57 research outputs found

    Le développement empirique de la psychothérapie focalisée sur le transfert

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    L’auteur retrace les étapes d’élaboration de la psychothérapie focalisée sur le transfert : choix d’un modèle théorique, observation et analyse menée par des thérapeutes d’expérience, discussions en équipe des difficultés rencontrées relevant tant de la pathologie elle-même que de la thérapie appliquée, cueillette de données empiriques pour expliquer autant le trouble de la personnalité que ses racines neurologiques et physiologiques, etc. L’auteur passe aussi en revue les efforts pour en arriver à la rédaction d’un manuel sur la psychothérapie focalisée sur le transfert, un manuel répondant aux critères d’une méthode manualisée. Enfin, l’auteur résume les recherches faites pour mesurer l’efficacité psychothérapique de la méthode et les possibilités de généralisation.The author describes the stages of elaboration of Transference Focused Psychotherapy (TFP) : choice of theoretical model, observation and analyses of several sessions of psychotherapy led by experienced therapists, team discussions on problems encountered that rise both from the pathology itself and from the therapeutic approach applied, a quest of empirical data to explain as much the personality disorder as its neurological and psychological roots, etc. The author reviews the efforts made to arrive at the description in writing of a manual on TFP, a manual that meets the criteria of a treatment method. Finally, the author summarizes studies conducted to measure the psychotherapeutic efficacy of the method and the possibilities of generalizability.El autor reconstituye las etapas de elaboración de la psicoterapia focalizada en la transferencia: elección de un modelo teórico, observación y análisis de numerosas sesiones de psicoterapia llevadas a cabo por terapeutas experimentados; discusiones en equipo sobre las dificultades encontradas que provienen tanto de la patología misma como de la terapia aplicada; búsqueda de datos empíricos para explicar tanto el trastorno de la personalidad, así como sus raíces neurológicas, psicológicas, etc. El autor también revisa los esfuerzos para llegar a la redacción de un manual sobre la psicoterapia focalizada en la transferencia, un manual que responde a los criterios de un método manualizado. Finalmente, el autor resume las investigaciones realizadas para medir la eficacia psicoterapéutica del método y las posibilidades de generalización.O autor relata as etapas de elaboração da psicoterapia focada na transferência: escolha de um modelo teórico, observação e análise de várias sessões de psicoterapia dirigidas por terapeutas experientes, discussões em equipe sobre as dificuldades encontradas tanto sobre a patologia quanto a terapêutica aplicada, busca de dados empíricos para explicar tanto o transtorno da personalidade quanto as raízes neurológicas e fisiológicas, etc. O autor passa em revista também os esforços para chegar à redação de um manual sobre a psicoterapia focada na transferência, um manual que responda aos critérios de um método “manualizado”. Finalmente, o autor resume as pesquisas feitas para medir a eficácia psicoterapêutica do método e as possibilidades de generalização

    Utilizing the Innovative Leadership Behavior Inventory and Relationship Marketing as Critical Elements for Teaching/Learning Entrepreneurial Leadership (EL)

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    The focus of this paper will be on utilizing the five-factor Leader Behavior Inventory (LBI) as the structure, and various teaching or learning pedagogy and related processes and relationships as the intervening variables in order to help entrepreneurs assess then enhance their potential leadership behavior. In turn, this should foster the decision process necessary to accomplish enterprise building or organizational development thus enhancing the cycle time for critical change. Should the LBI and associated assessment tools and processes indicate such, the best practice strategies may involve bringing in professional management, slowing the growth of the enterprise to allow for leadership development, or an appropriate exit strategy

    Attachment and Mentalization in Female Patients With Comorbid Narcissistic and Borderline Personality Disorder

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    We investigated attachment representations and the capacity for mentalization in a sample of adult female borderline patients with and without comorbid narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). Participants were 22 borderline patients diagnosed with comorbid NPD (NPD/BPD) and 129 BPD patients without NPD (BPD) from 2 randomized clinical trials. Attachment and mentalization were assessed on the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI; George

    Current practice of psychological assessment.

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    Empirical typology of adolescent personality organization

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    The concept of personality organization (PO) is central to current psychodynamic understanding of normal personality development as well as the development of personality disorders (PDs). However, individual differences in PO have primarily been studied in adult populations, and it remains unclear whether the clinical indicators of normal, neurotic and borderline PO manifest differently during adolescence. This study aimed to address the gaps in current knowledge regarding the potentially different manifestation of pathological PO in adolescence. In addition, we wanted to further establish the validity of the adolescent version of the Inventory of Personality Organization, by identifying cut-off points for each of the main dimensions of Normal, Neurotic, and Borderline PO. Participants included 430 adolescents (M = 16 years old) from the community. Cluster analysis identified three levels of PO corresponding to Normal, Neurotic, and Borderline PO. Cut- off points between the different POs were successfully established using ROC curve analyses

    Construct validity of a measure of affective communication in psychotherapy.

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