3 research outputs found


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    1 data set containing density time series for Paramecium bursaria in four different treatments<div>1 data set with the results of a foraging experiment with the predatory copepod Eucyclops agilis preying on Paramecium bursaria</div><div>1 data set with flowcam measurements for individual Paramecium bursaria for the four different treatments considered in the paper.</div><div><br></div><div>For info on experimental details please check:</div><div><br></div><div>Gibert et al 2017, The ecological consequences of environmentally induced</div><div>phenotypic changes, Ecology Letters </div

    Data for Dryad DeLong et al 2018 BIOL LETT

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    This file is an Excel file with two tabs. The first tab 'Metabolic data' has the data on metabolic rate at each temperature. These are the data making up the thermal performance curves. This tab also has species, original and unit-corrected rates, and information on sources. The second tab 'Meta data set' has the peak metabolic rate, optimal temperature, and organismal data for each curve


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    Data to accompany "QTL analysis of soft scald in two apple populations" published online 14 September 2016 in Horticulture Research, by McClure et al. (doi:10.1038/hortres.2016.43