB rearrangements in 10 (26%) cases. Our results highlight the significant challenges encountered in establishing a correct diagnosis exclusive of the molecular testing, mainly due to its overlap to other malignant epithelioid vascular tumors. Skeletal EH emerges as a genetically defined locally aggressive vascular neoplasm, with a high rate of local recurrence, but lacking the propensity for distant spread

    Endemic trees in a tropical biodiversity hotspot imperilled by an invasive tree

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    Non-native plants invade some tropical forests but there are few long-term studies of these invasions, and the consequences for plant richness and diversity are unclear. Repeated measurements of permanent plots in tropical montane rain forests in the Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park in Jamaica over 24 to 40 years coincided with invasion by a non-native tree, Pittosporum undulatum. By 2014, P. undulatum comprised, on average, 11.9% of stems ≥ 3 cm diameter and 10.4% of the basal area across 16 widespread plots within c. 250 ha of the forests. Across these plots, the more P. undulatum increased in basal area over 24 years, the greater the decline in local, plot-scale tree species richness, and the greater the reduction in the percentage of stems of endemic tree species. Plot-scale tree diversity (Shannon and Fisher\u27s alpha) also declined the more P. undulatum basal area increased, but beta diversity across the plots was not reduced. Declines in local-scale tree species diversity and richness as the invasion progresses is especially concerning because Jamaica is a global biodiversity hotspot. Native birds disperse P. undulatum seeds widely, and future hurricanes will probably further increase its invasion by reducing canopy cover and therefore promoting growth rates of its established shade-tolerant seedlings. Remedial action is needed now to identify forest communities with greatest endemism, and to protect them through a continuing programme of control and removal of P. undulatum

    Impairment of Methotrexate Transport Is Common in Osteosarcoma Tumor Samples

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    Osteosarcoma does not respond well to conventional dose methotrexate but does respond to high-dose methotrexate. Previous work has indicated that this resistance may be due to impaired transport of methotrexate across the cell membrane. In this study, the PT430 competitive displacement assay was adapted to evaluate methotrexate transport in 69 high-grade osteosarcoma tumor samples. All samples studied were shown to have relatively impaired methotrexate transport by PT430 assay. Ninety-nine percent of the samples had less than 20% PT430 displacement by methotrexate. Eighty-eight percent exhibited displacement by methotrexate at less than 50% of the displacement by trimetrexate. The high frequency of impaired transport suggests the presence of decreased functionality of the reduced folate carrier protein. The overwhelming presence of impaired transport may explain why methotrexate needs to be given in high doses to be effective in osteosarcoma therapy and suggests that reduced folate carrier-independent antifolates should be explored

    Clinical and molecular characterization of primary sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma of bone and review of the literature

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    Sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma (SEF) is a rare sarcoma subtype characterized by monomorphic epithelioid cells embedded in a densely sclerotic collagenous matrix. The overwhelming majority of tumors arise in soft tissues; however, rare cases have been documented to occur primarily in bone. The hallmarks of soft tissue SEF include MUC4 immunoreactivity and the presence of an EWSR1-CREB3L1 fusion. Rare cases with alternative fusions have also been reported such as EWSR1-CREB3L2 and FUS-CREB3L2 transcripts. The molecular alterations of skeletal SEF have not been well-defined, with only rare cases analyzed to date. In this study we investigated the clinicopathologic and molecular features of seven patients presenting with primary osseous SEF. There were 3 males and 4 females, with a mean age at diagnosis of 38 years. All cases had microscopic features within the histologic spectrum of SEF and showed strong and diffuse MUC4 positivity, while lacking SATB2 expression. However, due to its unusual presentation within bone, four cases were initially misinterpreted as either osteosarcoma, Ewing sarcoma or chondroblastoma. Half of the patients with follow-up data developed metastasis. The cases were tested by targeted RNA sequencing, MSK-IMPACT, and/or fluorescence in situ hybridization, showing EWSR1-CREB3L1 in six cases and EWSR1-CREB3L2 in one case. The fusion transcripts were composed of EWSR1 exon 11 to either exon 6 of CREB3L1 or CREB3L2. In summary, due to their rarity in the bone, skeletal SEF are often misdiagnosed, resulting in inadequate treatment modalities. Similar to their soft tissue counterpart, bone SEF follow an aggressive clinical behavior and show similar EWSR1-CREB3L1/CREB3L2 fusions