2,025 research outputs found

    Highly Perturbed pKa Values in the Unfolded State of Hen Egg White Lysozyme

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    AbstractThe majority of pKa values in protein unfolded states are close to the amino acid model pKa values, thus reflecting the weak intramolecular interactions present in the unfolded ensemble of most proteins. We have carried out thermal denaturation measurements on the WT and eight mutants of HEWL from pH 1.5 to pH 11.0 to examine the unfolded state pKa values and the pH dependence of protein stability for this enzyme. The availability of accurate pKa values for the folded state of HEWL and separate measurements of mutant-induced effects on the folded state pKa values, allows us to estimate the pKa values of seven acidic residues in the unfolded state of HEWL. Asp-48 and Asp-66 display pKa values of 2.9 and 3.1 in our analysis, thus representing the most depressed unfolded state pKa values observed to date. We observe a strong correlation between the folded state pKa values and the unfolded state pKa values of HEWL, thus suggesting that the unfolded state of HEWL possesses a large degree of native state characteristics

    Transcriptome profiling of mice testes following low dose irradiation

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    BACKGROUND: Radiotherapy is used routinely to treat testicular cancer. Testicular cells vary in radio-sensitivity and the aim of this study was to investigate cellular and molecular changes caused by low dose irradiation of mice testis and to identify transcripts from different cell types in the adult testis. METHODS: Transcriptome profiling was performed on total RNA from testes sampled at various time points (n = 17) after 1 Gy of irradiation. Transcripts displaying large overall expression changes during the time series, but small expression changes between neighbouring time points were selected for further analysis. These transcripts were separated into clusters and their cellular origin was determined. Immunohistochemistry and in silico quantification was further used to study cellular changes post-irradiation (pi). RESULTS: We identified a subset of transcripts (n = 988) where changes in expression pi can be explained by changes in cellularity. We separated the transcripts into five unique clusters that we associated with spermatogonia, spermatocytes, early spermatids, late spermatids and somatic cells, respectively. Transcripts in the somatic cell cluster showed large changes in expression pi, mainly caused by changes in cellularity. Further investigations revealed that the low dose irradiation seemed to cause Leydig cell hyperplasia, which contributed to the detected expression changes in the somatic cell cluster. CONCLUSIONS: The five clusters represent gene expression in distinct cell types of the adult testis. We observed large expression changes in the somatic cell profile, which mainly could be attributed to changes in cellularity, but hyperplasia of Leydig cells may also play a role. We speculate that the possible hyperplasia may be caused by lower testosterone production and inadequate inhibin signalling due to missing germ cells

    Transformed Dissipation in Superconducting Quantum Circuits

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    Superconducting quantum circuits must be designed carefully to avoid dissipation from coupling to external control circuitry. Here we introduce the concept of current transformation to quantify coupling to the environment. We test this theory with an experimentally-determined impedance transformation of ∼105\sim 10^5 and find quantitative agreement better than a factor of 2 between this transformation and the reduced lifetime of a phase qubit coupled to a tunable transformer. Higher-order corrections from quantum fluctuations are also calculated with this theory, but found not to limit the qubit lifetime. We also illustrate how this simple connection between current and impedance transformation can be used to rule out dissipation sources in experimental qubit systems.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Extremum seeking control of quantum gates

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    To be useful for quantum computation, gate operations must be maintained at high fidelities over long periods of time. In addition to decoherence, slow drifts in control hardware leads to inaccurate gates, causing the quality of operation of as-built quantum computers to vary over time. Here, we demonstrate a data-driven approach to stabilized control, combining extremum-seeking control (ESC) with direct randomized benchmarking (DRB) to stabilize two-qubit gates under unknown control parameter fluctuations. As a case study, we consider these control strategies in the context of a trapped ion quantum computer using physically-realistic simulation. We then experimentally demonstrate this control strategy on a state-of-the-art, commercial trapped-ion quantum computer.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Transport through an impurity tunnel coupled to a Si/SiGe quantum dot

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    Achieving controllable coupling of dopants in silicon is crucial for operating donor-based qubit devices, but it is difficult because of the small size of donor-bound electron wavefunctions. Here we report the characterization of a quantum dot coupled to a localized electronic state, and we present evidence of controllable coupling between the quantum dot and the localized state. A set of measurements of transport through this device enable the determination of the most likely location of the localized state, consistent with an electronically active impurity in the quantum well near the edge of the quantum dot. The experiments we report are consistent with a gate-voltage controllable tunnel coupling, which is an important building block for hybrid donor and gate-defined quantum dot devices.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
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